What's up with your hair right now?

dryness but just discovered AO honeysuckle rose conditioner and castor oil, this working wonders.
stretching - aiming for 18wks, now 7wks 1 day. first time stretching without braids-biweekly deep conditioning and rollersetting seems to be helping.
My hair is getting bigger so I guess it's growing. I straightened it for my birthday but kept it in a bun lubed with WGO. The longest lengths look 'waist' but I ain't claiming it the title yet. :look:
Im loving my hair but I think my hair is slightly ticked off at me....I wore it exposed in a puff for two weeks and now its been straight for two weeks. My ends are crying for moisture and protection...Last wash, I saw minor breakage like 1/8 inch pieces so I know my ends need some TLC and the back half of my head needs a dusting.
However, the front half of my head...the ends are good :spinning: Go figure!
My hair needs to be trimmed. I really need to let go of an inch now and maybe another 1/2 inch in december. After my cowash last night with pantene mask, my hair feels like BUTTA. It is super soft and even my newgrowth feels good. I would be a whole lot happier with two more inches so I could be closer to a FULL shoulder length but its all good in the hood. I will get there one way or another.
Well, I finally have some staples, Creme of Nature Shampoo, Neutrogena Mask or Pantene Mask, UBH Protein Conditioner, Giovanni Direct Leave-In, UBH Moisturizer or Neutrogena Silk Touch Leave-In when my hair is really dry, Paul Mitchell Detangler, Boundless Tresses & the Revitalizing Balm and Castor Oil.

To me it seems like my hair should be longer (longest section is just past my shoulders, stretched). I'm natural, so I'm thinking maybe I can't see the growth because of shrinkage. But, at the same time I don't want to straighten my hair. I keep my hair braided under my half wig. I just wish my hair would hurry up and grow...just call me impatient.:rolleyes:
My hair is in braids right now and everything is fine. The problem I am currently experiencing is that has as my hair gets longer, the ends are getting thinner. I noticed this as I was redoing/tightening the braids in the back of my head. I have major splits and have been cutting them off gradually throughout the year. However, as the year ends I will be cutting off the remaining damage. I just wanted to get to BSL(just so I know I could get there) before I do a big cut and I believe I'll make it by December. I need to cut 2.5inches off. I will do that at the end of December so that I will have thick ends and start fresh right at APL in the new year. I want to make it to my final goal with thick ends.

Other than that, my hair feels fine, my regimen is fairly simple and I'm able to stick to it without any problems.
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My hair is nice clean and soft, because I washed on sunday. :grin: However I really need a protien treatment ASAP:ohwell: I havent had one since last year. I BC'ed in March and My natural hair hasn't had a shot of strong protien either. I'm just too darn lazy to get one and also confused as to which one to get:ohwell: Aphogee, Nexxus, Aveda? Just don't know:ohwell::ohwell:
I just prepood, washed, dc'd, and rollerset. And now i'm sitting under the dryer. I too have been experiencing shedding and i don't know if my protein conditioners are helping at all. I really think its my own fault. I haven't trimmed since the end of April and i'm trying to make it a yr w/o one, but if this shedding continues....we'll see. :ohwell:
It's been acting weird since I got a relaxer with ORS Lye. It started breaking/shedding more than usual and IDK why. It can't be because i've been stretching because I've stretched from April to July and has MINIMAL shedding/breakage
-sigh- IDK
I know it's not my prosperity and it's pretty much balanced. I tried cold water rinses and I did a small trim. Maybe my hair's in a phase because I remember it doing this around this time last year.
I'm just trying to leave it alone in the meanwhile ( Low manipulation)
Right now I'm pleased with my hair. I'm cornrowed with my beads and foil.
I'm just stretching until the end of December to see where it grows. I'm anticipating APL. The back is there but it will look so much nicer once the sides get the 2 inches it needs.
My hair is doing good. It's growing well and it's thick and healthy. I have very little breakage and my shedding is normal.

My only problem now is that I am working out regularly again and it's difficult to figure out what to do with my hair while working out. It gets sweaty when I workout so I'm trying to only really work out hard on my wash days and tone it down on my non-wash days.
My hair is FINALLY soft, shiny and moisturized WITHOUT being greasy! I've got my moisturizing routine down for sure and my hair is thanking me for it! Castor oil is my best friend (but I can only use a little bit)!!!

