
Well-Known Member
On lacefront wigs? I am considering one but havent kept up with the threads on them. I did a forum search and there was so many threads I didnt know wher to start. So my question is it a good thing or a bad thing? Enquiring minds wanna know. Thank you all so very very much.
good: if you have the money and time for the maintenance and love good quality hair you can rock over and over with any free style and love to look extra fabulous and fool hundreds of people who will second guess either who in the ham does your weave, or what products do you use on your hair. .

bad: if you have no money no time, scared of glue, scared of your hairline, scared it may "lift" and slide down the street while you walk.think wigs are too hot, hate research, hate experimenting, if you got your measurements wrong and now you have to sell on ebay to get your $350.00 back, rather get a 19.99 quick weave that you can throw in the drawer instead of trying to get a nice dummy head and use your own good product on this "quality" hair in order to keep it up and being self conscious that somebody "knows" it's a lacefront.

I personally own 2 and love them but I have absolutely no time to do applications.
My hair line is the main reason that I won't get one. I am scared of destroying it. And after all the youtube videos that I have seen, I don't see people with hairlines on them. I want to get one and do the adhesive tape applications but I don't know I have thinning edges already so I don't want to make it worse.