What would you do? Friend guy wants to be more? You don't


New Member
We got closer since we called ourselves the "Broken Hearted Club." He told me he never wanted any one of us to feel broken hearted so he regularly takes me out, does romantic things, yada yada, but gives me my space...and I do the same. It started off as two silly best friends getting out of bad relationships...but now...it's just confusing.

He called me up and asked me was he my "back up plan". I have a really fast mouth and don't think before I talk so I immediately said "HELL NO" :lachen:. Simply because I am not attracted to him. I love him as my best friend. Nothing more. This is Mr. Micheal Jackson Bad from my blogs. He asks to feminine and sorry for me.

I tried to cover it up by saying I have been the "back up plan" before and because of that I don't agree with stringing someone along just to saying the person I really want doesn't work out...I will always have Plan B.

Well he began telling me that he wasn't meaning in that way...I meant in the sense that if neither of us found true love and were married by 35 or so that we would come to the realization that we should be together rather than be alone and start a family. Because of this description...I guess in the back of his head I am his back up plan. :nono: Ew.

I feel like I'm nitpicky but I really don't think I could ever be romantically involved with this guy despite how good he looks on paper. Am I wrong for that? Is it wrong not to tell him this? How would you tell him?

-Motivates me to be great. Always in behind me and my dreams (He told me as soon as I take my MDAT he's taking me on a weekend getaway. And when I get into dentistry school he is taking me to Florida.
-Is super smart, organized, and a natural leader
-Has his life planned out. He's currently been accepted into two med schools
-Loves me for me. (Hates the fact that I'm going through with this jaw surgery ordeal and etc)
-Goes to church faithfully and practices his faith
-Is a virgin who is waiting til marriage
-Very romantic

-Cheap. Very romantic but always thinking of cheap things we can do
-His cheapness leads to him always wanting to be catered too. Because of this I think of it as a feminine trait. He always wants the girl to drive when we go places. (Gas too high!! And I already had to drive 2.5 just to see you so yous hould drive) :perplexed (I think of that as sorry *shrugs* how I was brought up)
- He wants to be dined and cooked for all the time (Now don't get me wrong he does take me out often but then afterwards he will call me up like When you gonna take US out for steak? :perplexed Lemme do it on my own.
-He is backwards in his ways (He called me up and told me his ex said that she is casually dating. He told me that was not very ladylike and he was appalled. I told him I saw nothing wrong with it as long as she was upfront with them by explaining she was getting to know different people and they were not obligated to each other. He said that she shouldn't be going out on dates costing them money then if she wants to get to know people. She should study to get to know people. I said men do this all the time to figure out which girl they are compatible with. He said..that's the reason why I woman shouldn't do it.
-Very argumentative. He HATES to not win the argument. He won't drop anything. HE HAS TO GET THE LAST WORD
-Very rude and jealous of any man I talk to and compares himself to them. I have a new friend guy at school who is smarter, more attractive, and etc than him. He has a high ego so this could not be possible. He arranged for the 3 of us to meet over lunch and he was rude insulting this man slightly the entire time. (Oh you kinda sound like Obama huh?). That shows me insecurity.
-Soo smart it comes off as snooty. He might be more organized as a leader than I, but he has no person skills. He comes off as arrogant
-Country (plays into the cheap part) Won't buy shoes that fit because he can get shoes for free that he can wear 3 pair of thick socks with. Can't dress at all.
-Can't figure out how to groom himself nicely. (he's going bald...he's not even 25 yet...his facial hair looks horrible to me...razor bumps annoy me because my brother and father are clean cut men)
-He gets so wrapped up in work that he forgets about family and friends.
-Last of all....And big to me...EVERYONE thinks he's gay. Ever since high school. I think it's because of the feminine traits (argumentative, never wanting to do men work and etc).

