What's the meaning of this?


Active Member
Tonight at church my pastor said in the sermon: Don't be so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good. Somehow this didn't sit well with me. I don't know why. What does this phrase mean?
Makes perfect sense to me. My old pastor would have sermons like that. Don't put yourself so up on the totem pole to be above others in a heavenly mind that you disregard the needs and your purpose on earth.

You aren't in heaven YET. You still have to obey the rules and regulations of the natural, earthly world.

Don't be so heavenly minded that you can't speak to others who you feel aren't in your same path to the gate. Do some earthly good and make a difference in the lives of people who are on EARTH. Heaven lasts always.

You can go to church 3 times a week, read your bible daily and quote scriptures back to front but what earthly good have you done?
Makes perfect sense to me. My old pastor would have sermons like that. Don't put yourself so up on the totem pole to be above others in a heavenly mind that you disregard the needs and your purpose on earth.

You aren't in heaven YET. You still have to obey the rules and regulations of the natural, earthly world.

Don't be so heavenly minded that you can't speak to others who you feel aren't in your same path to the gate. Do some earthly good and make a difference in the lives of people who are on EARTH. Heaven lasts always.

You can go to church 3 times a week, read your bible daily and quote scriptures back to front but what earthly good have you done?

:amen: And do it all in love... :giveheart:
Thank you for your replies ladies. I understand. Now I know why it didn't sit well with me; because I had the interpretation of that phrase wrong. I've heard the phrase before and I thought it meant not to be too "churchy" or too "religious". I guess I got a little confused because I might be what people call too "religious". With the thirst I have inside, I spend most of my time reading the Bible, talking with Him or wanting to talk about Him :yep:<------"religious"? "fanatic"?. But I also have a strong desire to get out there and use what God has put in me; just don't know how yet.
See plainj - mizzbrown was right on the money. It seems to me that you would not fit that phrase bc you stated your desire to "get out there." Some people are so ready to judge and sit up on their high horse and tell ppl how to live their lives for Christ but those same ppl won't go out in the streets to evangilize or even help someone in need. They just won't get dirty for Christ. I know a few ppl like that. I'm thinking to myself, why you sitting here talking about so and so and their problems you can go help them out, show them, be an example, pray for them or something. With ppl like that...I can see how others get turned off by Christians.
Tonight at church my pastor said in the sermon: Don't be so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good. Somehow this didn't sit well with me. I don't know why. What does this phrase mean?

I've heard that before too. What I get out of it is that if you are too heavenly minded, then you are probably only focused on your own salvation and what you can do to make your way better. But if you can keep some of your focus on making change in the world, then you will be more selfless and helpful to those who do not have a heavenly mind yet and maybe you can lead them to Christ through your example.

You know how some church folks just don't associate with anyone but other church folk, because they are afraid of being led astray, well, that is being too heavenly minded too. At some point in our faith walk, we need to be able to let go of the feeling of being lost and trust that God will lead us to do the right thing in the spirit, so that we can serve as embassadors for him amongst those who just haven't met him yet.

real life example: I'm saved, but have friends who are either backsliden or not saved at all. I still associate with them all. I try my best not to judge them but I do associate with them and I don't hold back on sharing with them the news of God and his blessings in my life and what he wants to do in their lives. I have friends who are saved and living as right as they can, and I go to them for support and to get my own spiritual walk bolstered back up. I can tell my saved friends that I am struggling with certain temptations and they will understand and be able to walk with me in the right direction as oppose to my unsaved friends who may have a "everyone else is doing it so why not go ahead" mentality.
You know how some church folks just don't associate with anyone but other church folk, because they are afraid of being led astray, well, that is being too heavenly minded too. At some point in our faith walk, we need to be able to let go of the feeling of being lost and trust that God will lead us to do the right thing in the spirit, so that we can serve as embassadors for him amongst those who just haven't met him yet.
I experienced this in my early 20s and this is what scared me away/turned me off from going back to church. If I only knew then what I know now....