Putting Money at the Pastor's Feet During the Sermon....

I agree. If you read my other posts, I said its nothing wrong with a Pastor receiving blessings. my issue is when he is reaping and reaping and reaping and reaping and getting richer and richer and richer, but there is a alot of lacking going on in the church. Does he have to pay every member bill and take care of them, no...but maybe he could sacrifice a couple of his offering to go to the needy....if he is able to. Can I tell a Pastor how to spend his money that he has worked for? of course no, but I pray that if he seen someone in need he would what he could to help, even if that means selling fish dinners or getting together with the other members for a donation...This does not only go for the pastors, but all sisters and brothers in Christ..Sometimes "I am praying for u", is not enough when you have the means to help.....

As far as the board members and things, my church dont have that, so I dont know how that works...

Oh I read your posts and understand completely what you are saying and I dont disagree.

My concern was on a broader scale of how we must be carful not to assume that a Pastor is not giving and sacrificing just because they may have material things. And most folks IRL tend to believe/assume the worst rather than the best of Pastors who are well-dressed, have nice cars and big houses etc. while accepting it as normal for other people to have those things.
Yep, we should mind our own business, but we should be able to discuss stuff like this. It is wise for a person to know the culture of a church before they commit to it. Why do they do what they do?

Why get up and possibly be a distraction to others during the sermon? For real though....

I've never read in the bible where we are to sow a seed on the Word of God. Where is that from? I really want to know cause the Word and the Annointing don't cost money.

It's learned behavior in my imho.

If we are going to take only part of this act from the book of Acts, then do the whole thing...distribute it. This is where people are getting this from. When this was done, the early Church was being established and it was to make sure everyone had all that they needed. It was not to just give to the Apostles, they were actually making sure the whole church was taken care of. That's all.

I don't think its wrong to discuss it or question it either. And yes it is learned behavior.....

As far as a disctraction ANYTHING can be a distraction! A women taking a victory lap can be a distraction, a person speaking in tongues and the one who interprets it can be a distraction, the man shouting God's glory during church can be a distraction....A person walking in (or out) with a crying baby can be a distraction.....A distraction is WHATEVER you let distract you from your focus/prayer/mediation/kneeling/praise/whatever....and that's YOUR issue......

When I saw it for the very first time (a guest pastor was preaching and his own congregants were visiting and dropping $$ at his feet then when our Pastor preached, they did the same for him), a bunch of people asked my Pastor because we were like (:perplexedserious side eye)...And he was really cool about telling us why people do it. He doesn't think people should be forced to do it, but he says he understands why people do it.

To be fair, when it happened to my Pastor the first time and every time since, he has his ushers pick all that $$ up and put it in the big offering basket once all the smaller baskets have moved to the front and they are going to pray. Its a bunch of balled up bills and such so they just throw it on top of the other $$ and KIM. So I assume it went on to be used for the church as they would any offering....

There is a lot of things "churches" do that may or may not be stated to do in the bible but its done. If you don't want to sow a seed on a word, then don't. No biggie. No stress. You'll be hard pressed to find a church in 2012 doing every single thing the bible says do or vice versa. The church I attend now has about 1500 members, very diverse and ever so often someone may drop some $$ on the alter but it rarely happens ever at that church because its not their culture. What is that church's culture is victory laps, speaking in tongues w/interpretation, praise dancing in the aisles with flags (even the 60+ year old little white lady gets her flag)....and trust me that's a distraction to some too. But that's OUR church culture. I don't know if victory laps and flags are in the bible but hey, we're worshipping God. And its all good to me.
Great conversation....I'm enjoying the discussion.

I'm hoping we can dig beyond the surface and look more into this ACT, according to the Word of God...which isn't so random, IMHO, being led by the Holy Spirit to enact God's Grace on others.

It is truly sad when a church member in need cannot get help from their own congregation. That says a lot. I'm not talking about debt cancellation/bail out due to poor stewardship of one's money..I mean, really in need!
It would be good to see more churches operate as they did in the Book of Acts... concerning the poor and looking out for the welfare of others. It's not delusions grandeur....it's the way God commands us to live!
"Sowing seed" in Scripture was never about money or things but believers telling the truth. The "seed of faith" is what God plants in believers by His own volition, not anything we give. These ideas were not taught prior to the 20th century. When are we going to get away from this focus on money and concentrate on spiritual sowing? Why not simply give without the spectacle?
"Sowing seed" in Scripture was never about money or things but believers telling the truth. The "seed of faith" is what God plants in believers by His own volition, not anything we give. These ideas were not taught prior to the 20th century. When are we going to get away from this focus on money and concentrate on spiritual sowing? Why not simply give without the spectacle?

