whats wrong with people?


New Member
I told this girl i buy vitamins to help my hair grow and she laughed. She said well mine is all natural and i dont need vitamins to grow my hair. What the h***? she make it seem like my hair is artificial because i take vitamins. She made me so mad.
Don't be angry. You'll get that a lot. I find the best thing is not to discuss what you do to grow your hair with some people.
Don't worry about it. People just love to hate on you for anything. Just ignore her and continue to do your thing. There are alot of people here who take vitains, myself included, so you've got support from this board

Best wishes,Renee
Well said Pebbles. I have no problem sharing my regimen and secrets with individuals who sincerely want to know what I do. But when most ask what I do(outside of LHCF), I simply state that I try my best to care for it with quality products and patience.
Is she anorexic or something? Reason I ask is because she's getting the same nutrients by eating. Please look over idiots like this. Really...
she thought it was a funny because im a male. She said i dont see why you worry about your hair so much. Im like would you rather i walk around looking a mess.
oh, I see. Alot of females think guys don't pay much attention to their hair like us females. Maybe she thought it was funny because she never seen a guy care so much about his hair...
Next time just tell people you take vitamins for your overall health, because like you said they would benefit there. People would think I was a junkie if they saw my vitamin cabinet, but yet i'm always getting compliments on my clear skin, natural nails, etc. I don't get sick often either.

I don't believe that you have to take tons of vits to get your hair to grow, but I do think that if you don't have a balanced diet, they are important anyway.

I don't think I could have added anything more to what Kaela said about taking your vitamins for overall health and the impact in terms of your diet.

You have come in contact with great IGNORANCE. Just ignore crap like that and do your own thing. I applaud you as a male that you are taking care of your hair NOW. Too many men only become concerned when their hair starts doing something funky or falls out. Hopefully with examples like you and some of our boyfriends, brothers, and husbands from this site, more men will realize that taking care of their hair is just another aspect of personal care which requires attention.

Much Love,

Ah don't let that get to you. What I usually do is ask if they have a certain product for nails and I don't get any strange looks or smirks (I do have some jacked up nails tho').
Just stick to your regimen and don't worry about what other people say. People always have some crap to say about anyone else's plans--she could be jealous, you never know.