What's up with your hair right now?

My hair is pretty angry at me for the first time since starting my journey. Overmoisturized last week but followed up with a protein treatment and airdried it to try and remedy the problem. This week was the first week that I did NO manipulation whatsoever - no combing or brushing I just pulled it back into a ponytail, so I know I have some seriousness going on up there.

Today is wash day though, and I plan on henna'ing to further repair last week's mistakes. Suffering from dry hair also, I think I'll go grab that Dove mist everyone's talking about. Anyway, and then its onto a rollerset!!
i'm ok w/ it now. last texlax was early august and i'm transitioning back to natural. it's a frizzy mess, but i'm dealin wth it.
my hair is same old, same old...its in braids right now and I think its getting tired of the braids
I have been on C&G for 15 months now and when I hit the 2 year mark I will be done with braids forever....I think the problem is that as your hair get longer it gets harder to have braids
when I take them out im devoting 2 months just my my edges cuz they need some work!:yep:
I'm really liking my hair for the first time in a long time! Before LHCF I didn't pay much attention to it, but now I've been pampering it and moisturizing it and I can tell the difference. I got a relaxer yesterday and although my stylists didn't say anything- I could tell the difference in my hair. Its not dry anymore:woot:

I've been faithfully taking my hair vitamins-I used to be sporadic- and I am drinking at least 66oz. of water every day :float:and that's just the water that I measure and drink. My water intake through food, water w/meals, juice, etc. has me getting probably close to 100oz! My hair is thanking me and my skin is too!:yep:
Well, I was having a problem with shedding but that seems over now. I used some Essations Hair Mender and I have continued with my Alter Ego Hot Garlic. I even found some Garlic Oil I had and put it on my scalp overnight. That really helped, also.
I have noticed that my hair does much better with more frequent washing. Lately I have been waiting 5 or 6 days between washes. Maybe that was the cause of my shedding. Before it was 2 to 4. My hair definitely suffers after the 4th day so I have to keep an eye on that. I see more shedding and breakage :nono:. At least I learned something.
Really disturbed by what's happenin w/ my left side. :nono:

I think I'm gonna try washing once a week (poo 1x, co-wash 1x) and see how my hair does. I know I need to DC twice a week for a while til this left side starts to heal. That's about it.
Really disturbed by what's happenin w/ my left side. :nono:

I think I'm gonna try washing once a week (poo 1x, co-wash 1x) and see how my hair does. I know I need to DC twice a week for a while til this left side starts to heal. That's about it.

I had a spot on my right side that was acting up this past spring. I just babied that area til it behaved. I would give it extra moisture and extra conditioner. I would even put a different conditioner on that area sometimes. The extra attention helped and now I can't even tell where it was. Don't fret, it will pass.
I had a spot on my right side that was acting up this past spring. I just babied that area til it behaved. I would give it extra moisture and extra conditioner. I would even put a different conditioner on that area sometimes. The extra attention helped and now I can't even tell where it was. Don't fret, it will pass.

Thank so much! I'm trying not to be psycho about it and obsess but it's really buggin me. But I'm gonna do like you said and just baby it... I didn't think about using a diff. conditioner on it! :thumbsup: I dc'd in 15 min. incriments last week and added extra condish to that area for the last 15 mins. I'm considering doing a hard protein tx tonite but I dunno if that would do more damage than good, ya know? Ah well...
Looking fly w/ my recent bob hair cut! :grinwink: My hair is so smooth and moves w/ a head tilt. :grin: HOT!

I'm still doing washes w/ airdried rollersets, but I've moved them to just 1-2 times a week as opposed to almost daily. Also, I revamped the heat :look: ,which is the main reason for the decreased washes. A little touch of the ceramic curling iron just really sleeks it out and protects it from that h-town humidity :yep:

I do wish I could find a way to go back to daily washes though. I just know that has contributed to my hair looking so hot right now.

I'll think of something:scratchch
Thank so much! I'm trying not to be psycho about it and obsess but it's really buggin me. But I'm gonna do like you said and just baby it... I didn't think about using a diff. conditioner on it! :thumbsup: I dc'd in 15 min. incriments last week and added extra condish to that area for the last 15 mins. I'm considering doing a hard protein tx tonite but I dunno if that would do more damage than good, ya know? Ah well...

Yeah, I would always add a bit of good moisturizing conditioner to that spot, no matter what I was using. It was so brittle and crackly. I don't know but it sure smoothed out in no time.

Oh, there are 2 bottles of WRTC with your name on it here in upstate NY. Just let me know...
Yeah, I would always add a bit of good moisturizing conditioner to that spot, no matter what I was using. It was so brittle and crackly. I don't know but it sure smoothed out in no time.

Oh, there are 2 bottles of WRTC with your name on it here in upstate NY. Just let me know...

Check ya pm's.. :sekret:
I'm 10 weeks post and trying my best to stay low manipulation until my next touch up. Lots of new growth, so I'm doing curly styles. Currently my hair is in a flexirod set and it's very moisturized and shiny (avatar-esque) thanks to avocado oil rinses :grin:

Don't know how much longer I plan to stretch, but my current regimen is easy and breezy so I'm in no hurry!
I've been confused about what I want and how to get it.

My hair doesn't work well under relaxers or texturizers.
I am a 4a mixed with a little 3c in the back.

I've been buying all sorts of crap and not paying attention to how my hair reacts. I've become a bit of a product junkie and now I have to use all of this stuff up so that I don't have a bunch of useless stuff in my bathroom.

I never thought my hair would grow like it did, but I'm 8 months post texturizer and I'm almost the same exact length that I was before the transition. I'm learning what works, and how to deal with shrinkage.

I'm slowly but surely going to get it together!
I'm 4 months into my transition and I am getting bored.

All I do now are braidouts and airdried ponytails. I can't wait for my hair to be completely natural.

I am considering doing the BC in the next few months. My transition is going pretty well this time around but, I miss my rollersets a lot :sad:.
Well I slathered my hair in ORS hair mayo, threw it up in a jaw clip and went to work. Still have yet to rinse it out :look: I may keep doing this from here on out. Whats the worse that could happen?:rolleyes: Keeps me from touching and twirling my hair too :lol:
ok...*phew* whippin sweat from forhead. I went to the salon today and think I can make it yall! I think I will surpass the itch to texlax at 9 weeks by preserving my hair do from today! Now, my next challenge is "Learning to Cross Wrap!"
I've been moisturizing my hair because it seems to be dry. So I have been using Aveda BR shampoo and conditioner. My hair seems to love it but I'm going to watch how my hair continues to react to it. I was actually at the salon today as a walk in but I couldn't bring myself to let some else do my hair. So therfore, I left and decided to invest in a FHI because I'll like to occasioally switch from roller sets. The only problem is I'll have to learn to use it.
I stopped battling with my hair. I gave up on figuring out how to make it do what I wanted. I just decided to go with the flow.

My hair has been dry and a bit temperamental since I did my last relaxer. I have been conditioning , and giving it light protein to try to help it out. I think its better for me not to apply any heat for a while , so I have been wearing wash and go's.

I am on the lookout for staple products. I went through my hair drawer again and decided to sell the products I haven't used and the ones that didn't work for me.
I'm somewhat happy with my hair although it is soooo dry and I have no idea how to correct this issue. I gave myself a slight trim so my ends look nice but again my hair is as dry as a desert.:look:
I'm somewhat happy with my hair although it is soooo dry and I have no idea how to correct this issue. I gave myself a slight trim so my ends look nice but again my hair is as dry as a desert.:look:

I was having that problem about two months ago. I had to really up my moisture products. These helped me:

Aveda Brilliant conditioner
Dove Replenishing Mist
Fermodyl 19
Castor oil - prepoo, with deep conditioners and daily sealing
A mix of Rosewater/Glycerin with honeyquat and SAA added
ORS Replenishing packs

I use these like a fanatic and it got rid of my itchies and my dry a** hair. I am paying much more attention to my moisture/protein balance and my hair is appreciating it.
Hmmm... I've kind of been ignoring it. :blush: When I co-washed this week, I noticed that as I was detangling it, the hair in the back was past SL unstretched and APL stretched. So it's growing, I guess. :yawn:

With so many other things going on, I have just been doing the bare minimal (wash or co-wash, deep condition, moisturize and bun). I'm thinking about hiding my hair until Christmas. It will give both of 'us' a break. I transitioned for 2 years and 3 months and I have been 100% natural for 3.5 months.
I am still aiming for APL by December. Currently wearing a MBL sew in and loving it. Trying to keep my braids moisturized and my scalp clean. Hoping for very little shedding and NO breakage!
I am working to be more consistent with my hair. My hair is in good condition but, I need to get back on a regular henna schedule. I am sitting around right now with my saran wrapped henned head. I am also going to do a protein conditioner more regularly.

I am loving the fact that I have a set product list now. Once I use up all this back stock in my house, I will only purchase my list of products that actually work. I am loving my natural hair.
lately i really havent been doing much to my hair. i decided to transition ever since i had my second baby. it's been 7 months now and i've been wearing it in a pony tail in the back and just turn it into a bun. The products i've been using are tress extreme curl cream. sulfur 8 grease, olive oil oil sheen, small amount of mtg, no vitamins or b.c. i wash it with pantene pro v.
I'm trying this mix in my hair under a plastic cap.

coconut oil
olive oil
wheatgerm oil
shea butter
Apple cider vinegar
Two overripe bananas

all blended together, felt smooth going on. We shall see
I've been wearing a bun all spring and summer with conditioner on the ends. Somehow this simple routine agrees with my hair because it's grown quite well. Using satin hair scrunchies has eliminated the breakage and splits that plagued me before. If I continue this routine I really think my hair can grow as long as I want it. I'd love to break the cycle of 1.) Grow it out 2.) Mess it up 3.) Cut it off.

Since things are going well I don't want to add much to my regimen. However, I recently began light applications of BT and Keracare Creme Headdress. So far I've experience no negative impact on my hair. BT is very light. I almost forget it's there. And the Keracare does a great job of softening my hair in spite of the ingredients.

A few weeks ago I had a serious bout with shedding. But things seem to be calming down now.
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