Do you mix deep conditioners?

I mix my dc w/ stuff. Usuallys oils evoo or avocado or a little bit of aphogee 2 min added. I hardly ever mix 2 dcs together by itself.
Honestly, in the beginning of my journey I was a total mixologist. Always have been and always will be. However, now that my hair is longer my wash days take about 30 minutes because I wash in twists and DC in twists. My DC is aphogee 2min keratin blahblahblah so I literally just wash out my shampoo and squeeze the reconstructor through the twists. My fine hair neeeeeds protein, and since this reconstruct or is very moisturizing I don't feel the need to use a moisturizer afterwards. My Aussie moist 3mm has been low for months bow and I haven't bought a new one so hey *shrugs *.
I will mix the remnants of leftover DCs together in order to create enough product for one application. I also routinely add carrier and EOs to my DCs. It’s an extremely rare occurrence for me to encounter a DC that performs well without any additions.

There are those that maintain balance by adding a splash of a mild to moderate reconstructor to their moisturizing DCs, which eliminates an extra step for protein on wash day.

:yep:, especially to the bolded.

I mix together Giovanni Nutrafix (reconstructor, protein), Giovanni 2Chic Ultra Moisturizing Conditioner (no protein), Texas Natural Supply Creme Conditioner Base (silk and wheat proteins) and Texas Natural Supply Lotion Base II Extra Moisturizing (no protein).

To this, I also add EVOO, EVCO and glycerin.

Detangling is ridiculously easy, my hair feels and looks like heaven and is both moisturized and strong.

And I'm able to stretch my products longer.
I mix my dc w/ stuff. Usuallys oils evoo or avocado or a little bit of aphogee 2 min added. I hardly ever mix 2 dcs together by itself.

Do you leave this on your hair more than the five mins max they have on the Aphogee label? I think that I am afraid to leave that in too long because the 2 step Aphogee protein product is so strong.