What's the Longest Your Hair Has Been As An Adult?

What's the longest your hair has been as an adult (18 and above)?

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1" shy of BSL when i was 20. My hair usually hovers around APLthough, which is why i decided to transition. I was tired of going years and years without retaining length (always battling breakage, under/over processing, etc)
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Longest is WL, made that Dec. 2010/Jan 2011 then BC'd. Whenever I have either stretched relaxers or transitioned, my hair has grown its longest, thickest, and healthiest. I got to MBL while relaxed bone straight, so I hope to well surpass WL while natural.
The longest my hair has been as an adult is APL. I just never cared to grow my hair out and I have this thing about hair on the back of my neck, so once I hit SL I would usually cut it. I always figured it would grow back so no big deal. Right now it's SL - I BC'd in Dec. 2009. I still don't have an ultimate goal length but I should be APL some time this year, and then I'll decide from there.
I'm at APL today...and this is the longest my hair has ever been as an adult. I break the record with every inch added... :yep:
As an adult, the longest was apl..then, I had a few setbacks,which brought me back to sl..later decided on a short bob..now that I'm done with that..the back of my hair is getting to sl..just in time for the April sl 2011 challenge..YYYaaaaay
shoulder length as an dult (hangs head in shame), when I was a child I had pass shouder length hair because I remember my mom getting charged a lil extra at the dominican salons for both of our hair because it was pass our shoulders. I had many setbacks due to heat. But now Im on da right track so hopefully, I can get way pass shoulder length (where I am now).
these results are surprising, tbh, there seems like a ton of women on here with bsl and longer hair

Yes, you're right:yep::yep: Either that, or the shorter-haired ladies don't want to vote...I don't want anyone to feel bad, though...

Another reason for me posing this question is because as I am perusing through threads, it seems like a lot of ladies will comment about once having had long hair and then...So, I just wanted to get an idea...

Keep em' coming ladies! :yep::yep:
Noticed there was no NL option. I checked SL but my hair has been baaaarely scraping SL; so if NL was an option I prob would've chose that.

I'm not surprised at the results. There are a lot of women on here who have either had long hair before the forum or since they joined.
Noticed there was no NL option. I checked SL but my hair has been baaaarely scraping SL; so if NL was an option I prob would've chose that.

I'm not surprised at the results. There are a lot of women on here who have either had long hair before the forum or since they joined.

Thanks for commenting!!!!
Right now, my hair is the longest it has EVER been. It usually hangs out between SL and APL. Who knew it could get this long, and hopefully longer. :lick:

I wish it was longer when I was in my 20's. I would have been too much to handle, honey. I already know. :lol:
Hi all,

I voted SL. I had a relaxer for years and my hair never made it past SL. It would either break off, or I would do a major cut (or a combination of both). At present, it's slightly longer than SL so, I would say this is the longest it's been as an adult (and growing) :)

Umm... no not fully natural, not nearly. Maybe at the 2-2.5 year mark. Thanks for the compliment.

You know what...seeing how long your hair is...I can believe that!! By the 2.5 year mark, I WAS fully natural:lachen: but that was at full SL and you have 3 times as much hair as I do :spinning::spinning::spinning:

Your hair is still lovely!!!
What's the longest that your hair has ever been as an adult (let's say adult is 18 and older)? My current length, between APL and BSL

I thought my hair was terminally at SL...but I now know that's not true...What about you? I knew it was not terminally at SL. I could not figure out how to take care of it to get to grow further.

BTW: I voted APL in the poll since I'm in between lengths.
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I'm only twenty now...But I cut my MBL relaxed hair at 18 to shoulder length my senior in high school. Now I am almost 19 months post relaxer and am BSB.
my longest was waist length back in 08-09'. but, I was usually btwn apl/bsl. then I had some medical setbacks. started having seizures so I spent a whole week in the hospital with electrodes glued/pasted to my scalp. when I was finally released, I swear what they used to remove the paste smelled like gasoline! then in Aug 09', I got alopecia areata. I cried because I was just taking a shower and doing a co-wash and the front section just came out in one big clump in the bang area. that spot got bigger by the day. :( I'm happy that it has finally filled in and btwn that time I have transitioned and I'm finally 100% natural. I transitioned without BC'ing. but, I'm not sure if I will be able to get those lengths as a natural. my longest strands are past collarbone.
The length I am now...my hair has always been fairly long but I think I'm HL now

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What's the longest that your hair has ever been as an adult (let's say adult is 18 and older)? ------FULL SHOULDER LENGTH
Is your hair currently that long or did you cut it, not take care of it, etc... ------Now my hair is a lil past full shoulder length, the longest it have been in my adult life and in a long *** time.

I thought my hair was terminally at SL...but I now know that's not true...What about you? -----yea, i thought mines was just genitcally short, but whn i stumbled into the science of heathy haircare i see my hair can get to its max, whateva that maybe, hopefully MBL/
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I'd say between SL & APL. For the longest time I had no idea how to care for my hair. I was relaxed & coloring my hair. I can't blame chemical processing b/c it was really my own ignorance about hair care that kept me from achieving healthy hair. I'd relax the entire length of my hair, bleach it, use a ton of heat, then wonder why I could get my hair to touch my shoulders. I started getting fed up because I believed I could have long hair if I really wanted it. I started reading about hair care, stretching relaxers, abandoned heat, eased up on the coloring, & eventually just gave up relaxing completely because I preferred wearing my hair natural.

Anyway, my hair is about 6 inches now. I'm growing it out since I BC'd last year in May. Looking forward to a lifetime of longer, stronger hair.
Well I haven't been an adult that long :lachen: so I would have to say now since I've been transitioning since I've been an 'adult' :drunk:
Right now I am APL.

20 months natural and loving it!
My longest length was MBL, which I reached in February. Unfortunately, my ends were raggedy and thin, so I had to trim back to BSB :ohwell: