Whats my hair type? Pics inside!!


New Member
Please help, i am transitioning to natural and i can't determine my hair type.


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    transitioning 002.jpg
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The pics are a little grainy (at least on my screen), but I would guess somewhere in the 3c/4a/b range.
from what i can tell from these pix, yours looks like mine.

i am 3c in the back and 4a/4b elsewhere
I am not sure, i haven't measure it up because the front part was relax so i am letting it grow to catch up to the other parts.
i think its 4a/b but im not sure. it looks like my moms hair.the curl pattern doesn't really pop in the pictures. did you comb it?
anyways im loving the NG:lick:
you've got tons of new growth. How much longer do you want to transition?

I am thinking maybe till December or january. I just want the front part that i relaxed to catch up with the other part thats whats holding me on doing the BC. The front has a little bit of new growth :(...
I am going to try the cayenne pepper and olive oil growth aid to see if it works because i want to get off the relax hair.
You look 4a/b to me. That's kinda what my hair looks like! And you should definitely try the Cayenne pepper thing, it does work.
You look 4a/b to me. That's kinda what my hair looks like! And you should definitely try the Cayenne pepper thing, it does work.

How much growth did you achieve and in what amount of time?
How did you use this as a pre poo over night or just for a few mins?
Here is my transitioning hair... Im starting to think it may be better if i just texlax.. considering i perfer to wear my hair straight... my point of going natural was to achieve more body and fullness with my hair..
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