I totally agree with you that there is an unnecessary focus put on money when talking about sowing seeds. We sow in so many other ways! Forgivenss is one that comes to mind that God commands that we sow to others so that/because we recieve it from Him. But I believe the emphasis comes from the fact that money is something that we treasure...a sacrifice is only a sacrifice if it has value to the giver and in our society that is money.
I understand what ya'll are saying about $$ and sowing seed. But what is inherently wrong about sowing your $$? I think we're focusing on money for the wrong reasons here...

Why must it be called a spectacle? What determines if something is a spectacle?

Think about what $$ really is:

Money we earn is provison from God (our money IS a modern thing, before where goods were bartered, traded, etc). We return that $$ in an act of obedience (tithe) and faith & love (offering).

The paper form of money is tangible. Its visible. Its hard-earned. Its cherished, it allows us to have and buy things to live the way we need or want to. So what is wrong with me saying: Here Lord, you gave me this, and I am giving it back. Or better yet, I am taking something precious to me and special to me and giving to you IN FAITH because I truly believe you are going to do what you said you'd do. You also are saying the $$ isn't more important and will not keep me from trusting and believing in HIM.

Who are you to tell the woman who was unemployed for months, who finally gets that job....go sit down and wait to put your money in the bucket when its "appropriate". Her heart might have been pulled that very moment and in that moment of love and faith, she didn't want to miss it, she hears a word from God via the Pastor and lies it at his feet....unashamed of what others think? You say its a spectacle...Why can't it be unashamed faith? isn't that the modern church needs? Why does it have to be about the Pastor? She may be sure enough about WHO God is, and what God is saying TO HER via the Pastor to look past him/her.

Finally, remember, money is tangible...I think the ability to give it to the church freely is an act of faith. What the church does with that money (good or bad) has nothing to do with the giver. He/She has done their act of faith. God will punsih those who blaspheme in his name if they steal the money or use it in a way he didn't call them to use it for.

Sure you can also sow seeds with your time, but that may not be what God convicted you to do. I have had the same concerns as MANY OF YOU have posted here about money and sowing seeds/faith for years until I prayed on it. I realized that the God has a relationship with us all. What he convicts one to do is personal and private.

Its fine to question these things....But I think its only a problem in a church if you are forced to do something you don't feel led to do. If people do this voluntarily....why are you worried about what they are doing with their money? If you tried to sway them against it, you may be causing them to be disobedient....You have to be careful....

Just a thought.
I understand what ya'll are saying about $$ and sowing seed. But what is inherently wrong about sowing your $$? I think we're focusing on money for the wrong reasons here...

Why must it be called a spectacle? What determines if something is a spectacle?

Think about what $$ really is:

Money we earn is provison from God (our money IS a modern thing, before where goods were bartered, traded, etc). We return that $$ in an act of obedience (tithe) and faith & love (offering).

The paper form of money is tangible. Its visible. Its hard-earned. Its cherished, it allows us to have and buy things to live the way we need or want to. So what is wrong with me saying: Here Lord, you gave me this, and I am giving it back. Or better yet, I am taking something precious to me and special to me and giving to you IN FAITH because I truly believe you are going to do what you said you'd do. You also are saying the $$ isn't more important and will not keep me from trusting and believing in HIM.

Who are you to tell the woman who was unemployed for months, who finally gets that job....go sit down and wait to put your money in the bucket when its "appropriate". Her heart might have been pulled that very moment and in that moment of love and faith, she didn't want to miss it, she hears a word from God via the Pastor and lies it at his feet....unashamed of what others think? You say its a spectacle...Why can't it be unashamed faith? isn't that the modern church needs? Why does it have to be about the Pastor? She may be sure enough about WHO God is, and what God is saying TO HER via the Pastor to look past him/her.

Finally, remember, money is tangible...I think the ability to give it to the church freely is an act of faith. What the church does with that money (good or bad) has nothing to do with the giver. He/She has done their act of faith. God will punsih those who blaspheme in his name if they steal the money or use it in a way he didn't call them to use it for.

