What's The Final Updated Verdict For Stopping Shedding ?

For ladies that use the Alter Ego mask are you using it as a pre-poo treatment? Or does is replace your regular DC step after cleansing? Thanks!

I also use the Alter Ego Garlic Mask, along with the shampoo from the line and the drops. They all work great in stopping shedding instantly, but they're not the most moisturizing. I been using it as a DC after shampooing, but I might switch and use it as a pre-poo and use a different conditioner after shampooing that's more moisturizing. If you read the back of the jar, it says to concentrate the mask on the scalp and roots, so it's probably not really designed to be super moisturizing, but it definitely stops shedding even after only 1-2 uses.
I just bought some garlic essential oil. It's so potent you can smell it through all the packaging. Wowser! I'm just going to use a drop :)
I used the garlic and oil oils in my homemade Hairdrenalin potion. I decided to use them again for inversion this week. Girl... SMH, I need to wash my hair every morning after using it. I think I may have added to many drops of each oil. Looking forward to seeing the results later this week though.

It's ridiculously potent. Everything around around the bottle smells like garlic, and get this...it's still in the bubble wrap :(
I'm scared :drunk:
I do a mixture of green and black tea. I normally let it steep overnight. I pour it on after washing and before deep conditioning. I apply my deep conditioner over my tea'd up hair and let it sit with heat for at least 30 minutes (normally longer). Tea rinses have rendered the best results for me when it comes to shedding.