What's the real reason...


Well-Known Member
You're growing your hair?

For me I can think of two reasons. First I've always wanted long hair. Second I think it might help me look prettier. Not saying that short hair is ugly or that all long hair is pretty but I think for me it might help me look a little better.

Funny childhood story. When I was about 6,7,8 years old we had a big roll of string. When my parents weren't around I would cut about 5 or 6 pieces of string and tie them to my plaits and put my barrettes on the ends of the string and just swang and pretend I had this long long hair. :lachen:
I am growing long hair because I have never had it. I grew up thinking that I had crappy hair since my hair always looked like it was holding on to dear life and as a result, I had to keep it short. I have shoulder length hair now and my hair has never even been this long.
Because I cut off APL locks 15 months ago, and I miss them, dearly. I'm not locking again because I want more flexibility.
My hair has always been long, but I have always wanted WL hair. My hair has never grown past BSL because I didn't know how to properly take care of it until now.
It's like the physical aspect of me growing. I'm 20, and I'm learning everyday. I'm tryna grow out of immature ways and see life in a different light. So my hair is like a symbolic thing of me growing.

Then on another note, I just want to see will my hair grow. I've always been convinced I had sucky sucky hair that would never grow past neck length and be healthy at the same time. Because of that I kept it cut short....what's the point of growing it out when my endz look like boo boo the foo!

And then back in high school, I was the ratty headed girl. I was always that girl who looked like she was in a fight or something before class. Part of that was because nobody helped me learn how to take care of my hair, the other was because I had a really low self image and didn't think I was pretty so who cared how my hair looked....so now I'm tryna change everything...

My outlook on life, my self image, my maturity, and my hair....:drunk:
You're growing your hair?

For me I can think of two reasons. First I've always wanted long hair. Second I think it might help me look prettier. Not saying that short hair is ugly or that all long hair is pretty but I think for me it might help me look a little better.

Funny childhood story. When I was about 6,7,8 years old we had a big roll of string. When my parents weren't around I would cut about 5 or 6 pieces of string and tie them to my plaits and put my barrettes on the ends of the string and just swang and pretend I had this long long hair. :lachen:

lol, when my mom put ribbons in my hair i would let the bow come out and pretend that the flowing ribbon was my hair.

i always had long hair... (well what i thought was long b4 i came on lhcf. it was 3 in. or so my shoulders tho, and thick) well i got bored and bleached my hair when i was 15 and it all broke and became terribly thin. 3 yrs ago i cut it all off and got the Wave Nouveau. i want my long hair back. and i have it back.. i realized the other day that my hair is past the longest pt it ever was b4. i always thought long hair was more flattering.

p.s. plus i love seeing the look of envy on other black girls faces when they see my hair. awful i kno...:nono: but still... i love to catch them trying to figure out if it's mine or not :grin:
LOL, that is a funny story! I am growing my hair as a personal challenge. I have vowed to get everything right and tight for 2008! It is only right to start with my hair first.:spinning:
because, when i was younger i had nice APL hair. Because of my lack of care it broke off to sl during high school. I feel like i owe it to myself to get back to APL and longer and to also show my younger sister the benefits of taking care of her hair.
The reason I'm growing my hair is b/c it enchances my features...also I'm working on becoming an actress and I think it would be very beneficial for me when I walk into casting calls it will help me get the part.:yep:
With me...I can do more with longer hair than with shorter hair and I actually want to see just how long it will grow.
For me, I had worn weaves for two whole years without letting my hair down for air. It was good only because I had an amazing stylist and I learned how to care for my hair through the ladies on the weaves board at BHM. And I didnt even take THAT MUCH care of it then as I could have... If I were to get a weave now, my hair would thrive even MORE because of what I've learned since being here.

I've always wanted long hair. My hair has always been around SL and maybe a bit beyond for years, never longer that I remember... Maybe when I was little, but not sure, lol. I always had cornrows.