Sure you can also sow seeds with your time, but that may not be what God convicted you to do. I have had the same concerns as MANY OF YOU have posted here about money and sowing seeds/faith for years until I prayed on it. I realized that the God has a relationship with us all. What he convicts one to do is personal and private.

Its fine to question these things....But I think its only a problem in a church if you are forced to do something you don't feel led to do. If people do this voluntarily....why are you worried about what they are doing with their money? If you tried to sway them against it, you may be causing them to be disobedient....You have to be careful....

Just a thought.

We as givers are instructed to sow into good ground. There is nothing wrong with knowing what or who you are sowing into.

Why is it only laid at the Pastor's feet and no one else's? Why not throw money at the singers and musicians, they are ministering as well. Especially when the song is ministering to the person.

Did the people throw money at Jesus' feet when he preached?

Actually Jesus preached to the people and fed them too.

Anyway, like you said it's none of my business but it's good to ask questions. Sometimes we just do stuff cause we see other folks do it.

If you believe that people should just give money at anytime during the service then what about the person who feels like offering a song, a dance, or shout during the sermon? That would be considered being a distraction.

When God's word is being preached He wants us to recieve it in faith and walk in it, not put a payment on it. (My opinion). In the Word we recieve His word, walk it out and God is pleased.

Giving money does not make a person obedient to God.
Giving money does make a person obedient to God....if He told them to.

Yes just singing while someone else is talking is a distraction but thats not what we are discussing here.

Yes people do what they see others do but thats the same everywhere, so what? People "dress up or dress down" for church cause they may have seen others do it...or cause they simply prefer it.....Women do the church hat thing cause they see other prominent ladies in church do it....again, some see it as a big old unnecessary distraction, some call it church fashion....how do hats honor God? So what and oh well.....As long as you do what God compels YOU to do then you're good.

I tell you what...if you see it happen, ask the person why they do it (Like I did), cause everyone who does it ain't doing it for the same reason. Don't put everyone who does something in the same box. Thats all I'm saying.

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Putting money at the pastor's feet during the sermon sounds like a form of worshipping man, not worshipping God.
Thanks button not enough, because I understand your points... my DH says the same thing you're saying

I've seen some folks do things in churches over the years that may have appear off to a visitor or someone else yet I just *knew* they were compelled to do so. Don't know how else to explain that..but I noticed but wasn't distracted. We are not in control of how God moves and whom He uses ...and we must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit to know when something is not of God...I really believe there are times people have been told by God to do certain things and it's more dangerous for them to disobey Him and not do it at all than to "save face". I had disobeyed Him in service before and had to ask for forgiveness, because I was frightened to move..why? worried about what folks will say.. not wanting to.. but my heart was POUNDING, so I know God was speaking to me. Yet I stayed in my seat... WRONG.

The Bible is chock full of outlandish behavior, that served a purpose -- and I believe trusting God has a lot to do with it. Isaiah walking around barefoot and naked for a few years. Could a modern day prophet "get away with this"? :lol: One married a prostitute... yet in all those examples, God has always been a God of order -- DIVINE ORDER, not man's order or what seems fit to man. I sometime have to remind myself of that whenever I have a strong opinion about something.

Giving money does make a person obedient to God....if He told them to.

Yes just singing while someone else is talking is a distraction but thats not what we are discussing here.

Yes people do what they see others do but thats the same everywhere, so what? People "dress up or dress down" for church cause they may have seen others do it...or cause they simply prefer it.....Women do the church hat thing cause they see other prominent ladies in church do it....again, some see it as a big old unnecessary distraction, some call it church fashion....how do hats honor God? So what and oh well.....As long as you do what God compels YOU to do then you're good.

I tell you what...if you see it happen, ask the person why they do it (Like I did), cause everyone who does it ain't doing it for the same reason. Don't put everyone who does something in the same box. Thats all I'm saying.

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OT: This is a great thread and I'm loving the dialog. I need to be more active on this forum. I usually shy away from Christian topics being I don't want to feel judged or preached to, but this discussion is very mature despite differences of opinion.
Hey chica, good to see you back...

Sowing is applicable to anything, IMHO...and the heart/intent is a major factor. Jesus had used parable of the sower in terms of the Gospel.. In the OT, there is Word on sowing the fields and harvest and first fruits, etc... literally. Those are "things" that also have spiritual significance today. While we all aren't farmers, many Christians use money for tithing and first fruits and offering... ALTHOUGH we can also tithe and offer our time and talents, etc. to serve God. Not trying to resuscitate argument on tithing...

