Are Mineral Oil and Petrolatum are THAT bad? Sometimes I'm not so sure.....

No. Mineral Oil and Petrolatum's molecular configuration is such that it is not hydrophilic (water loving) but hydrophobia (repels water). Oils such as Coconut Oil and others, have moisturizing properties. Mineral Oil comes from minerals, which we all know, from calcium hydroxide relaxers, is drying.

To test this, I put a graham cracker in olive oil, and it mushed up like crazy.

If you don't believe Petrolatum and Mineral Oil are bad for afro-textured hair....go back to using Blue Magic. Dixie Peach or Ultra Sheen might do the trick too.
This is one of those different strokes for different strokes thread. Just like that friend of mine in high school who used a curling iron EVERY day and kept her hair, then I tried it and went from neck length to Halle Berry length in like 2 months flat - I hate her guts. I can use mineral oil in my conditioners, but styling wise, not so much.
Whenever anyone questions the "badness" of petrolaum and mineral oil, I'm reminded of Cathy Howse's presentation and lecture on Black Hair growth. At the beginning of her lecture she takes a glass, and fills it with mineral oil. Then she takes a graham cracker and puts it in the glass, so that it is totally submerged in the mineral oil. Then she starts her presentation. At the end of her presentation, which is at once inspiring, funny and educational about black hair health, and why MOISTURE is the cure for our dry hair condition, she picks up the glass with the graham cracker in the mineral oil and pulls out the graham cracker. It is COMPLETELY DRY. She then says that she has a graham cracker in mineral oil in her office that has been there for two years and is still dry. The point? Mineral Oil LOCKS OUT moisture....the one thing afro-textured hair needs the most.

I never forgot this demonstration and dropped petrolatum and mineral oil products. My hair has never been in better condition.

That's a very convincing demo. On the flip side of the coin however, mineral oil can also LOCK IN moisture if used on hair that's already deep conditioned and moisturized.
I believe that they are fine when used in moderation. I tend to not buy any leave ins or moisturizes with either but I do use conditioners with them and I have not noticed any negative effects.
i agree i try to stay away from leave-ins with them and if i AM going to use them they would be in my rinse out conditioners only.

I don't think so. If it’s at the very end of the ingredients list then if it works I use it. If it’s the first, second or third ingredient on the list then I steer clear (causes buildup for me). I don’t think all mineral oil and petrolatums based products are bad for EVERYONE! Different things work for different folks.

Isn't there a girl on here who only uses Vaseline and she is like waist length or something?
me too being at the top of the list can only mean BAD for my hair :nono:
My personal experience with mineral oil is that my hair does look good with it on there. It's shiny and I get compliments. Only thing is that later on in the week I get faster build up. But that's me. Everybody should do what works for them.
I noticed the same thing. I started using Mizani Rose H20 to repair damage, and the first thing I noticed was that my hair had that good ol' mineral oil shine...I hadn't seen shine like that in a while, since I've been using plant oils.

I do think this is at least one of the reasons hair manufacturers use mineral oils in black hair products. Our hair tends to be dry, and mineral oil gives an unbeatable instant sheen.
Wow all interesting points. However I'm so torn, I wanted to purchase MTG but mineral oil is the first ingredient listed. Yet I hear so many good things about it. I need help deciding, oh the decisions I must make:look:
Mineral Oil, Lanolin, and Petrolatum are bad for MY hair because it feels like I applied Crisco on dry summer heat hair. I rather use better quality products that are also natural like pure oils and butters.
For me, grease has NEVER worked well. as a child I never had long hair and my mother tried what she had within her wealth of knowledge. The only thing grease like I can use is organic coconut oil.

But there are lots of women here who have beautiful hair and they use some stuff that would make my hair fall straight out.

One size does not fit all in the world of hair.:yep:

well i love me some miss jessies baby buttercream and that has mineral oil in it. the hair grows from the scalp so its not gonna stop my hair from growing. i dont put it on my scalp anyway. and its not gonna dry my hair out because i dont use it everyday, i wash and deep condition weekly and more if i need it.
i dont think its bad. but then again 90% of my stash is all natural so this wouldnt put a damper on my growth.
I think they are Bad, in terms of Long term effects, You may not see any negative results immediately, but anything that hinders moisture from being absorbed properly will eventually cause some sort of damage.
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I have heard all kinds of things about mineral oil, such as its relation to lung cancer when ingested. I try to avoid products with it because it doesn't absorb well in skin and can prevent normal elimination of toxins.
all I know is my hair was its longest as a child pre-relaxer and my mom slapped some Ultra sheen hair grease in it (including greasing the scalp) and used Princess Kitten cream shampoo (SLS was prob the 1st ingredient on that stuff!) and Mend Conditioner by Summit (even more petroleum!). All the no-no's you could think of were there but I wasn't doing my own hair, had no chemicals, wasn't manipulated much between washings which was no more than once a week (may have been once every two weeks) and my hair was thick, long down my back and very healthy (what I wouldn't give to be a kid again).

Oh yeah, Apex Pressing oil when straighted up petroleum with fragrance.

So I agree with the's definitely NOT the best quality stuff for your's cheap and there's no added "nutritional" value to using, over use of it will definitely have a less than positive effect...but it won't kill your hair either IMO (handling and care is where most of the setbacks and slowdowns come from...also JMO)
I used to avoid both when I heard they were bad for the hair but now I'm a bit more lax. I will use a product with either mineral oil OR petrolatum, never both, and it has to be pretty far down the ingredient list unless it's hair grease cuz I know grease just aint grease if petrolatum isn't the number one ingredient lol.

ETA: And I refuse to avod SLS now because that Optimum Anti-Breakage Stay Strong Shampoo is the bizness! No dryness at all, even if I lather up twice.
Something to think about...

"Mineral Oil. Clear, odorless oil derived from petroleum that is widely used in cosmetics because it rarely causes allergic reactions and it cannot become a solid and clog pores. Despite mineral oil’s association with petroleum and the hype that it is bad for skin, keep in mind that petroleum is a natural ingredient derived from the earth and that once it becomes mineral oil USP (cosmetics- and pharmaceutical-grade mineral oil), it has no resemblance to the original petroleum. Cosmetics-grade mineral oil and petrolatum are considered the safest, most nonirritating moisturizing ingredients ever found (Sources: Cosmetics & Toiletries, January 2001, page 79; and Cosmetic Dermatology, September 2000, pages 44–46). Yes, they can keep air off the skin to some extent, but that’s what a good antioxidant is supposed to do; they don’t suffocate skin! Moreover, mineral oil and petrolatum are known to be efficacious in wound healing, and are also among the most effective moisturizing ingredients available (Source: Cosmetics & Toiletries, February 1998, pages 33–40)."

"Petrolatum. Vaseline is pure petrolatum. For some unknown and unsubstantiated reason, petrolatum has attained a negative image in regard to skin care, despite solid research to the contrary. Topical application of petrolatum can help the skin’s outer layer recover from damage, reduce inflammation, and generally heal the skin (Source: Acta Dermato-Venereologica, November–December 2000, pages 412–415). See also mineral oil."​

Information taken from a cosmetic research database.
My grandmother SLATHERED grease in my hair and it never got past my ears. And she used dax, vaseline, cod liver oil, castor oil, and olive oil mixed together. She would grease my hair so much that it would be all over my fingers if I touched it.

If it "moisturizes" I should have had hair down to butt because she used so much of it.

My hair didnt grow until I started wearing braids and using a braid spray everyday. It went from ear to shoulder length.

I just dont like using grease. Never did.