What's the deal with Dominican products?


New Member
In all honesty, I'm just now getting introduced to Dominican products for the hair. Before I make any purchases, I'd like to know what people like so much about them. Can they be used on any hair type and condition (natural or relaxed)? What makes these products so highly sought after? How are they different from other products out there? I'm just curious, as I am always on the lookout for new products for my hair.
I love the silicon mix. It works good on me and my daughters natural hair. I am not really feeling the mix keys. If I did not have a bss that sold it close to me I would not bother.
For me Dominican Conditioners, soften my hair and detangles like a dream. I personally like miss Key 10 en 1 plus, this stuff is awesome! But you may have to play around until you find the right product for you, I think that Silicon Mix and Miss Key are the most popular.
A few months ago I got caught up in the craze!! I bought a couple of conditioners and rinses, nothing to write home about for me although I didn't try the highly respected Silicon Mix.
I tried the Capilo Cinnamon and Sole, Lacio Lacio, and Salerm. I liked the Salerm but the others were nothing spectacular. They seemed like the regular cheap conditioners you can buy in the grocery store. I haven't tried the Silicon Mix.
I love all of the conditioners I've tried. :love: I use ones w/no petroleum, lanolin, or mineral oil. They make my hair very soft and moisturized. For the last few months I've been using Miss Key 10 en 1. :yep: They contain protien too.
I think the Silicon Mix is the best one....Sole and Cinnamon, Honey and Milk and Silk Worm were good but not as good IMO...
The conditioners are very good... but so are cheapie conditioners... But everyone gets different results from the same product... IMO... Try them and see how you like them... I use a couple that will be a staple for me...