If a person is generous at heart and to others, God will be generous to them; it's a heart issue. One's heart or intent is either pure or it's not. So money being used to get more money is where we could go wrong..there are people who "sow" into others' lives..they give without expectation or to get. Isn't this how we are supposed to live ..being givers, freely like God our Father? Sowing is very significant in the Kingdom of God. The earth's is the Lords, not mine.

Galatians 6:7 says "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows"
That WHAT could be anything. We're not adding or taking away from Scripture but personalizing it to our own lives, as revealed to us by the Holy Spirit and it could be a spiritual sowing or a physical one.

In Job, 4, it says" as I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it."

Where in Scripture does it say we are to sow things?
Hey chica, good to see you back...

Sowing is applicable to anything, IMHO...and the heart/intent is a major factor. Jesus had used parable of the sower in terms of the Gospel.. In the OT, there is Word on sowing the fields and harvest and first fruits, etc... literally. Those are "things" that also have spiritual significance today. While we all aren't farmers, many Christians use money for tithing and first fruits and offering... ALTHOUGH we can also tithe and offer our time and talents, etc. to serve God. Not trying to resuscitate argument on tithing...

If a person is generous at heart and to others, God will be generous to them; it's a heart issue. One's heart or intent is either pure or it's not. So money being used to get more money is where we could go wrong..there are people who "sow" into others' lives..they give without expectation or to get. Isn't this how we are supposed to live ..being givers, freely like God our Father? Sowing is very significant in the Kingdom of God. The earth's is the Lords, not mine.

Galatians 6:7 says "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows"
That WHAT could be anything. We're not adding or taking away from Scripture but personalizing it to our own lives, as revealed to us by the Holy Spirit and it could be a spiritual sowing or a physical one.

In Job, 4, it says" as I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it."

Wow! Good Word :up: Love that scripture from Job 4. I skipped right over that one and landed and stayed on Job 5 (love it there). God has a way of bringing us 'back' to what we 'missed'.

Off to Job 4, I go. :yep:
1 Corinthians 3:6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.

Did you know that there are over 100 passages that describe “seed” and “sowing” as spiritual tasks designed to “plant” the truth into the Elect so it could “produce the good fruit (too many passages to list) of the tree of life (Genesis 3:22, Proverbs 3:18, Proverbs 11:30).” Jesus and the apostles stressed the spiritual and became dead to the physical over time, depending upon the Lord in all things. The rituals were blotted out because Jesus wanted us to do as He did, which is the spread the truth (His seed) no matter what.

When His truth is planted and watered, the fruit is obedience, which is doing the faith. Giving as the Lord directed each believer has nothing to do with sowing, but obedience (which was the point Paul was writing about in Galatians 6:7 if you read the whole section). To say giving is the same as sowing places the onus upon our good works as enough instead of enduring the persecution of proclaiming His truth (taking up the cross). This distracts from the seeding the Evangel and/or stick others with the responsibility. What would be the result of we simply seeded His truth and obeyed the Spirit? The world would be a whole lot different that is certain.

IRL, I tend to deal with those who give of themselves and get nothing in return (in human eyes). We have to remember that the reward we should want to receive is in the next life. There are those who go through numerous fiery trials and get only enough to survive day-to-day. Are they not blessed? Will their reward in heaven be less? This is why we have to transition out of this mindset on the physical.

The OT was the shadow of good things to come (Hebrews 7:11-12, Hebrews 10:1), the physical symbolic example of how to operate in the Spirit. The only concepts that were never amended on the cross are the Lord Himself, the Ten Commandments, and what sin is. Everything else now has a spiritual form and meaning beyond the physical representation God instituted.

Tithe and offerings ----> freely giving everything we have, down to the clothes on our back and the shoes on our feet. The Ecclesia did not tithe, but gave so no one of the household of God went without. To do that today could get a group labeled as a cult, sadly.

First-fruits of the physical harvest ----> first-fruits of the spiritual harvest (the people, not physical items). See Romans 8:23, Romans 16:5, 1 Corinthians 15:20-23, 1 Corinthians 16:15, 2 Thessalonians 2:13, 2 Timothy 2:6, James 1:18, Revelation 14:4.

