What's the real reason...

You're growing your hair?

For me I can think of two reasons. First I've always wanted long hair. Second I think it might help me look prettier. Not saying that short hair is ugly or that all long hair is pretty but I think for me it might help me look a little better.

Funny childhood story. When I was about 6,7,8 years old we had a big roll of string. When my parents weren't around I would cut about 5 or 6 pieces of string and tie them to my plaits and put my barrettes on the ends of the string and just swang and pretend I had this long long hair. :lachen:

I agree wtih the bolded.

I am growing long hair because I have never had it. I grew up thinking that I had crappy hair since my hair always looked like it was holding on to dear life and as a result, I had to keep it short. I have shoulder length hair now and my hair has never even been this long.

Awww...Work it girl!!!! I'm secretly hoping to work it just like you one day.
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You're growing your hair?

For me I can think of two reasons. First I've always wanted long hair. Second I think it might help me look prettier. Not saying that short hair is ugly or that all long hair is pretty but I think for me it might help me look a little better.

Funny childhood story. When I was about 6,7,8 years old we had a big roll of string. When my parents weren't around I would cut about 5 or 6 pieces of string and tie them to my plaits and put my barrettes on the ends of the string and just swang and pretend I had this long long hair. :lachen:

I did something similar. I was a cheerleader and one of the things we did on Fridays was put the pom pom in our ponytail and allow the pom to spill over the side. I loved fridays.:grin:
I just feel like it. No particular reason. When I was little, I had 7-9 inch multiple ponytails around my head (untill my mother made me take care of my own hair!!):wallbash:
Since stumbling upon the LHCF, I have challenged myself with growing out my hair.

I've always wanted to have nice hair, it didn't matter if it was long or short, I just wanted it to be nice. And I know with all of the tips that I'm picking up here I'm sure I will reach my goal of healthy full APL by August.
My whole life, my hair had never been past SL. I used to hate my non-growing hair and I would literally have dreams that I had long hair flowing down my back. I used to pray to God to give me hair like Ananda Lewis.

I believed that my type of hair didn't grow, so I succumbed to the weaves and wigs and that made my hair worse than before.

Finding LHCF changed my life and I want to change other women's lives and prove that black women can have long hair.
Due to a relaxer and Leisure Curl (Remember THAT), I have always had APL hair.

I have neglect my hair for the last 3-4 years (direct heat and flat iron - use to rollerset and wrap religously) and needed some tips in how to care long hair.
To be honest...
  • So the women with the weaves thinkin they cute can be jealous when they find out mine is all real :look:
  • I want my long hair back :sad: It broke off badly with the hair dye. I use to have full APL+ hair
  • I want to see long it can grow :yep:
  • Styling purposes
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(1) Because I would look prettier with longer hair - short hair doesn't suit me AT ALL:nono:

(2) I would feel happier and more confident

(3) I just love long, healthy shiny hair black I think its beautiful
Simply because I can. I've never put any real effort into growing my hair out past ponytail length. I didn't realize that hair care could be so self fulfilling:grin:...I do it for ME.
I just love healthy hair, whether its long, short, natural, or relaxed. It doesn't matter to me. I have always love the way healthy hair looks. I did not take care of my hair before LHCF (didn't know how) and I want to retain length just to see how long it will get, but I may decide to change things up a bit before then. :rolleyes:
1.) I love long hair

2.) To prove to people it can be done. To bust the myth about AA women can grow hair.

3.) I am more attractive with longer hair.
I want to grow my own big curly hair so I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars buying it. :look: I'm also curious to see what it will look like long and natural. My mama relaxed it when I was 5 or 6. I don't really remember what it was like before then.
Even though i'm relaxed,I'll have to agree with that:yep:
People always said that i worked my short cut,but i don't think it was best for me.I think i look funny with short hair.I love the ways it looks on some women,and i liked it on me,but i think long hair is best for me.
I have a few reasons why I'm on a mission to grow longer hair. First and foremost, it's a project like someone else said. I have to admit that my personality is a little "obsessive". I used to obsess over pricey handbags (Gucci, LV, Chanel, Jimmy Choo, etc) and that hasn't gotten me where I need to be financially. When the new year started I decided that I wanted to change my life. So I had to find something else to obsess over. My hair obsession will not be NEARLY as expensive as my purse obsession was.

