What's the deal with the rings?


New Member
How does it work?

Engagement is bought by the man and then we each buy the other's wedding ring? How does one ensure they don't get a wack arse ring? Should a lady specifically say "I want that ring" and supply photos?

Just curious to how the whole deal works...
well ideally, the guy would have gotten your opinion on rings b4 u were even engaged then got u something similar, or taken a close family member or someone who knows your style to go shopping with him. but in my case, I chose my rings myself and he paid for them on the spot so maybe I shouldnt b answering this question.............
Yes...a man should purchase the engagement ring and you both should purchase each other's wedding bands. However for me I didn't like the ring my husband presented to me...kept it for about two weeks and we exchanged it for another one with no hard feelings-he just wanted me happy. It wasn't the size or anything it just wasn't my style.

Sadly he bought his own wedding band because I couldn't afford the one he wanted :lachen::ohwell:

What's your definitely of wack? The size or the style? I think he should either take someone with him that knows your style or you should give him little hints...but if you're talking about size then you have to consider his financials and what he can afford.
My fiancee took my sister with him...she and I had already looked at countless rings so she would know what I wanted when the time came:yep: We both had an idea he was going to propose soon so we wanted to be prepared, b/c we also knew he would ask her to secretly help him. I liked it right away.

He bought the engagement ring, he's also buying the wedding bands. I never knew the woman was supposed to buy the man's wedding band. Guess I'll go look into that.
I picked out my own engagement ring - he proposed with a really simple silver band. He picked out his engagement ring as well. We picked out our wedding rings together.
I accepted and then we went to pick out rings. He bought his wedding ring also. On our 1 year anniversary I bought him a really nice ring.
Before we were engaged I showed him various styles that I like while shopping.. He picked out the style of wedding bands that he like..
Did I miss something. When did you get engaged. Congratulations

Sorry OP for side tracking.

Thanks! Well when I made that post he hadn't officially asked. :look: But I picked a ring out back in March. He finally proposed and gave it to me this past Friday. :grin:

ETA: I just realized I made that post earlier the same day. How ironic.
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Congrats glama!!!

I showed SO a few rings i liked a while back. He emailed me the one he bought me just yesterday lol.
Now i'm waiting for my proposal....::sigh:: aaaannyyy daaay nooooowww humph!!!

I'll buy his band and he'll buy mine. (he totally gets the sh!t end of the stick in that deal)
But what's the difference if you buy the man's band and he buys your ring? Aren't ya'll gonna get married and share money anyway?
(Genuine question IDK how these things work)
He bought me the engagement ring I had showed him I wanted a while back. As for the wedding bands, we will go together, pick out our own, and buy them together
I picked out my engagement ring online and sent him acceptable spec info. I wanted to make sure it was my taste and that it wasn't junk. As far as wedding bands he picked his own out and I picked my own. I couldn't imagine being stuck wearing something that wasn't my style.

Congats Glamazon!
I picked out my own engagement ring - he proposed with a really simple silver band. He picked out his engagement ring as well. We picked out our wedding rings together.

That's what I want. I'd prefer that he propose with a promise ring or nothing at all and then we go and buy the engagement ring together.