A pastor could go on about this subject for the rest of his life. Don’t you see? If we keep trying to force past concepts and ideas on the spiritual present, the Ecclesia will not move forward in full power in this existence. Instead of labeling and adding all kinds of extraneous stuff, just do it! Do the faith! Why do you think the early believers lost their power after the last apostle died? The Gentiles took over and began to formulate replacements for the physical concepts the Jews gave them…without His approval! Do not take my word for it; seek the truth on this for yourselves.

Was this in Maryland? I visited a megachurch there and they did this. It was so distracting. But then again I am AME and we are known for being supposedly reserved.
This Sunday...I went back to the church.
The "sowing of seeds" started early in the service as soon as the Pastor hit the stage. In fact, he hadn't even started preaching yet.
Matter of fact, he didn't really preach at all at that service. He stood up there are talked about his health for about a quick 10 mins and that was the end of service.

They introduced a new song and I must admit, the song is just stirred up the spirit in the church. So because the congregation seemed to be in the moment and in the spirit because of the song....he did alter call where you ask who wants to join the church, who wants to get saved, etc.
Usually that's done after the sermon but I guess he was doing what the Spirit was telling him to do.

Either way, after all of that spirit-filled music and the way the spirit was moving in the church....I was expecting a spirit-fill word/sermon.
But he didn't come through at all. I left feeling unfulfilled.

IMO, it seemed that since he already got a bunch of folk to come down to get saved and join the church.....he didn't feel the sermon was necessary. Again, just my opinion. But why go to church if not for the sermon.
This pastor was preaching about his plane and house and I thought he was going to say something about them being worldly things or something. He was saying how you could have what he had too. I could not believe it. Then this woman dressed flashy Walked down the aisle to the pulpit in the middle of the sermon. She threw one bill at a time and she had a fistful of money. I thought someone was going to stop her. I had never seen or heard of that before. I kept thinking of a strip club.

Before that the choir was singing and clapping and then they started doing that move, straight out of the club where you draw back your arm then hunch over like you are whipping that "butt". Over and over.

After the sermon we kept getting harassed to go down and be saved. The same man kept asking my husband and DH kept telling him we were saved. This happened at least four times.

I was ready to go before we even walked in because of an incident outside of the church.

I have never felt as though I wasted time at church before.
This pastor was preaching about his plane and house and I thought he was going to say something about them being worldly things or something. He was saying how you could have what he had too. I could not believe it. Then this woman dressed flashy Walked down the aisle to the pulpit in the middle of the sermon. She threw one bill at a time and she had a fistful of money. I thought someone was going to stop her. I had never seen or heard of that before. I kept thinking of a strip club.

Before that the choir was singing and clapping and then they started doing that move, straight out of the club where you draw back your arm then hunch over like you are whipping that "butt". Over and over.

After the sermon we kept getting harassed to go down and be saved. The same man kept asking my husband and DH kept telling him we were saved. This happened at least four times.

I was ready to go before we even walked in because of an incident outside of the church.

I have never felt as though I wasted time at church before.

Are we still talking about the same big, beautiful, mega church in MD whose name starts with an F and ends with an A?
At my church we've had many services where the sermon was not preached (though I'm sure it was not my pastors intent, but we are open to the moving of the holy spirit) sometime praise and worship can go on for 2-3 hours or prayer meeting lasting for just as long and no preaching or just music with hardly a song sung just worship, I've experienced where the whole church got ministered to (our church is small) but no one noticed that we were in church literally all day, when we got outside the sun had began to set.

IMO when the presence or glroy of God is in a service, there is no way you should leave left wanting even if no sermon was preached...

This Sunday...I went back to the church.
The "sowing of seeds" started early in the service as soon as the Pastor hit the stage. In fact, he hadn't even started preaching yet.
Matter of fact, he didn't really preach at all at that service. He stood up there are talked about his health for about a quick 10 mins and that was the end of service.

They introduced a new song and I must admit, the song is just stirred up the spirit in the church. So because the congregation seemed to be in the moment and in the spirit because of the song....he did alter call where you ask who wants to join the church, who wants to get saved, etc.
Usually that's done after the sermon but I guess he was doing what the Spirit was telling him to do.

Either way, after all of that spirit-filled music and the way the spirit was moving in the church....I was expecting a spirit-fill word/sermon.
But he didn't come through at all. I left feeling unfulfilled.