I'd decided about this time last year to grow my short do out because I feel like longer hair fits the person I am more (sexy, sophisticated, no nonsense during the day, straight sex kitten at night, lol). I have always been able to grow hair but I have an extremly dry scalp so it was always a big task managing the flakes with so much hair. The longest my hair has been is about BSL...I thought I was doing something! I had no idea how to truly take care of my hair then. I wonder how much length I could get now that I do...

Plus, the fellas ain't checkin' for short hair like they used to...LOL.
My whole life, my hair had never been past SL. I used to hate my non-growing hair and I would literally have dreams that I had long hair flowing down my back. I used to pray to God to give me hair like Ananda Lewis.

I believed that my type of hair didn't grow, so I succumbed to the weaves and wigs and that made my hair worse than before.

Finding LHCF changed my life and I want to change other women's lives and prove that black women can have long hair.

The bolded are my thoughts exactly. I never even tried to grow it before because I didn't think it was possible with "my hair type". It was enough for my short hair to just look good. LHCF has helped dispell the MYTH that 4B doesn't grow.

I'm gonna have my BIG BLACK HALO
I love long hair, I never thought black African 4B/C hair could grow to great lenghts so I'm out to prove a point.
Because I have a visual! Usually when I get a strong visual of what I want for myself I work until I get it. I am slowly reaching my visual goal for my hair and it's just motivating me a great deal to keep it up!
modest reasons
-b/c my hair was breaking off badly. i could hardly make a simple ponytail.

-deathly tired of wearing wigs & extensions

-tired of the uneven-length

-want to prove to fam & friends that LHCF hair care DOES work

-i've had SL hair for 10 yeaaaars. I need a change baaad! :lachen:

superficial reasons
- short hair never complimented my face shape. It makes my face look extra chubby.

-the hairstyles i always wanted to do, I can't do on short hair.

-i want longer hair for my 10 year high school reunion.:lachen:

-i want people to finally ask me for hair advice.

-I looooooove braidouts on longer hair:yep:

-i get noticed more with longer hair than short...sorry but its true:sad:
Growing my hair because I honestly never had long hair. This pony tail in my avatar is the longest my hair has been in the last fifteen years. I always thought my hair couldn't grow, so I was always envious of people w/ SLH. I take this as personal challenge for me to see how long it can get.

I could remember in H.S. This one guy told me....you're one of the better looking ones here but your hair is jacked up....:nono:
I could remember in H.S. This one guy told me....you're one of the better looking ones here but your hair is jacked up....:nono:

OMG!!:blush: he was bold!

don't feel bad. my ex just admitted to me that when we were dating, he thought my hair was begging for water:sad:
I've always wanted long hair. I just want to show others that they too can have long flowing hair. They don't have to be mixed or have "good hair". They too can achieve that goal. Plus, it makes me look prettier.:grin:
Because I want my hair to be long like Ariel in The Little Mermaid and have my childhood fantasies finally come true.:rolleyes:

Honestly though, I've worn my hair purposefully about ear length or shorter for the past 5 years, and that stage of my life is over. I want to feel grown and sexy with long hair, I want a bun so big I have to lean forward on the train cause it can't fit behind me, I want to go to the beach and have a huge halo of hair with natural highlights, I want girls to beam lasers through my scalp checking for a track (lol).

My hair was almost APL in highschool, but the ends were so damaged from using a curling iron, the nape area stuck at the shoulder, and my hair so stinky because I never washed it...now I want healthy, long, and fresh smelling clean hair. thanks to LHCF tis no longer a dream.
modest reasons
-b/c my hair was breaking off badly. i could hardly make a simple ponytail.

-deathly tired of wearing wigs & extensions

-tired of the uneven-length

-want to prove to fam & friends that LHCF hair care DOES work

-i've had SL hair for 10 yeaaaars. I need a change baaad! :lachen:

superficial reasons
- short hair never complimented my face shape. It makes my face look extra chubby.

-the hairstyles i always wanted to do, I can't do on short hair.

-i want longer hair for my 10 year high school reunion.:lachen:

-i want people to finally ask me for hair advice.

-I looooooove braidouts on longer hair:yep:

-i get noticed more with longer hair than short...sorry but its true:sad:

B c im gettin old, and I want a healthy head of hair, I've had it before, its still taking some time to get acclimated and diligent on my rountine, but, I know when It was healthy in all that great CA weather I could have done more to get the lenght I wanted. Now that Im in miserable VA weather Ive got to work my ass off. So its a challenge on all fronts. I know I ll reach my goal.

Plus, I look good in long hair.