Whats some of the reasons you stop or reconsidering going to a salon

- RUDE stylists (there are too many where I live)
- Overbooking clients
- Being (extremely) rough with my hair - I once lost so much hair in the
back of my head because the lady was ripping through my new growth
with her comb. I still have flashbacks..
- Under-processing my hair every time I get a relaxer (this happened when I would stretch
for a long time).
- $$$
- Surprise big chops

It's been 6 months since I stepped foot in a salon and it is such a weight off my shoulders. The best stylist I ever had is 2 1/2 hours away from me and I will only go into her salon to say hi. I'm completely done!
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Several reasons:

1. A "trim" is misunderstood as a 3-4" cut.

2. Spending hours on a gorgeous Saturday in the waiting area due to greedy stylists overbooking? Got tired of it.

3. Half-done styles, I felt I didn't get my money's worth and would often have to re-style my hair as soon as I got home!

4. Lots are increasing their prices and don't even include a conditioner or DC in the routine! Many charge separate fees if you want your hair conditioned after a shampoo! :nono: Like WTH? What black woman goes WITHOUT conditioner?

5. Too many gossip and have nasty attitudes in the salon. I'd rather DIM (do it myself) than deal with that b.s. (And, when you have long hair, if you go to one of these ghetto, hood salons where all the women get quick weaves and have less than 5" of hair...they hate and try to mess up your hair if not trying to cut it as well). <had that happen.

6. Money. I'd rather stock my products and DIM than pay someone to possibly f-up my hair. I put my $ to much better use.

*It has been almost 4 years since I have used ANY salon service (hair, nails, spa). I would still go to the nail salon/spa, but no one could pay me right now to let a stylist touch this head (except for a braider, no other stylist).

*I have taught myself to do EVERYTHING I typically need done to my hair--from permanent color TUs to a relaxer when I had one, to DC's and cellophanes, etc (learned through research, reading Cosmetology textbooks, trial and error).

*I don't get weaves, so I figure why go except to get a braided style with extensions maybe every blue moon (and that may be out as well as soon as I learn to braid my own hair with extensions)!
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Way too rough with my hair. My stylist literally ripped relaxer through my hair my last touch up!

She's always tryin' to cut somethin'! Yeah- my ends are bone straight and the rest of my hair is textured, but the ends arent breaking, so why do I need to lose them.

The waiting. I hate waiting. I hate being stuck under the dryer while two or three heads get styled before someone gets back to me.

I vist the hair dresser very, very rarely. 90% of what I need gets done by me in the comfort of my own home.
They never did my hair the way I liked..
I don’t like waiting
Too Expensive  this is really the kicker.

If I feel like I need a trim,I will go to the hair cuttery or JC Penny’s Salon, lol
I can not handle the 6 hours minimum process. Plus my hair would bounce as I went in and was a helmet when I left due to grease and too much product.
Waiting around forever before I got in the chair. Then once I was in the chair she would base my scalp and then make me sit there while she finished someone else up. :rolleyes:

She seemed annoyed that I started stretching my relaxers and thus would come in with more new growth. She would be extra harsh while making sections.

Bringing the relaxer down half the length despite my reminders to only do the new growth. I do not have 6" of new growth after 3 months.

Shampooing my hair on top of my head like the girls in the commercials which resulted in serious matting. Then she would rip through the matted hair with her comb and I could see noticeably thinner ends when she was finished.

My last salon relaxer was in August and my hair has never been better.
#1 Too expensive for me
#2 Long waiting
#3 Im "tender-headed" so stop ripping out knots!
#4 Why is there more hair on the floor than on my head?
#5 Anything you can I do I can better (if I try)
-i don't relax my hair
-they never and I mean never can get my hair straight since going natural. I can't either so I guess I shouldn't fault them
- they braid too tight
- takes way too long
- their detangling methods are deplorable

I'm at a loss as to what to go to salons for now anyways that aren't house deposit expensive that is.
When I was going to salons I would go to Sears, JCpenny, Or Macy's so I wouldn't have to wait. I don't go now since my hhj because I'm trying to grow my hair.
Im considering stopping going to my current salon, its a dominican salon. Why? im getting tired of getting up early to try to get there first thing in the am on a saturday (10am to be exact) and im never out before 2pm. I have been watching them blow out my roots and i think i can do myself. I also think sometimes they can be a little rough with combing my hair while its wet, its like they are just tearing through it. I have my own dryer, and steamer, all i need is a good blow dryer which im getting in about 2 weeks and i will be on my own. I will be able to do my hair at my leisure and treat it with TLC.
Last time I set foot in a salon was in August 09 and I have no intentions of returning.
1. What person that cares about healthy hair would recommend applying a relaxer to severely heat-damaged natural hair? And AFTER I got the relaxer, commented on how my hair was soooo soft and that I probably didn't need it... wth?
2. I couldn't unwrap my hair the next day because my hair was plastered to the sores
3. This particular stylist didn't take long (mostly because I was living in a predominately white area at the time and there just weren't all that many black people to double-book), but my time at the salon would have been greatly lessened had she not been so busy trying to buy fake Coach bags and eating her fried fish dinner
4. I am the first to admit that I have a bit of a potty mouth, but if you cuss out one more person on the phone while flat ironing my hair...

Left that salon, and immediately began Googling how to transition from a relaxer and researching products and no- and low-heat styles on YT.
I've always liked doing my own hair anyway, and my results are usually nice enough (or nicer, in most cases) that I don't miss it one bit.
That blowdryer she was using burnt my scalp so bad it took a week to heal!

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