IMO, it seemed that since he already got a bunch of folk to come down to get saved and join the church.....he didn't feel the sermon was necessary. Again, just my opinion. But why go to church if not for the sermon.
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We as givers are instructed to sow into good ground. There is nothing wrong with knowing what or who you are sowing into.

Why is it only laid at the Pastor's feet and no one else's? Why not throw money at the singers and musicians, they are ministering as well. Especially when the song is ministering to the person.

Did the people throw money at Jesus' feet when he preached?

Actually Jesus preached to the people and fed them too.

Anyway, like you said it's none of my business but it's good to ask questions. Sometimes we just do stuff cause we see other folks do it.

If you believe that people should just give money at anytime during the service then what about the person who feels like offering a song, a dance, or shout during the sermon? That would be considered being a distraction.

When God's word is being preached He wants us to recieve it in faith and walk in it, not put a payment on it. (My opinion). In the Word we recieve His word, walk it out and God is pleased.

Giving money does not make a person obedient to God.
Oh this is so well put. Great answer and so so so true. Thank you.
This pastor was preaching about his plane and house and I thought he was going to say something about them being worldly things or something. He was saying how you could have what he had too. I could not believe it. Then this woman dressed flashy Walked down the aisle to the pulpit in the middle of the sermon. She threw one bill at a time and she had a fistful of money. I thought someone was going to stop her. I had never seen or heard of that before. I kept thinking of a strip club.

Before that the choir was singing and clapping and then they started doing that move, straight out of the club where you draw back your arm then hunch over like you are whipping that "butt". Over and over.

After the sermon we kept getting harassed to go down and be saved. The same man kept asking my husband and DH kept telling him we were saved. This happened at least four times.

I was ready to go before we even walked in because of an incident outside of the church.

I have never felt as though I wasted time at church before.

I've been to a couple churches like this. Scared the living mess out of me. Most of them were store-front churches and the pastor would talk about how you can have all the money you ever hoped for if you would just believe. Nothing about doing good, treating people right...but if you come to church, give to the church, your money will be doubled and tripled, etc.

These are also the churches were "newcomers" are picked on. Has that ever happened to you all? I usually end up being dragged by some friends and as soon as the preachers sees me, they start talking to me about stuff that's completely wrong. One preacher asked me did I play the piano because she's seeing me doing something with my hands. The other called me up to be saved because he saw my spirit needed saving. I offended both of them because I was like "WTF!! No!" Both times.
I've been to a couple churches like this. Scared the living mess out of me. Most of them were store-front churches and the pastor would talk about how you can have all the money you ever hoped for if you would just believe. Nothing about doing good, treating people right...but if you come to church, give to the church, your money will be doubled and tripled, etc.

These are also the churches were "newcomers" are picked on. Has that ever happened to you all? I usually end up being dragged by some friends and as soon as the preachers sees me, they start talking to me about stuff that's completely wrong. One preacher asked me did I play the piano because she's seeing me doing something with my hands. The other called me up to be saved because he saw my spirit needed saving. I offended both of them because I was like "WTF!! No!" Both times.
Yes! This was happening at my old church. The pastor would always call out the visitors and tell them all the blessings they were about to get. It seemed like he was buttering them up. Lol. Ugh. *shrug*
At my church we've had many services where the sermon was not preached (though I'm sure it was not my pastors intent, but we are open to the moving of the holy spirit) sometime praise and worship can go on for 2-3 hours or prayer meeting lasting for just as long and no preaching or just music with hardly a song sung just worship, I've experienced where the whole church got ministered to (our church is small) but no one noticed that we were in church literally all day, when we got outside the sun had began to set.

IMO when the presence or glroy of God is in a service, there is no way you should leave left wanting even if no sermon was preached...

Awesome Truth! Church is about Worship and Honouring God. There are many times when 'words' are simply not needed nor warranted. Just the presence of God, the congregation flowing in the Holy Spirit.

This is what happened in the "Upper Room" during Pentacost. No words, just worship. And that's when the Holy Spirit felt at home in the hearts of all who were there and He was free to flow.

Thanks for posting this Iwanthealthyhair67. It's no small wonder why your prayers are so on fire. You have the heart of worship, indeed flowing abundantly from within. :love3:
Doesn't bother me at all. This is done at my church but it's an offering to the church. Every church that does this is not putting that in the pastor's pocket. My pastor does not take a salary but I would not care if he did. And as the previous poster stated, in Acts this is listed in two places.