I decided to let my hair breathe last year in Nov and saw that I had this lovely head of healthy hair. I decided to embrace my locks and let them flourish. I saw this commercial of a black girl for the medical product Abreva. She has SL/APL black hair that's kinda soft wavy. It's just beautiful, that really inspired me, and I wanted my hair to be that healthy. So here I am today doing just that. My goal is to get my hair to APL/BSL which is the length I always wore my weaves, and from there MBL/WL! :grin::yep:
The real reason I am growing my hair is because I'm vain. I want to be 'that girl' for once. Tight body and hurr swangin'!!!
The reason I am growing my hair out is to at least get back to midback length I had when I relaxed four years ago. I ended up a little above brastrap in a little over a year due to using the wrong products/relaxer for me,trying to grow out a no lye relaxer,scissor happy blunt trimming stylist, my rough handling, and plain not really knowing what I was doing. Thanks to LHCF, I got it down now and am making progress.
Honestly? It's a personal challenge for me; I've never grown long hair, and I like committing myself to something new and seeing if I can be successful at it. Despite the ups and downs of the process, it's been a great hobby for me and it's forced me to be more aware of self-care as a whole.
Im not even going to lie. I want people to be jealous when I walk by.

Besides that, I just have a penchant for long hair.
I do it because I want to prove to other women that black women can have long flowing hair pass SL, and that it is not hard it just takes TLC and patients. I am also doing this because this is something I want, hair and good health. I am getting the hair down packed but I need to work on this health stuff:ohwell: **Running over to the fitness section**
Because I have always wanted long hair. The longest it was before was maybe shoulder length. After I had both kids it was close to this length. I guess it all broke off. I was told that some people hair will just grow to a certain length than stop.Well look at me now. The same cousin that i complained about said this. She also told me that when I was a child my hair was nappy. And that my hair in her words never looked a mutherfu@king thing like my daughters hair does right now. Guess what I have a preschool pic of my hair natual. It looks just like my daughters if i was to let it look like crap and be dry as a desert.
I was the weave queen for years. I stopped wearing weaves about two years ago. Nothing against weaves, but I was not taking care of my hair. When I stopped wearing weaves, I just knew that I was properly taking care of my hair.:nono: I was so wrong on many levels. My hair never had a chance to grow. I was abusing it so much. So it is a personal thing for me. I want the long hair, but my main goal is to get it healthy first. I love to see a healthy head of hair. Healthy long hair is hot, even sexier on women of color.
To lead by example that healthy hair is possible for anyone. I can show'em better than I can tell'em. I have done it before, and I will do it again. :)
There are a lot of reasons, but bottom line, it's pretty much just another "project" for me. Like, I'm just growing my hair out because I can. *shrugs*

Plus, long hair is pretty

And since most black girls don't have long hair, it's something that makes me "special".
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I used to have it long, when I was a little girl. I want that back! Plus, it just looks beautiful and feminine to me (not that short hair is ugly). Also, I hate the myth that black girls can't have long pretty hair.

I think it's achievable. I mean, I abused my hair so badly before LHCF. When it was relaxed, with horrible treatment, it was SL in the front and just above APL in the back... so with the right care, I just know it can reach amazing lengths.
I want to grow my own big curly hair so I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars buying it. :look: I'm also curious to see what it will look like long and natural. My mama relaxed it when I was 5 or 6. I don't really remember what it was like before then.
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To lead by example that healthy hair is possible for anyone. I can show'em better than I can tell'em. I have done it before, and I will do it again. :)

Same here. I hate hearing women (including my mom) say that you have to be mixed to have long hair. I wanna prove them wrong.
Honestly, it is just a style. Like someone else said a project.

To be truthful it really ain't about YOU. It' ain't about nan female or dude that see me or I see in the streets. I'm going to make somebody jealous, mad, and/or want to be me regardless. It's just the facts of life.

Now, back to TML who loves the Lord.

Actually it's not about me it's about Jesus. :lachen: