
New Member
Hey guys

i hear so much about how mineral oil and silicone is bad and how it coats ur hair etc etc. but some of my favorite products have those ingredients in it and Im not wiling to give it up. keracare humecto hairs mineral oil and it works wonders and i think silicon mix does tooo. Also when we start post these theories about certain ingredients its important that they are actually proven like by a professional stylist.I mean i dont mind ppl posting their opinion at all but its like we dont want to jump on the band wagon based on someones opinion cause every bodys hair reacts differently to certain ingredients or products. As for mineral oil i agree that if its like the first ingredient i wouldnt use it but im not sure bout silicones i love the way they detangle my hair.......what exactly wrong with silicones again i forgot. Someone please let me know... thanks guys
The general rule is go with what works for your hair

I know I use cones and Mineral oil and my hair suffers when I dont use them.

But for some people those ingredients are detrimental to their hair care.

probably all my products have one or the other LOL

so you should see how they work for your hair and dont stop using them because other people dont.
I agree w/Khandi's post.

I use mineral oil and silicones on the regular and my hair does fine. Its all a matter of what works for you.
Silicone is not always a bad thing.

Everything serves its purpose. Silicone helps coat the hair and it provides heat protection.

Now why would your want some degree of hair coating....

All good conditioners have 3 main elements

Humectants- ingredients that help retain moisture
Occlusive agent- coat the hair to seal it all in
Emolients- help increase skin and hair ability to hold water

Silicones are occlisive agents. Now you don't want a ton of it but silicones do help maintain conditioning of the hair. Silicones help provide slip. This is one reason why many people love silicon mix when they have a lot of new growth.

Some hair is more sensitive to silicone to others. I personally believe that some hair types are more sensitive than others.
I've tried and tried to do cones and mineral oil thinking they would be very moisturizing for my hair. I can go for a couple of weeks using products with these ingredients and my hair feels fabulous. After a while though, my hair gets really coated and dry. Because it's so coated my hair can't retain any internal moisture and I start getting lots of shedding and broken pieces all over the place. My hair then loses all its "bling" and I have a terrible time removing the coating. I had an awful time this past summer and tried several different clarifiers...only chlorine from the swimming pool removed the coating.:perplexed It took me a long, long time to figure out that these ingredients were the culprit, cause like I said, they make my hair feel fabulous initially. I don't try to give out information as if I am a professional.... I only deal in personal experience....I hope most forum subscribers realize that most information given here is just that, unless otherwise specified.
I like them both. ALOT :love:.
However- since I mostly conditioner wash (not good at removing cones) and am not sure how well the AAA hair rinse removes Mineral Oil and cones, I have chosen to use less of these products until I am getting ready (a couple of days before) to do a clarifying shampoo.( cones can leave my hair crunchy if they are not removed). In my case I clarify with Suave clarifying every 6-8 weeks just before I do the heavy duty Aphogee(The smelly one)
Its been said that cones coat the hair to give it that silky feel- but can also prevent true moisture from absorbing into the essential parts of the hair.
Mineral Oil is purportedly a follicle clogger. I haven't had this experience- but different strokes for different folks!
Can any of you ladies tell me if the AAA hair wash qualifies as a clarifier?
i think the big deal bout mineral oil is that it can clog your pores leading to shedding but as long as you keep it only on your hair then i think its ok .. of course this doesnt apply to all heads of hair
Hey guys

i hear so much about how mineral oil and silicone is bad and how it coats ur hair etc etc. but some of my favorite products have those ingredients in it and Im not wiling to give it up. keracare humecto hairs mineral oil and it works wonders and i think silicon mix does tooo. Also when we start post these theories about certain ingredients its important that they are actually proven like by a professional stylist.I mean i dont mind ppl posting their opinion at all but its like we dont want to jump on the band wagon based on someones opinion cause every bodys hair reacts differently to certain ingredients or products. As for mineral oil i agree that if its like the first ingredient i wouldnt use it but im not sure bout silicones i love the way they detangle my hair.......what exactly wrong with silicones again i forgot. Someone please let me know... thanks guys

In regard to the bolded- 95% of the stuff on this site is not PROVEN by professional stylist.But is works- look a the fotkis. BTW- alot of professional stylist dont have a clue about taking care of our hair on the daily basis. Primarily stylist are for styling , cutting, and applying chemicals IMO.

If it works for your hair, DO IT. Take the advice/opinions that you like and discard the rest.

Its about finding what works for your hair, all hair is NOT the same and does not respond to the same things..........K?

As for me and my use of mineral oil and cones- I limit them. The make my hair appear nice and silky temporarily and then they dry it out.