What's the best box relaxer?

Hey Supergirl...I don't know much about lye and no lye, but isn't no lye usually with the activator step that you had to mix? Thats how the design essentials was that my hairdresser used so I'm assuming that its no lye.

Update: I used ORS and I loved the results! I'm sneaking on here at work...Will post a pic later. LOL.

Yes, most no-lyes have to be mixed with activator. :)
Thats my hair post relaxer in the avatar...

ETA: After 2 years of being on here, this is the best avatar pic I've had, and its funny, I did it myself! DIY FOR LIFE!!! :) My hair has been chopped up so much, didn't even know it grew in a V!
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Thats my hair post relaxer in the avatar...

ETA: After 2 years of being on here, this is the best avatar pic I've had, and its funny, I did it myself! DIY FOR LIFE!!! :) My hair has been chopped up so much, didn't even know it grew in a V!

Which Relaxer did you end up using? ORS?
ORS-didn't get me straight, actually texlaxed me

Soft n Beautiful-I've used for the past year, burns me too easily

I'm switching to Silk Elements and I might try Hawaiian Silky in the future.