What would you do with all this hair?!

Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl......::lip pop::

I would section that off in 4 sections, wash and get some thick conditioner and detangle that bad boy....deep condition and then i'd get me some hair sticks and do me a fancy bun:yep:

But it looks like pieces of her hair is damaged:perplexed I bet it would be even prettier if she found some really good hair care tips....she could just run some leave in through there and MAYBE a gel or curl cream and wear it nice and curly:yep:

Get the big flexi rods and do a flexi rod set...i can't wait to get to her length!:lol:
Her hair gorgeous! it does look it could use a good DC and detangling, but not necessarily damaged. Looks like she has a lot of different textures. She has soooo much hair, its WL unstretched it must be classic length straightened.
Unpopular opinion, clutch ya pearls and whatnot....

I think after a certain point, too much hair becomes unattractive and cumbersome. It stops complementing your attractiveness at this point and just becomes.. I can't think of the word... a "thing", I dunno. I can't grasp the word I'm looking for. But yeah, it's too much and it's not attractive. IN.MY.HUMBLE.OPINION.
Unpopular opinion, clutch ya pearls and whatnot....

I think after a certain point, too much hair becomes unattractive and cumbersome. It stops complementing your attractiveness at this point and just becomes.. I can't think of the word... a "thing", I dunno. I can't grasp the word I'm looking for. But yeah, it's too much and it's not attractive. IN.MY.HUMBLE.OPINION.

I hear you..

Though I think her hair looks better when the texture looks uniform, like in this vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZG0K4VNagM&feature=relmfu

But still her hair is somewhat overpowering around her small face.

It's probably taken her years to figure out a good routine and products for her hair... interesting because a lot of black folk would call her hair "good hair" but she definitely has had her trials with it.
Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl......::lip pop::

I would section that off in 4 sections, wash and get some thick conditioner and detangle that bad boy....deep condition and then i'd get me some hair sticks and do me a fancy bun:yep:

But it looks like pieces of her hair is damaged:perplexed I bet it would be even prettier if she found some really good hair care tips....she could just run some leave in through there and MAYBE a gel or curl cream and wear it nice and curly:yep:

Get the big flexi rods and do a flexi rod set...i can't wait to get to her length!:lol:

Yeah, I'm kinda old school. I like hair that's tamed a bit. Just getting used to big hair on myself. But um...I'd have some serious fun with updos and hairsticks with this hair!
Agreed.. I think too much hair.... Anything above waist length is just not wearable to the outside world and too much of a hassle... you belong in fairy tale land...

And the word you are looking for... "A mermaid" ?? :lol:

Unpopular opinion, clutch ya pearls and whatnot....

I think after a certain point, too much hair becomes unattractive and cumbersome. It stops complementing your attractiveness at this point and just becomes.. I can't think of the word... a "thing", I dunno. I can't grasp the word I'm looking for. But yeah, it's too much and it's not attractive. IN.MY.HUMBLE.OPINION.
Couldnt do it. Lol.
She's gorgeous tho. I agree, a cute bob would be really cute on her petite face.
i need hair. I have a big head.
i realized this during my bob phase, lol.
Nice hair. But did you see the comments?

Is your hair yet cut ? Will you cut them ? I would like to buy them if you want to sell it. I am an hairdresser-hairstylist and also a wig maker but I am living and working in France. If someday you will come in France as tourist, I would be very happy and proud to welcome you in my salon and we could see what I could do with your marvellous hair : to cut ot not to cut. It is your hair and your choice, but I notice that all the cares and haircut (if there is a haircut) will be for free

Can you believe that? LOL. A Syrian-AA girl cutting off her locks...and selling them for a free hair-cut so a stylist can make money? :lol:
she can wear single braids, braid or twist buns. A couple of big twists with leave-in and oil to make smooth ringlets (worn loose or under a snood with formal dress).
Nice hair. But did you see the comments?

Is your hair yet cut ? Will you cut them ? I would like to buy them if you want to sell it. I am an hairdresser-hairstylist and also a wig maker but I am living and working in France. If someday you will come in France as tourist, I would be very happy and proud to welcome you in my salon and we could see what I could do with your marvellous hair : to cut ot not to cut. It is your hair and your choice, but I notice that all the cares and haircut (if there is a haircut) will be for free

Can you believe that? LOL. A Syrian-AA girl cutting off her locks...and selling them for a free hair-cut so a stylist can make money? :lol:

Lmaaaoo! I would not set foot in that salon. Mentioned cut waaaay too many times in that post. I bet the shs was droolin while she typed it... :drool:
lmao! The thirst.
I would love my curly hair that long. she definitely needs some additional products but overall it doesn't look bad.
I looked at the other video of hers and it looked a lot better.:yep: it looks very soft tho.

But wait....isn't she from the US? Who is gonna fly alllllll the way to France for a free haircut tho?
I need screen shots!!! I am at work and can not wait to get off work to see all this hair that's "Too much" cause I have never heard of such a thing!
I like big,full curly hair..She needs a heavy Dc,good leave-in & little sealant on the ends...That would look nice,but pull it away from her face...

Happy Hair Growing!
Her hair looks healthy and beautiful. If I had that length I'd rock the heck out of it!!

I think she needs to ditch the shampoo and brush. Switch to using a wide tooth comb, heavier products on soaking wet hair, a nice oil like coconut, and some gel.

Or a good conditioner that can be used as a leave in with a little oil or butter as a sealant.

My goal is to have big long curly hair-- the more the better!!
My dream hair! I would love to have all that hair to play with, braid and bun. One day. *daydreams*
hate to say it, but i agree! no shade, and i never thought i'd ever think that anything was "too much hair" but that was.....maybe better when it's styled?

Unpopular opinion, clutch ya pearls and whatnot....

I think after a certain point, too much hair becomes unattractive and cumbersome. It stops complementing your attractiveness at this point and just becomes.. I can't think of the word... a "thing", I dunno. I can't grasp the word I'm looking for. But yeah, it's too much and it's not attractive. IN.MY.HUMBLE.OPINION.
here ya go :)


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