What would you do????


House Head
My SO and I met at 14. We were friends for a few months until my arch enemy found out about it and told me he was her boyfriend, I simply stopped talking to him to keep the peace. (I found out that she lied).

Today, we are in full grown adults. SO has been married and now divorced for 7 years. Arch enemey is currently married. We live in 3 separate states. Arch enemy is friends with my idiotic cousin so she's always kept up with my life and would call every 3-4 years to give me updates (commericials) of her life and I'd always go into this i'm happy for you and glad to hear crap.

I joined Facebook to find out about my H.S. reunion since they didn't put jack on classmates and an old classmate told me to get on FB. Well Arch enemy and SO are friends on there. Arch enemy sent me a few horrible emails talking bad thing about SO and accusing him of trying to break up her marriage, mind you they've never been together because she even lied about it when we were kids. She's sent SO emails calling all types of names and telling him i'm no good for him.

Yesterday, she asked him to pick between us (now we are in our 40s, i know shameful). So he and I attempted to block her but i guess i'm no FB champ and her emails came through. She called me everything but my given name and once again,told him she can't be his friend because of me. When I got home yesterday she called me and WENT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started off ugly back until i sat quiet and listened to her tone and it was a tone like no other. It was ugly, viscious and full of hate so I started agreeing with the "yes, i'm a b, " "yes, i want your life". I tell you ladies i was like :perplexed:blush:. So at the end I asked her if she felt better and she said "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Then I asked WHAT SPARKED THIS? AND SHE SCREAMED "you want to know, you want to know, you want to know BBBBBBB?" um, yes, i asked. she said "you should have come to me like a woman and I asked why, i'm not seeing your husband" we are to consenting adults who are together, wht is the problem. Remember your are happily married and I WANT YOUR LIFE,so what really sparked this.

I am thinking about sending all these emails to her husband (the doctor) so that he can handle things. I'm at my wits end. Us blocking her surely set her off.

What should I do? She's married and has this wild crush on SO that she's carried for all of these years and knew he was at they said back then "coating me" but since she said he was hers i backed off. I don't understand how a married woman could act this way. He hasn't lived in our hometown since we were 19 and got married at 20 and was in the navy for 22 yrs.:nono::nono: i"m rambling now bcause this broad has me confused.
this is a grown woman acting like a child? Whatever....boo to her. Keep it moving. She's married and needs to get over herself. Get off facebook or any other social site and keep your relationship private. Unless SO wants to be w/ that woman....than I'd tell you to step.

Tell her to grow up and tend to her own business. All that cussing and fussing is for nothing. Wasted energy......

oh yeah, you're good for answering the phone cause a chick like me would've hung up on her mid conversation. People really need to learn how to control their emotions
she didn't know we were together, she put all this crap together in her head. She's somebody I don't talk to unless she calls me and like i said it's seldom and it never lasts no more than 10-15 minutes (after she does her commercials). At first I was going to go in for her throat and then I listened and it was a different thing happening with her. It was far from normal. We don't discuss crap on facebook. I'm usually on there chatting with family and looking at their photos. I think she's lost it. The tone I tell you was vicious. I"m still thinking astronaut chick.
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No way would I communicate with an enemy, fake or whatever...I wouldn't be so quick to say arch enemy is telling lies, there might be something going on with her and SO or something has gone on in the past.
I'd cut all contact off with her. Learn how to block her from FB so you won't be tempted to even read emails from her. Don't answer her calls. Don't accept any form of communication with her. She would be like a dog chasing his tail and never catching it. All this is so high school.
My daughter did something to my page so hopefully it won't get through. I find her comments humerous yet scary. she said "i don't care if you and tony have a relationship". So you read our profiles and it set you off you happily married woman.
Help her get out of your life by blocking her and not accepting any communications from her. There's no point in talking to someone like that.
There is NOTHING more dangerous than the FRENEMY. Don't give her anymore food for fodder. Keep your life private, as she is obviously trying to compete with you, esp. on the relationship level, (even though she's married, which is superweird). She wants to see you miserable and will exert every piece of leverage she has. She really seems immature and more importantly, unstable. Be glad you two live different states.
There is NOTHING more dangerous than the FRENEMY. Don't give her anymore food for fodder. Keep your life private, as she is obviously trying to compete with you, esp. on the relationship level, (even though she's married, which is superweird). She wants to see you miserable and will exert every piece of leverage she has. She really seems immature and more importantly, unstable. Be glad you two live different states.

:yep::yep::yep::yep:yes, i wish i'd taped her. The tone was something out of a horror film.
Something's missing in this story. Men lie. Are you sure you have all the details? She's acting irrational for no reason which leads me to believe there really is a reason... Just sounds like something is missing.
Girl, just in case it didn't work.....


Top line (blue shaded area) click on settings. In the dropdown box, click privacy settings. Stroll down to the bottom, you will see this message in a grey shaded box:

Block People

If you block someone, they will not be able to find you in a Facebook search, see your profile, or interact with you through Facebook channels (such as Wall posts, Poke, etc.). Any Facebook ties you currently have with a person you block will be broken (for example, friendship connections, Relationship Status, etc.). Note that blocking someone may not prevent all communications and interactions in third-party applications, and does not extend to elsewhere on the Internet.

Block List

  • You have not added anyone to your Block list.

Block that girl out of your life. PERIOD.
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Something's missing in this story. Men lie. Are you sure you have all the details? She's acting irrational for no reason which leads me to believe there really is a reason... Just sounds like something is missing.

