What's the difference between various lengths?


Well-Known Member
I apologize in advance if this is a silly or stupid question.

I see so many postings of WL vs. Mid back, what's the difference?

I know the following:
SL, at or just past shoulders
APL, at arm pit crease; I do understand that some count the tip of their V or any part of the hair that makes it there first.

BSL- Is it at the top of the bra strap or below? Is it all your hair there or just a little piece or tail?

MBL- What's the difference between this and WL? Of course I ask this because I have a short torso (and short legs for that matter :lol:), so my natural WL IS basically mid back. :confused:

WL- is this really the length when your hair reaches your "natural" waist? My natural waist would be about mid back if I were looking in a mirror from the back. What gives?

I get hip-bone, tail length, etc.

BSL is the top of your bra strap, the bottom of bra strap or just passed the bottom is midback
JCoily said:

THANKS SO MUCH! That really answered it perfect. I guess I was confused because I see some people say their hair is WL and it looks like MBL to me. This really does clear it up :)

Thanks JCoily!
Thanks for posting the chart. What is up with all of these "other" lengths that I hear on this board? "Full" BSL for example?:perplexed
I think people say "full" BSL or "full" waist length to mean all of the hair is at BSL or waist length, not just the longest part, if the hair is not blunt cut.

Personally, I don't think I can claim a new length until all of my hair has reached it. Right now I know am at hipbone length, the longest section of my hair reaches my tail bone but I won't claim tail bone length until it's all there. My hair grows with "tails" very unevenly.:perplexed
JCoily said:

I agree. This is a very good chart.

FAMUDiva your question was not silly at all because obviously I was off and didnt realize it. I was thinking that mid back was actually where the waist length is, when in the chart shows it as very close to bsl. I need to change my ultimate goal to waist length because that is where i actually want to be.
MizAvalon said:
Thanks for posting the chart. What is up with all of these "other" lengths that I hear on this board? "Full" BSL for example?:perplexed

Maybe they say that when just a tip of their hair meets the bra strap, probably the very back. I know I was at shoulder length for a while but I didnt want to claim it all the way since the front of my hair wasnt was long as the back, the back of my hair shoulder length, the front not. HTH:ohwell:
camellia said:
I think people say "full" BSL or "full" waist length to mean all of the hair is at BSL or waist length, not just the longest part, if the hair is not blunt cut.

Personally, I don't think I can claim a new length until all of my hair has reached it. Right now I know am at hipbone length, the longest section of my hair reaches my tail bone but I won't claim tail bone length until it's all there. My hair grows with "tails" very unevenly.:perplexed

Thanks for the clarification Camellia. I know different people see it differently, but I was under the same impression as what you posted.
JCoily said:
This chart is cool, but it's missing some stuff like APL.
Plus, what do you call the point after SL but before APL???
See my photo below... MY OCTOBER GOAL... is there a
word for that... mid APL??? I dunno... when someone tells
me what it's called I'm gonna make a new chart and post
to my blog.

JCoily said:

I printed this chart out and put it up on my corkboard to remind me of my goal every single day I look at it. I do have a question though: is this the chart everyone goes by?

My reason for that question is that I notice theres a difference between BSL and MBL. Right now, my hair is about an inch or so past my BS. So, would that make me MBL? If not, what's the huge difference between the 2? And 1 more question: according to this chart, WL is right above the belly button, or it least it looks that way to me. Would you ladies agree? I would like a some type of consensus if possible. I just don't want to get my lengths mixed up when trying to achieve my goal, which is WL. This would really help out a lot. Thanks ladies!!
Oh, wow. I see the WL is above your belly button. I always thought it was where you have those little pelvic indentations on your stomach.

Thanks for posting.
I thought WL was at your natural waist. This WOULD be different for each individual.:confused: It's just showing that MB and WL are two different points unless the bottom of your bra strap sit on you waist.:lol:
SouthernTease said:
This chart is cool, but it's missing some stuff like APL.
Plus, what do you call the point after SL but before APL???
See my photo below... MY OCTOBER GOAL... is there a
word for that... mid APL??? I dunno... when someone tells
me what it's called I'm gonna make a new chart and post
to my blog.

I don't know if there is a word for that one :scratchch It is kinda "mid-milestone."

I do think the BSL on your chart should probably be just a little further down though.
kittenz said:
I thought WL was at your natural waist. This WOULD be different for each individual.:confused: It's just showing that MB and WL are two different points unless the bottom of your bra strap sit on you waist.:lol:

So, that would mean somewhere around the belly button right? Or right at the belly button. You're right, it is different for each individual. Some people have long torsos, where as other people are shorter than others. The reason why I am curious is b/c I know I am at MBL, but I want a better estimate as to how many inches I am from WL.
prettypuff1 said:
lol i was wrong with my hair charting....i think i want waist length hair but i thought it was mid back......
I was wrong too because i actually want Mid back length. I thought i wanted bsl.