I'm also discovering that my hair really like organic products. Plus, it's nice to be able to recognize most if not all of the ingredients in my products!

Still having a bit of breakage that is frustrating me. Going to try Aphogee 2 Minute Intensive Keratin Reconstructor this weekend to see if that will do the trick.
My hair is doing very well...I've been wearing it in a wash n' go.....no breakage, minimal shedding. It looks bigger but I don't plan on doing a length check until I get to the end of my countdown ticker. I want to be pleasantly surprised when I finally do check the length. :yep:

I have my regimen down pat, haven't given in to PJ urges, I have stocked up on my staples....now if I remain consistent then I should be hitting all of my goals with relative speed. :spinning:
Quite honestly it looks like crap and makes me want to run for the hills. Im not liking my overall appearance right about now so I cant blame it fully on the hair.
Let's see, Im about 13 weeks post relaxer and I have very thick hair so manipulating each section is pretty impossible for me. I cant even afford any products or anything else to aid me so Im going to suffer, try bantu knots and prob relax very soon.:wallbash:
It's been acting weird since I got a relaxer with ORS Lye. It started breaking/shedding more than usual and IDK why. It can't be because i've been stretching because I've stretched from April to July and has MINIMAL shedding/breakage
-sigh- IDK
I know it's not my prosperity and it's pretty much balanced. I tried cold water rinses and I did a small trim. Maybe my hair's in a phase because I remember it doing this around this time last year.
I'm just trying to leave it alone in the meanwhile ( Low manipulation)

:perplexed I had the same problems after using ORS lye. I loved it at first but my started acting up and that is the first thing I changed. My hair is so much better since.
Alter Ego Hot Garlic and Cinnamon/Rosemary prepoos really helped me get over that.
My hair is FINALLY soft, shiny and moisturized WITHOUT being greasy! I've got my moisturizing routine down for sure and my hair is thanking me for it! Castor oil is my best friend (but I can only use a little bit)!!!

I'm also discovering that my hair really like organic products. Plus, it's nice to be able to recognize most if not all of the ingredients in my products!

Still having a bit of breakage that is frustrating me. Going to try Aphogee 2 Minute Intensive Keratin Reconstructor this weekend to see if that will do the trick.

So what's you moisturizing routine?
I am happy with my hair right now. I too have soft moisturized and shiny hair without being greasy. I have a regimen now and some staples. I intend to use what I have for now, if something does not work I will just change how I use it to see if makes a difference. I am four weeks post and stretching to 12 weeks although I want to stretch for 14 weeks.

A little shedding so I guess it is normal, but monitoring it. I plan to just continue with my regimen for the rest of the year and see the results.

Right now I am loving my curly rollerset dos keeps the hair off my clothes. I only finger comb throughout the day if I need to and then rollerset again at night. I dont comb until before I shampoo(2X a week) and after applying leave in and sealant.

I dusted my hair myself for the first time after reading the thread on it and I am happy with the results ends look much better.

I think I can look forward to winter now. Before I dreaded it because my hair was so dry and breaking all the time

I am truly greatful to all you LHCF ladies for your invaluable advice.
Hmmm, let's see. I'm bored with my hair. Because I needed a change, I blew my hair dry and flat ironed it tonight instead of my usual air drying. It came out better than expected, even with the month's worth of new growth. I used my brand new Sedu and Chi's Silk Infusion. I think I might try this more often. Just to switch it up a bit, ya know?

ETA: I do have to say that I'm pretty happy with my hair's length. :grin:
Dry as hell right now

i hope my hair does not fall the hell out

last night i pre poo'd with evoo that i let some smashed garlic cloves sit in in side my little fridge for 2 days that and some dove intense moist con

lets just say that did not go we'll
but me and my hair are fighting we made up sunday and got back into it tuesday

