What's your favourite mix?


Well-Known Member
meaning what conditioners do you mix together to give yourself a special treatment.
For me,I really like Le Kair Cholesterol mixed with Kenra MC.It works better than either does alone.My hair feels strong AND moisturized.
Kenra MC with Kenra Intensive Emollient treatment. I find it extremely hard just to use one conditioner at a time. I don't think I ever have.
I like to mix a little Kenra with one of my dominican conditioners like nacidit avocado. I also like Keracare Humecto with Kenra or Nexxus Humectress.
my hair is lovin Lustrasilk Aloe Vera Cholesterol mixed with jojoba oil, EVOO and Queen Helene cholesterol hot oil tx....all warmed up! i can slather it onto the most tangled of fros and the comb slides through like buttah!