What's the longest you've gone...


Well-Known Member
Without washing your hair?

I just got back Tuesday from being out of town for a week and this Sunday will be two weeks that I haven't washed my hair (if I can make it till Sunday) My hair is starting to itch a little bit I'm wearing twists and I just don't feel like taking them out. I'm being very lazy. Being away really messed up my routine and I'm having a hard time getting back to it.
Two weeks...and during the summer :ohwell:. This was pre-LHCF days and before I daily moisturized. I couldn't go that long now.
Three weeks, under a lion's mane-looking weave.....

My head felt like it had tatters or something.... never again...
A few months ago, I went through a funk and just didn't feel like doing anything to my hair. I think I went two weeks without washing before dh intervened and made my do something to my head :lol:
I was thinking about starting a thread like this today.

Probably 2 weeks or so. But now I'm pretty much in the habit of 2x a week. Last week I had my hair done at the Dominican salon and I was trying to preserve the style- but I could only make it 7 days, I was dying to get some water on my head & hair.
I think the longest was 2 weeks. Even when I thought that was the right thing to do I couldn't wait until that two weeks was up. No wonder I love co-washing so much...:drunk:
It was about 2 month cause I had twisted my hair and refused to untwist them again - I cleaned my scalp with witch hazel. No smells - no funk- but the first time I pooed afterwards it was like heaven
Omigosh, I am so embarrassed, I don't even want to admit how long I've gone before.

My disclaimer is that this was in high school before I started really caring for my hair.

I used to get my relaxers about 8-10 weeks. Once I got a relaxer and my hair didn't get washed again till my next relaxer.

I KNOW. Totally gross!!!

Now, I wash my hair once a week - I may go as long as 2 weeks occasionally.
Several years ago, I used to not wash my hair 2-3 weeks before I got my relaxer. I heard some where that your scalp did not burn during the relaxer process if you waited this long. I do remember my scalp not burning when I waited that long. However, I stopped going that long without washing because the smelliness and dirtiness was too ridiculous.:nono:
I used to wait two weeks before washing my hair before LHCF. Now I wash once a week....or twice a week if I feel like playing with my hair :drunk:
Well ... errr ... ummmm ... when I was 18, I remember not washing my hair for a whole month.

DON'T YOU JUDGE ME! :lachen: