What's the BEST thing you have done for your natural hair??


New Member
Hey Ladies,

I know we have a lot of treads about the "worst mistake" and "biggest regret", but i wanted to hear a positive spin on the gloriousness that is natural hair :grin:

so tell me, what's the best thing you have done for your natural hair???

for me, its learning that i should wash/henna my hair in twists - significantly decreased the time i spend in my detangling sessions :yep:
The best thing I have done for my natural hair is frequent moisture via cowashing, aloe vera mixed with essential oils, baggy and leaving it alone.
The best thing for my hair: learning about protein/moisture balance. That knowledge keeps my hair off the floor and on my head!
The best thing for my hair: is moisture+no heat:yep:

Also more natural products and staying from the other cheap crap:yep:

I want to start using henna but idk since its permanent and i would have to grow/cut it out:nono:
Had a reality check and realized that no matter what I did there was no way my hair texture was going to do anything other than what it did so thinking I could be a 3 something in texture was just delusional. I am a card carrying member of the 4BZ club, so deal with it and learn how this type of hair is to be handled in order to be healthy and long.
I started blowdrying after every wash. I don't have as many knots and tangles as before now.
Whipping coconut oil and shea butter to make a moisturizer.
Using no heat. Though I am getting a straightener eventually.
And learning (slowly) to braid, bantu-knot, twist, and, now cornrow. I'm not going to lie they cornrows are pretty shady but practice makes perfect.
More than just one thing. Here's the run down:

1) DC ever week for at least one hour with a conditioner made for that purpose
2) Doing a final rinse with ice cold water
3) using apple cider vinger/water rinse 2x month
4) sealing and stretching my ends
5) Henna treatments
1. Deep Conditioning
2. Moisturising
3. Rollersetting
4. Good quality products
5. K.I.S.S.

Now if I could only learn how to braid:ohwell:
Regular wash/condition and deep conditioning as well as moisturizing daily. The types of products, whether they are natural or commercial, is really meaningless - whatever works = a good choice for me.

But honestly, it's all been basically leaving the hair alone which ever style I've put it in for the day. Low manip!

Twists/braids, "out" styles, puffs, rollersets - I mess with it once in the morning to fluff or whatever and again at night to put it away. The only exception is when it's straightened. My straight hair is really heavy and hot (and gets in the way :look:) so I'll brush it out a bit and slap it in a ponytail or bun before the day is over.
CO washing; sealing; discovering food grade aloe vera, which I use in CO wash conditioners, moisturzing conditioner, DCs, by itself, in protein treatments, leave-ins and as a gel; coconut oil as a base to my oil mixture (coconut, camellia, grapeseed, olive, rice bran, almond, castor) which is the best pre-poo and the absolute best sealer.
cowashing. i didn't wash my hair as often as i could have when i was relaxed, so when i went natural, i feel in love with washing. i loved feeling the water on my scalp. :giggle:
Deep -Pre-conditioning every week since taking out my braids.

A mixture of warm coconut milk, black molasses and honey made my hair soft and easy to comb. I love the feel of my hair.
Only combing my hair when its wet (wash day), C&G technique, natural shampoo, protective styling, moisturising my hair EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL, eating properly, lhcf, bhm, scalp massages,
- Limiting combing, and being extra gentle when I do

- Increasing washing frequency (and using less shampoo - Shikakai powder and baking soda mostly)

- Using oils to seal

- Paying more attention to moisture