What's Going On With Fotki?


Well-Known Member
I went in to update my albums and a bunch of the photos have been deleted dating back to 2008/2009. Has this happened to anyone else? Can someone explain? What's the point of storing photos if they're going to delete them without notifying me.:sad:
I have a Fotki and my "premium" membership recently expired. I contacted the company to inquire about what will happen to my pictures if I don't pay for a renewal. I haven't heard anything back, which makes me very nervous. I'll be downloading all of my pictures.

There really aren't any good pictures storage solutions out there anymore, it seems. Even the paid services are shaky. I know that Fotki almost went out of business a year or so back. They are not making enough money to cover what it costs them to store people's pictures (server space or however it works).
Not for me. My pix are still missing. My "Growth" album recorded my clipper shave in 2009 to my last length check in April 2013. It used to have over 90 photos and now it only has about 20-30. :sad:

If they sent an email, I don't remember getting one...
I'm trying to save my photos from fotki as soon as I see them reappear. I've emailed them a few times, but all I hear is excuse after excuse. I don't want excuses, I want my photos. :(

Going to check today if they are back...
Here's the latest reply that I got:

Dear FlowerHair,
As you may know, currently we are transferring our servers to a new location and that is why some of the photos are not showing up. We expect all the photos back online again within the month of November. After that we should resume to providing a service that we have delivered for the last 15 years. Please bear with us while we are doing our last changes to improve our service.
In case you missed: Here is the link to our blog that explains what is happening:


Thank you for using Fotki!
Fotki Team

Fotki Customer Service response on Wed, Oct 30, 2013 9:28 PM UTC
Thank you so much FlowerHair ! I saw the disclaimer when I originally noticed my photos missing months ago but it said they were supposed to be back up by now. Thanks again for checking!