No, this girl and I started to school together at 4 y/o. I know it's me. It has always been me. We have had sooooooooo many fights. She even brought the last one up yesterday and we were 13 at the time. She said I hit her from behind (which i did) and called me a thug about 100 times. She emailed him and told him i was a thug and that I hit her from behind. THIS IS THE ENTIRE STORY. The things she said about me to him were horrible, she's somebody that has always had that everybody likes KPH and I hate her but i'll be around and start a fight next week. When it was time to go to H.S. she picked the same one I did. I saw her name on the same list and I erased mine, don't you know she fought (well got beat up) me for that. She's sick, i'm convinced and concerned.
No, this girl and I started to school together at 4 y/o. I know it's me. It has always been me. We have had sooooooooo many fights. She even brought the last one up yesterday and we were 13 at the time. She said I hit her from behind (which i did) and called me a thug about 100 times. She emailed him and told him i was a thug and that I hit her from behind. THIS IS THE ENTIRE STORY. The things she said about me to him were horrible, she's somebody that has always had that everybody likes KPH and I hate her but i'll be around and start a fight next week. When it was time to go to H.S. she picked the same one I did. I saw her name on the same list and I erased mine, don't you know she fought (well got beat up) me for that. She's sick, i'm convinced and concerned.

but yet, you continue to talk to her?:nono: Sounds like she is obsessed to me. From 13 to 40? Remember the movie "Single white female"?
but yet, you continue to talk to her?:nono: Sounds like she is obsessed to me. From 13 to 40? Remember the movie "Single white female"?

It's like your phone rings every 18 months and you say hello and she goes "hey girl, it's me M" and i have the :perplexed face and say yeah, what's up and she'll lead off into a "i saw your cousin....." and i'm still :perplexed and she'll say "we just got back from mexico, hubby bought me a new truck, i just had a tummy tuck:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed" and i'll go girl, that's nice. good to hear from you but i'm on my way out the door. then 18 months later another commercial phone call:nono:
She's unstable, I WOULD NOT forward those e-mails. Fueling an angry lunatic is like lighting a bomb.

I'd change my number, be unlisted, block all communication on FB and live a private life. I'd treat her like the insane psycho she is and avoid her like the plague. You'd think she was declared Armed Dangerous and Unstable from the way I'd treat her.
cut off all communication with her. she is not stable. you need to check your cousin too. if she wasnt floating info back to this nut you wouldnt be having this problem. she needs a good therapist / pyschologist / pyschiarist and some meds.
cut off all communication with her. she is not stable. you need to check your cousin too. if she wasnt floating info back to this nut you wouldnt be having this problem. she needs a good therapist / pyschologist / pyschiarist and some meds.

My SO and I met at 14. We were friends for a few months until my arch enemy found out about it and told me he was her boyfriend, I simply stopped talking to him to keep the peace. (I found out that she lied).

Today, we are in full grown adults. SO has been married and now divorced for 7 years. Arch enemey is currently married. We live in 3 separate states. Arch enemy is friends with my idiotic cousin so she's always kept up with my life and would call every 3-4 years to give me updates (commericials) of her life and I'd always go into this i'm happy for you and glad to hear crap.

I joined Facebook to find out about my H.S. reunion since they didn't put jack on classmates and an old classmate told me to get on FB. Well Arch enemy and SO are friends on there. Arch enemy sent me a few horrible emails talking bad thing about SO and accusing him of trying to break up her marriage, mind you they've never been together because she even lied about it when we were kids. She's sent SO emails calling all types of names and telling him i'm no good for him.

Yesterday, she asked him to pick between us (now we are in our 40s, i know shameful). So he and I attempted to block her but i guess i'm no FB champ and her emails came through. She called me everything but my given name and once again,told him she can't be his friend because of me. When I got home yesterday she called me and WENT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started off ugly back until i sat quiet and listened to her tone and it was a tone like no other. It was ugly, viscious and full of hate so I started agreeing with the "yes, i'm a b, " "yes, i want your life". I tell you ladies i was like :perplexed:blush:. So at the end I asked her if she felt better and she said "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Then I asked WHAT SPARKED THIS? AND SHE SCREAMED "you want to know, you want to know, you want to know BBBBBBB?" um, yes, i asked. she said "you should have come to me like a woman and I asked why, i'm not seeing your husband" we are to consenting adults who are together, wht is the problem. Remember your are happily married and I WANT YOUR LIFE,so what really sparked this.

I am thinking about sending all these emails to her husband (the doctor) so that he can handle things. I'm at my wits end. Us blocking her surely set her off.

What should I do? She's married and has this wild crush on SO that she's carried for all of these years and knew he was at they said back then "coating me" but since she said he was hers i backed off. I don't understand how a married woman could act this way. He hasn't lived in our hometown since we were 19 and got married at 20 and was in the navy for 22 yrs.:nono::nono: i"m rambling now bcause this broad has me confused.

Don't be confused. This person is downright crazy 8s.
Change your number and report her to the police. Get off FB (I have never understood the popularity of FB anyway) and call it a day. If she contacts you again, file a complaint.
Don't be confused. This person is downright crazy 8s.
Change your number and report her to the police. Get off FB (I have never understood the popularity of FB anyway) and call it a day. If she contacts you again, file a complaint.
ITA. If the reunion is that important to you, exchange numbers with someone you're cool with (that will not give it to the kooky chick) and have them let you know when the reunion is.

If you must have a facebook acct, up your security measures. block her msgs, make your page(s- your and the SO's) private but visible to only friends- even down to your profile pics. Take mutual friends that don't really matter to you off of your friends list. Also, disable the capability of anyone to see pics that have been tagged with your name.