What's so special about Pibbs?


New Member
I've seen other brand self-standing dryers that cost much less than any Pibbs and even with more watts.

What sets them from the rest?

I just want the convenience of being able to roll and use a dryer comfortably anywhere in the house. Is it necessary to spend 2 or 3 hundred dollars when they all serve the same purpose?
I've seen other brand self-standing dryers that cost much less than any Pibbs and even with more watts.

What sets them from the rest?

I just want the convenience of being able to roll and use a dryer comfortably anywhere in the house. Is it necessary to spend 2 or 3 hundred dollars when they all serve the same purpose?

Pibbs is not just about being on a stand and rolling it around. The way it blows the air around is key and the fact that it covers your head. It dries faster with less wattage. Wattage is not the key in this.
I have seen some that are similar looking, but dont know how they work.

Bumping to see what the other ladies have.
Pibbs is not just about being on a stand and rolling it around. The way it blows the air around is key and the fact that it covers your head. It dries faster with less wattage. Wattage is not the key in this.
I have seen some that are similar looking, but dont know how they work.

Bumping to see what the other ladies have.

Thanks for the clarification, so its a more even, circulating drying process and not just direct hot air.....................Got it!

I voted in the poll and I'm still interested in purchasing one just wasn't sure of the differences.
I don't personally own one but the perception that I get from these ladies is that the Pibbs is considered the LEXUS of standing hair dryers. The $100 one at Sally's will dry your hair. The $75 one on ebay will dry your hair. The $135 one at your local BSS will dry your hair. But the LEXUS(Pibbs) will dry your hair in style, gets better mileage, and you'll look cuter sitting under it just like a car.

So do you wanna drive the Honda Civic or the Lexus Coupe?
I had the "other" kind of hair dryer that was cheaper (Pro-Tools $119) It was ok but it really was nothing compared to the PIBBS because it takes less time and heat to dry due to the air circulation. My rollersets and deep conditioners come out so much smoother and silkier.
I had the "other" kind of hair dryer that was cheaper (Pro-Tools $119) It was ok but it really was nothing compared to the PIBBS because it takes less time and heat to dry due to the air circulation. My rollersets and deep conditioners come out so much smoother and silkier.

I dont know for a fact since I dont actually own a pibbs yet, but I think the quality you are getting is much better simply because this is what is used in most salons and will get you that much closer to salon results once you master the technique. Smoother and silkier? I can deal with that lol.

ETA, kind of like the difference between a golden hot flat iron and a chi...the results are much better with the higher end flat iron.
I dont know for a fact since I dont actually own a pibbs yet, but I think the quality you are getting is much better simply because this is what is used in most salons and will get you that much closer to salon results once you master the technique. Smoother and silkier? I can deal with that lol.

ETA, kind of like the difference between a golden hot flat iron and a chi...the results are much better with the higher end flat iron.
Yep and blow dyers too. All heat appliances are not equal even though they are supposed to do the same thing.
I've had the table top ones in the past and they were fine for that time but as my hair grew and I wanted better results, meaning I wanted to maintain a healthier head I needed the better brand

I went from a Babyliss to the Pibbs in 1.5 years.....

The Babyliss was small in the head and I needed to use larger rollers so the Pibbs was better for me.

As others mentioned:

The air circulation and intensity is far superior ( even than the Babyliss) and this gets you out of the dryer quicker ( imagine 2 hr in a regular or even the Babyliss dryer....rollers would stick out from the bottom)

I can do my hair whenever I want and not have to worry about it not drying on time or correctly.

In the end its worth it ( $20 per salon visit times 10 visits will be the eqivalent) to me because I can take care of my hair and not rely on salons ( although I love my hairstylist I have come to hate the crowded salon experience)
I owned two table top dryers before, one of which was a Gold N Hot, and I kid you not, it took me 3 hours to dry my hair underneath it - and I'm SL!

I knew at the beginning of my hair journey that if I was going to follow through with this and stick to my goals, I needed the best products. Sure, I could work with a Gold N Hot - but when it takes me 2 hours alone just to pre-poo wash and condition, do I really want to twist and turn to be uncomfortable under a table top dryer for another 180 minutes?

