What's the best thing about being married?


New Member
Lhcf ladies what do you think is the best thing about being married?

I googled and found some different answeres:

answers from people on askmen: http://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/1p6yqv/what_is_the_best_part_about_being_married/

From some blog:

20 Best Things About Being Married
You get to have a sleep over with your best friend every night.
You’ve finally found that person who acknowledges that carry around Crazy Lady baggage, but is okay with you staying around and unpacking.
You always have someone to hang out with.
You no longer experience pre-date nerves.
You have someone to share your best moments with.
You have someone to hold you at your worst moments.
If no one else in the whole world “gets” you – you know your partner does.
You don’t have to go through that whole “are we Facebook official?” debacle.
You have a person who motivates you to be better, even when you don’t want to be.
You learn to compromise.
You can be a dweeb and not worry about it.
You don’t have to have awkward conversations with dudes when you go out to a bar. Just saying, Sorry, I’m married, is the best douche bag repellent ever.
You don’t have to stress out about composing texts. Like, Did I sound crazy in that last text? or He put a period at the end of that sentence – is he mad?

You don’t have to make difficult decisions alone. Sure, there are time when the decision-making will ultimately fall on you, but you have someone who has your best interest in mind to bounce ideas off of.
It doesn’t suck to be around someone who thinks you’re the best looking person in the world.
Married people live longer than single people.
You don’t always have to be the one who does the dishes.
Starting your own family/life with someone is the most amazing feeling. (“Family” can be two people and dog, just FYI)
I cannot lie – finally being able to call your long-time boyfriend your “husband” is pretty awesome.
Yeah, when you’re married you do have to think about someone other than yourself, you do have to adjust some of your habits, and sometimes you do fight. But life is one big adventure – and being married means you have someone to share it with.
Quite a few things come to mind such as I like being on a team with someone and sharing everything. Also I like not having to be "on". I like knowing I can wear my black bonnet to bed, go bra less around the house and poop without having to run the faucet as a noise deterrent. And I love the stability and familiarity of it all.
Not having to deal with life bs alone

Having a built in date

Having sex whenever I want

Being loved and spoiled

Ability to show vulnerability and be taken care of

Seeing mini versions of the man I love via our children
Having a friend, companion, counsellor, co-parent, date, love.
Looking good for you & him only and not caring about what other men find attractive= freedom lol. I don't miss my single, dating days at all.

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Always having someone who has my best interests at heart. Seeing my favorite person everyday. Having someone who sees me at my best and loves it and sees me at my worst and doesn't run. Being with someone who really gets me.
I wonder what men would respond?

Men's responses are in the Ask Men link in the OP.

My answer: I am spiritually and legally bound to my best friend in the world, and it's better than I could have imagined. I can tell him anything and he can do the same, and we will always be there for each other. ALWAYS. I can be myself and watch someone cherish and enjoy getting to know every little thing about me (and I do the same for him). I have a support system unlike any boyfriend, parent, etc. - someone who will tell me the truth in love and hold me up when I can't/don't support myself. I could go on and on... I just got back from a business trip last night and I am LOVING reuniting with my baby! :yep:
Man, the personal & spiritual growth you go through is awesome. Your spouse is like a mirror holding up all of your subconscious issues. You can either stay & work through those issues or leave.
Being one unit and building a great life with the person you love most.

For me personally as a woman, it's knowing that my husband's favorite and most important job is making sure I'm happy, secure, and loved. I can't even explain how powerful that is.

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Someone to eat my leftovers when I cannot finish it (my eyes are bigger than my gut and I hate wasting food).

Someone to load up the dishwasher or wash the dishes.

I can spend one months wages on a handbag if I wanted to cuz my bills are covered.

Phallus on tap.

Having a Designated driver.
Being able to say 'remember that time......' and he knows the story I'm thinking of because he was there.
Having a friend to hold your hand through life.

Making babies

Building memories

Having someone to go out with all the time

Having someone to have guilt free sex with
Only having to please two God and him.
Being able to get a hotel room guilt free.
Having a support system knowing all bills are paid.
Being taken out to eat when you don't feel like cooking.
If friends diss you, you have your own fun at home.
Making decisions together.
Being sick together.
Having someone to talk to at awkward dinner parties.
Being admired when your not looking.
Someone to travel with.
Knowing that he's a typical no emotions alpha male, but remembering his eyes getting teary on our wedding day when he was reciting his vows to me.

Having all of these wonderful memories that bring a random smile to your face.

Nightly snuggling and spooning!

Having someone in my life who stood before God, his parents, and my parents to say that I was the woman he vowed to spend the rest of his life with.

Knowing that I can go home and unload all my thoughts about my coworkers and trust he won't repeat a word.
Always having a friend to do new and exciting things with. I don't have to worry about Dh being wishy, washy.