I did kinky twists on myself over the weekend. I did them all over the weekend but I finished them this morning. They look so bad. I will be taking them out when I get off work. That will be a whopping nine hours that I left them in. I'm glad I didn't have any plans after work. Everyone's been looking at me like . I'm getting sick of my hair. *sigh*. I wish my real hair was long enough to look nice in cornrows without extensions but it's too short (shoulder length) right now. I wish I didn't have a non-black roommate so they could understand why I've been fussing with my hair all weekend. The same goes for my non-black corowrkers. They are going to think I am absolutely batty for coming to work with one hairstyle one day and a totally different one the next day. And I really wish I didn't have to pay for any more deep conditioner at Sally's but I sure as heck don't have any. FML.