the texlex sections are in a battle

so much that i'm thinking of perming this saturday

correction: it's not dry, it's hard as all get out (i just moisturized it)
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Tt's retaining a lot of moisture, and I'm trying to get the airdry/roller-set thing down...but it;s not coming out the way I like it...which may be because I used too much Castor oil, or because I haven't had a relaxer since umm...August and my thick hair is trying to tell me something (:ohwell:)
Anyway, I don't like the way I look at all right now, my face is breaking out for some strange reason and my weight loss is at some strange plateu...the gym lady says I've lost Buku inches, but I can't tell GRRR....:wallbash: But this is the haircare forum right? So, as I was saying...my hair is getting along, I think I may need to add something else by the way of protein and a good deep conditioner to my regime to get the results I would like...
I'm onw week post relaxer and looovvvving it, i might add.:grin: My stylist always relaxes me bone straight, so my hair always appears thin as hell afterwards. So other than that all is well. Wonders is it possible for her to overprocess my hair every three months? No, right!?
My scalp has been itching the entire day. That never happens so I wonder what going on. I am 4 weeks post and true to form I've got 1/2 " of NG. I think I'm still on course for December.
Loving my hair right now!

I'm just finishing postpartum shedding and because my hair is normally so thick I get a break and I'm able to do my hair with ease. I lost hair in the temples which is typical in this type of shedding and it took like a month and it is finally growing in nicely(thank God I can wear a ponytail without looking funny). I had a baby last year too and went through the same thing then.
I'm 8 weeks post and thinking of ways I can get my hair to go past my normal 9 weeks without giving me fits!:wallbash:

It always starts to break a bit here and there around week 8 post. I "NEED" to get to APL by December and NEED to stretch as loooonnnngggg as i can. My mind is going 90 MPH on ways to get me there or atleast....just get me past October without having to TLax! On top of that hair matter, I've embraced this whole airdrying thang but for some reason this week my hair has not responded well! IT FEELS LIKE....YUK!! :pyro:Like...Paper or something no matter how many moisturizers I put in or Leave in Conditioners. I thinks its being rebellious and fitting against me because i've got plans go beyond my normal stretch! So right now for me its a battlefield between me and this crazy hurr!:catfight: Wish me luck yall!!
My hair is growing back nicely since my 2nd big chop down to a baldy 3 months ago. Its about 1.5 inches long now (see avatar pic). In the past, my main issue was keeping my hair moisturized, but now I have that down pact. So now, my main focus is on my crown area which has always given me a problem (dry, brittle, short). But overall, my hair has been very healthy since my second big chop--I'm just hoping that it stays this way.
I'm loving my hair more than ever! I love wearing it in a long, swingy rollerset (like today) or a thick, loosely braided bun low on the nape (or off to the side), with long, spiral tendrils, or a low ponytail.

I still use very little manipulation, even less these days although I still wash 2x each week. I can remove my rollers and scarf after airdrying overnight, apply a little Aveda serum or some Aveda Anti-Humectant, fluff out my hair and that's it--it only takes about 3 - 5 minutes to style my hair each day until the next wash day.

If it's raining outside or very humid and I'm wearing my hair down, I'll leave my pincurls in with my satin scarf on and take it down in a restroom when I arrive to my destination. Same with a braidout, I'll leave my braids in with the scarf until I get where I'm going.

My personal challenge these days is to have "good hair days" everyday, no matter what the weather. Keeping my regimen consistent and as simple as possible is really making a difference. :)
I haven't been doing to much to my hair. I tried to twist my hair a couple of times, but I was tired and just gave up. I will do something special to it next week though. I have been either wearing a wash and go or just wearing a scarf around, moisturizing my hair daily. I'm going to shampoo my hair tomorrow and DC. I just bought some castor oil and I'm going to see how that works with the conditioner. I like the feel and thickness of castor oil. I hope it keeps my hair thick after I have this baby to counteract the post partum shedding. Overall it seems like it is growing ok and I don't have any problems with it.
My hair is RECOVERING...thank God it didn't break off!:blush:

I decided to do a hardcore Aphogee treatment. After rinsing it out I added conditioner and went under the dryer. I shoulda known something was wrong b/c my hair felt really hard even w/ the conditioner on it. Turns out I didn't wash out all of the Aphogee and some of my hair broke as I tried to rollerset. 2 shampoo washes (including a clarifying poo) and 3 dc's later, my hair returned to normal:drunk:. Sad part is after all of that mess, it's going right back into a bun...