What would you do in this situation with a man?


Well-Known Member
How do you respond to men when they approach you, show interest, or whatever?

Today I went to Staples after work. I saw this black guy and his kids leaving the store. I got out of my car and looked at them. Then I looked straight ahead, and there was a white guy coming out of the store. He smiled at me, so I smiled back.

Then I went and faxed something. I came back out, and there was a big white F-250 parked beside me. Hmm.... So, I start to back out, and then the truck starts to back out. I thought that was weird, because the truck had just gotten there in the 2 minutes I was in the store. No one had even gone into the store since then.

Well, the truck let me go. I thought I was gonna be first out, and then I see the same truck passing by me in the parking lot. Darn! Then the guy inside waves at me. I hoped he didn't think I was waving at him. He goes through the traffic light, and I go through the traffic light in the lane beside him. I notice that he's driving really slow.

Surely that truck has more horsepower than my little Celica, so I'm thinking, maybe he thinks he knows me. I decide to let my window up (so he can't see me) and pass him. I do, and drats, another traffic light. I'm the 2nd car in my lane. No car is in front of him, but I see that he's rolled his passenger window down to possibly talk to me. His driver's side window is up.

He rolls past me slow, and I just look ahead. Then it dawns on me that this is the guy who smiled at me at Staples.

I always shut guys down. My answer to them is always, "No. No. No. No." It probably shouldn't be, though. How do you handle such situations?
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I'm sorry but that sounded a little stalkerish. I see you all the time? But you don't see him. I'd be creeped out. Why didn't he just talk to you in the Staples lot?
Stuff like that always scares me! I'm sitting around thinking oh man would if his a stalker or better yet a rapest/killer....

YES i agree with bmore if he was trying talk to you why didnt he apporch you while you were in staples?
No, that's another guy. He lives here. The second guy is black. The other guy I'd never seen before.

I'm just saying these are two situations where men have tried to get my attention, and I've blown them off. I don't notice it at first. No wonder I never get any dates. :lol: I'm looking for advice on how you would handle the situations knowing the guys are interested.
Hidden_Angel said:
Stuff like that always scares me! I'm sitting around thinking oh man would if his a stalker or better yet a rapest/killer....

YES i agree with bmore if he was trying talk to you why didnt he apporch you while you were in staples?

Thank you.:lol: Don't worry, I shut them down too.
bmoreflyygirl said:
I'm sorry but that sounded a little stalkerish. I see you all the time? But you don't see him. I'd be creeped out. Why didn't he just talk to you in the Staples lot?

RIGHT! :lol:

Seriously, OP, do you switch up your driving routes? Not trying to startle, but be smarter (more aware) of your surroundings.
I always shut guys down too, even before I was married. If I'm interested in a guy, I'LL let HIM know.

I always get disgusted and indignant at the very idea that some dude thinks he's gonna tell me a bunch of BS and convince me to let him put his nasty hands all over my body. :barf: As if.
MissJ said:
No, that's another guy. He lives here. The second guy is black. The other guy I'd never seen before.

I'm just saying these are two situations where men have tried to get my attention, and I've blown them off. I don't notice it at first. No wonder I never get any dates. :lol: I'm looking for advice on how you would handle the situations knowing the guys are interested.

Oh it's two different people. :lol: I always ignore people at the red light and they get mad. And then I drive off.
bmoreflyygirl said:
Oh it's two different people. :lol: I always ignore people at the red light and they get mad. And then I drive off.
If you were interested in him would you talk to him at the red light, give him your number, etc?
Being stalked out of a parking lot is not how I want to be approched by a guy. I would shut him down. I wonder why he just didin't come back into the store to try and talk to you........
If he would have approached me at the Staples or outside and I was feeling him I would give him a few minutes of my time. I don't do the "holla at you" from the car thing though.
MissJ said:
If you were interested in him would you talk to him at the red light, give him your number, etc?

No... I don't like that at the red light mess. :lol: I've never really seen anybody at the red light I wanted to talk to though. It's always some old guy or some clown. This one guy did tell me I was beautiful at the red light once but I said thanks and left it at that. Wait I take that back there was this one guy but I got my friend to give him my number since she was in the passenger seat. It creeped me out a bit but he was driving a really nice car. :sekret: He turned out to be a nice guy but we never hooked up.
Thanks ladies. That makes sense.

bmoreflyygirl, that reminds me of the time it happened to Jessica Simpson on Newlyweds.