What's bothering you about your hair?


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what's bothering me. I woke up last night after falling asleep watching TV and my 4a natural hair (which I had straightened with my flat iron) was sweated through on one side. I was irritated because I knew that meant using more heat this morning before work to get it straight. I'm irritated that my hair would revert so easily. I guess the heat from my arm pressed against my hair was too much for my strands to resist. One side was curly and the other was straight. Now I want to wash it, but I'm trying to wait so that I don't overwash my hair.

So tell me, what's bothering you? What's your hair doing?
My ends are damaged and frizzy ( but getting better) and the back of my hair is rough and damaged from too much brushing:mad:
My hair is a TWA. What bothers me is that I wake up every morning with bed head. Like you I'm trying not to overwash due to the cold weather. This Saturday I'm going to invest in individual braids. I wish I had the skills to do them myself but I fear that it would be a waste of time. I do have a new product find. Giovanni conditioner for CWs. It made my hair very soft proceeded by an ACV rinse. I will deep condition with the ORS Replenishing Pak Friday night then head over to the African shops bright and early so as to be the first person. Wish I knew how to post pictures to show before and after.:look:
I am astonished that I am at a place where I can honestly say nothing is bothering me about my hair. Of course, today is a good hair day. I might be back in this thread tomorrow. :look:
One side is WAY longer than the other side and the longer side is not as thick because it has more defined layers than the shorter side. :perplexed

DRAMA YALL!! I am trying to be patient here. I gave up on my length goals for now. I am just trying to even my hair out 1st.
I can say that I'm thankful to have the hair that I have, however, I can't stand the fact that I can't get my edges (the ones right above my ears)to stay smooth even after I've applied jam and my scarf. :( ***SIGHS*** :(
I know once I touch up, they'll be smoother than ever but I don't plan on touching up for a while from now. So I have to continue walking around with poofy edges. All day everyday!:mad:
I cant stand the thiness of my strands:mad: .... i wish i had thicker hair and i am trying to get this by stretching my relaxers for longer periods of time.
The length of my hair. Since my hairdresser disaster, my hair is now about 4.5 inches all over. I've never had short hair and it is difficult to keep styled. By the end of the week I'm back in my colorful array of baseball caps.
The fact that I would be APL if I hadn't been my own SHS and I don't know whether I need a heavy protein treatment for my little breaking hairs (very few, but still...) and I haven't done one since I started caring for my hair 7 months ago.:(
I washed my hair last night after taking out my 2-month old singles and it was very frustrating. I've never seen so many tangles and knots. I've been stretching for the past 4 months now and trying to make it to december but I don't know if I can. My hair is such a tangled mess now I don't know what to do with myself. This will definitely be my last 6-month stretch...(at least for now).
I have to say it's nice to see that we are all going through our hair drama together.

The truth is that my hair - when it's a good hair day - makes me feel like a queen. I fixed it up for work today and it's hanging in there.
My hair is confused. It seems to be a mix of thin strands and thick strands. I think the thinnies might be due to relaxer damage, though...I ws overprocessed the last time I had a touch up.

My main hair complaint was always that it "didn't grow fast enough". However, since I found this board, I think that will be turning around!:drunk:

Today is a good hair day - I'm wearing a fall.
My hair is sooo thick and dry!! it just sucks up moisturizer like a sponge and about an hour or so after I do moisturize it is dry again! I almost have to keep it a little damp througout the day but I can't do this now since it is getting cold. :perplexed
lana said:
I'll tell you what's bothering me. I woke up last night after falling asleep watching TV and my 4a natural hair (which I had straightened with my flat iron) was sweated through on one side. I was irritated because I knew that meant using more heat this morning before work to get it straight. I'm irritated that my hair would revert so easily. I guess the heat from my arm pressed against my hair was too much for my strands to resist. One side was curly and the other was straight. Now I want to wash it, but I'm trying to wait so that I don't overwash my hair.

So tell me, what's bothering you? What's your hair doing?

Well I am pretty happy with it right now. But if I have to pick something, I'll say that I woke up this morning and it was the same length as it was last night! Where are my four inches?!:lol:
I don't know my hair type or what to use for MY hair. Still trying to learn on that front.

Also, my hair is like several gangs trying to take over one block (my head) and they're all fighting each other. In the front, I'm realtively straight with a slight curl pattern, at my crown, it's thick and bushy with NO curl pattern that I can tell, and the rest is like curly/wavy/frizzy/ and they're all angry at each other:lol:

I think I explained it ok.
Royal Glory said:
Well I am pretty happy with it right now. But if I have to pick something, I'll say that I woke up this morning and it was the same length as it was last night! Where are my four inches?!:lol:

:lol: :lol:

I think that may be my problem, too.:) :)

I love my hair and it has made be happy. I have no dryness, breakage, and I don't have to spend much time styling it.

Mine is just so uneven.
HoneyDew said:
:lol: :lol:

I think that may be my problem, too.:) :)

I love my hair and it has made be happy. I have no dryness, breakage, and I don't have to spend much time styling it.

Mine is just so uneven.

Your hair is pretty, though. It will get there!
My hair was overprocessed over 2 years ago:( . I'm still dealing with splits in the middle of my hair shaft will eventually breaks. Even though it's not a lot, it's still happening. I just don't want to cut off my all my progess.

Another is that my hair is still about the same length as last year. The scissor happy stylist keep cutting off my progress. I've decided just to dust my ends in 2007 and get a trim in January 08. That way I can see my progress.:grin:
It's thin! :mad: I knew it was thin when I was relaxed but I thought once I went natural it would thicken up some... NOPE. That and I can't get my curls to "hang" to save my life. They feel soft and defined when I touch it, but the shrinkage is ridiculous. I'll see how it looks in 6 months. I'm hoping by then It'll be long enough to put in a puff.
I need a relaxer! I am officially 12 weeks post today but will not relax until this weekend. Just knowing I made it to 12 weeks makes me wanna put the relaxer in now. Oh well, I am happy I made it though.:D
i dont wanna complain but i really don't understand why my hair just wont get to shoulder length? i mean really SL is not long. my hair should at least be able to reach that. I don't want BSL or WSL i dont even think i want APL. ( im tall so all those lengths would look longer on me than they would someone who was average height, really long hair wouldnt look good on me) all i want is for my hair to be a little past my shoulders is that too much to ask?
My hair is too short! :cry3: OK.... ok I'll try to be patient. I have sraggly edges coming in (which is a good thing) my hairline is growning back in but it's frustrating to deal with sraggly edges.
My hair isn't really growing much at all. i can't figure out why either. I don't have breakage and I'm not trimming as much as I used to. WHY?!?!?! :cry:
im due for a relaxer and my newgrowth is just :lachen:.

my edges. i don't want to really talk about it.

I have middle hair. I grew my hair out from a short style. I just want to be SL and get it over with.

I have breakage and I figured out that it was from my newgrowth and the weather change.
After a member posted about nape length (sorry for not knowing who), i have to say i'm not happy with my nape naps.

everyone's napes seem to average the length of the rest of their scalp hair.

i think i have a problem. gonna be extra extra gentle with it for a few months and see if the shortness is normal or not.

someone wrote about sticking a couple braids in it so while reading the post, i moisturized, oiled then braided up my nape into two plaits, oiled some end papers and rolled them up in a couple curlers. since i'm wearing a braidout, they're well hidden :D

quick thanks to whoever it was that suggested that.