what's your man's middle name? why is he ashamed of it?


Well-Known Member
So, he FINALLY told me what his middle name is lmao! he is soo ashamed of it but I personally think it's cute. his middle name is Waverly... It mad cute but he blushes whenever we talk about it.
Arnold :perplexed

'Nuff said.


It's his father's name :yep: who I just adore. We call him Arnie.
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Don't have a SO, but I hate my middle name. Its got 4 letters and 3 consonants, one of which is "g". Its just not cute. I luuuuuuuuv my first name though. :yep:
Jay, although I don't think he's ashamed of it. It was pretty humorous when I went to say, "Like in The Simpsons!" and he cut me off already knowing I was going to reference that. :laugh:
A'gin. It is a Muslim name. His family calls him that. I like that name. Funny thing though, I call him by his LAST name.:lachen:

Mine is Deborah...and I say it like de-BORE-ah. :yep:
My ex's is Ramzes, he loved his middle name...me, not soo much.:lachen:

My current SO's middle name is Dwayne, every Dwayne or Wayne I have ever known is crazy and I told him I am just waiting for his craziness to start showing, lol.:lachen:
His middle name is Gene. He does not really care. When you hear his full name you would be like, dang that is a country name...lol..but he is a third so its his father and grandfather's name.
DH's is Jokeish, pronounced Jo-keesh. He hates his middle name so much. His mom told me that she regrets naming him that and I told her it's ok, I love him anyway.
DH middle name is Mordecai and he doesn't like it. When we first started dating it took him 4 months to actually tell me what it was. Even then he didnt come right out and say it, he gave me clues and I had to figure it out on my own.
DH middle name is Mordecai and he doesn't like it. When we first started dating it took him 4 months to actually tell me what it was. Even then he didnt come right out and say it, he gave me clues and I had to figure it out on my own.

I like that. It sounds kind of macabre though lol.