Then of course there's the quality. With my Pibbs, my rollersets come out completely dry in 30 minutes on 50 degrees. I've NEVER had that kind of rollerset dry so fast before. In fact, I was so used to drying for at least an hour, that when I said on here awhile back that I sat under my Pibbs for an hour and a half on 55 degree heat, I got laughed it! It literally just doesn't take long at all.

Its honestly a good investment.
I was wondering about the hype of the Pibbs dryer as well. Did a little online research, and it does appear to be a highly rated dryer, but the price isn't right for my wallet just yet. :lol: I'll have to stick with the standing salon dryer that I have now until it plays out, then I'll hit FH up for the Pibbs!!!
I think another major selling point for women with BSL and longer is that you can comfortably fit under the dome with the largest sized rollers. You can't do that with table top dryers.
I owned two table top dryers before, one of which was a Gold N Hot, and I kid you not, it took me 3 hours to dry my hair underneath it - and I'm SL! .

Oh dont even get me started on the table top dryers! I remeber having to put my science textbooks and a couple of phone books under it just so I could sit under it. Then I would also have to sit wit my head in weird positions ensure all sections of my hair dried ( there would always be a piece wet still)

But I am not knocking it because it was a great starter dryer while I learned how to care for my hair.
I have fine hair that thanks to the great advice and teaching I have received here at LHCF is now a few inches from APL, I have found the Pibbs to be awesome. My rollersets are soft silky and I have bounce for a few days. With the table top dryer, I had issues with really dry, rough hair in the crown of my head as the hot air blows straight down. Plus, it takes me about 40 minutes to be completely dry which is great, without drying out my hair.
I had the "other" kind of hair dryer that was cheaper (Pro-Tools $119) It was ok but it really was nothing compared to the PIBBS because it takes less time and heat to dry due to the air circulation. My rollersets and deep conditioners come out so much smoother and silkier.

ok I was looking at this the other day, it was 79 here. But, I still want a Pibbs...ahh one day ladies one day!
Where did you ladies Purchase your pibbs dryer? I want one sooo bad. Hopefully DH will get me one for christmas :yesyes: I want to buy this like TODAY lol But I know DH won't let me because we are on a budget for the moment. I am going to check on ebay too see what there prices are like.
I don't personally own one but the perception that I get from these ladies is that the Pibbs is considered the LEXUS of standing hair dryers. The $100 one at Sally's will dry your hair. The $75 one on ebay will dry your hair. The $135 one at your local BSS will dry your hair. But the LEXUS(Pibbs) will dry your hair in style, gets better mileage, and you'll look cuter sitting under it just like a car.

So do you wanna drive the Honda Civic or the Lexus Coupe?

But honestly though....I'd take that good old Honda lol:grin: I say this because it does the same thing for less money I know I might not be able to have the smoothness and the shine but since I'm on a poor college students budget the Babyliss will have to do...But I've ALWAYS wanted the Phibbs so in a couple years I'll upgrade.
First I would like to say I am new to this forum, and God was smiling on me the day a friend sent me the link. You ladies are wonderful!:grin: I recently received the PIBBS 514, and this dyrer is the truth! OMG I must have sat under it for 35 min in an attempt to do a rollerset, and my hair was dry! ( I air-dryed for about 15 min before I got under and my hair is BSL.) It is a different type of airflow, which results in a much faster drying time. I've had the Lady Daisy, Hot tools, and many others, but I see what all the fuss is about with this one. If you are a serious rollersetter, or a busy mom like me who doesn't have all day to be under the dryer, it is worth the money. For the first time, my rollerset looked great! Also, the quiet hum of the motor puts my daughter to sleep, and when she see's me in my jumbo rollers, she giggles and gets such a kick out of it. This is the best thing I've gotten all year.
I sure can't wait to get this dryer. I've been checking the thread and I'm ready for it. I cant wait to see if we all do the pibbs deal because, I want it at the group discount.
I don't personally own one but the perception that I get from these ladies is that the Pibbs is considered the LEXUS of standing hair dryers. The $100 one at Sally's will dry your hair. The $75 one on ebay will dry your hair. The $135 one at your local BSS will dry your hair. But the LEXUS(Pibbs) will dry your hair in style, gets better mileage, and you'll look cuter sitting under it just like a car.

So do you wanna drive the Honda Civic or the Lexus Coupe?

:lachen:You're good! Have you ever considered a career in advertisement?