He says he is not and claims he's been in relationships with women (of which i don't know not one :look: and I've known him 8 years) He is always irritated by this and gets irritated when gay men approach him and etc. BUT he makes it worse and easier for people to talk about him...he befriends people just like him...these questionable feminine acting men ugh. Annoys the hell out of me. I don't know one manly manly friend he has. Well....one....he's weird as hell but a freak behind closed doors....but whatever. He has all these soft hand man friends :hardslap:

To be honest, I think that's the real reason why I could never be attracted to him. I was honest I told him I see him more as my girlfriend than my boyfriend and he got pissed off and went off on how he's never had a father figure in his life so he never threw catch with his dad blah blah and his first father figure was in the 4th grade. And he's being punished for his dad's behavior.

I feel like I'm going to hurt him in the long run honestly. I like him sometimes...other times I don't. I think he's a great guy but his 15th century thinking and feminine ways just have me like :nono:. So what to do?

Pull back from our friendship? Stop talking as much (like I said he is totally involved in work though so we only talk 2-3 times a week sporadically now). Tell him that I think that he is interested in me more than I am in him (I've already done this and he says he does not like me like that).

I just really feel like he's waiting. He's seen me grow up a lot. Likewise for him. But I really think he is "waiting" for me to get my life in order and together...and then wanting to be with me...but the problem is...the feelings are not mutual. He's just my best friend :perplexed
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His cons outweigh his pros a million to one. You just need to tell him you're just not into him. That he's in the friend zone.
This is not good. OP I think you should let him down easy but I don't know if you all will be able to be friends after that. In my experience once a male "friend" starts to catch feelings when you turn them down that sometimes ends the friendship. BTW I couldn't date a man who acted feminine either.

ETA: Has he directly asked you out or do you just feel like he wants to?
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This is not good. OP I think you should let him down easy but I don't know if you all will be able to be friends after that. In my experience once a male "friend" starts to catch feelings when you turn them down that sometimes ends the friendship. BTW I couldn't date a man who acted feminine either.

ETA: Has he directly asked you out or do you just feel like he wants to?

He hasn't directly asked me out but lately little things have been bugging me. It's like some kinda way we've made a BIG shift from friends to this hybrid ish I don't like. For example

Valentine's Day he drove 2.5 hours just to see me for 3 hours and serenade me. He bought me a whole bunch of stuff including a Tshirt that said Only you. (Jealous trait example) Then when he got there he casually suggested that he meet my friend from school (since he met me at the school) and I should wear the shirt he bought because he wanted the other guy to ask who bought me the shirt :perplexed. He was rude to the guy we got to arguing I thanked him for the Vday stuff but told him he did not have to do that. He asked me where was his Vday stuff and I explained we are not in a relationship.

Instead of working through spring break he came home. He took me to a casino. The next morning he sent me a text asking could he ask me a serious question. He asked would I marry him. :ohwell:

After that that's when he asked me was he my back up plan.

He told me he would love to go to Howard's Medical School, but is apprehensive because I would not be a driving distance away from him. Because of this, he is thinking of going to another school out of state but close to me :nono:

It's just left me reall uncomfortable because I don't like him like that...I used to wonder did I because I enjoy his company but I really don't. :nono: And I've let it be known....but he just keeps pushing forward.
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A) His cons outweigh his pros.

B) This is sorta OT, and it's not true 100% of the time, but when a guy in college/grad school, etc. seems very gay to everyone but ferociously denies it, um...you may find out a few years after school and once he gets more comfortable in life that he actually is, so don't badger the man about it, but at the same time keep that on a mental postiti note for future reference.

C) Tell him that you are not interested in him romantically.
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He hasn't directly asked me out but lately little things have been bugging me. It's like some kinda way we've made a BIG shift from friends to this hybrid ish I don't like. For example

Valentine's Day he drove 2.5 hours just to see me for 3 hours and serenade me. He bought me a whole bunch of stuff including a Tshirt that said Only you. (Jealous trait example) Then when he got there he casually suggested that he meet my friend from school (since he met me at the school) and I should wear the shirt he bought because he wanted the other guy to ask who bought me the shirt :perplexed. He was rude to the guy we got to arguing I thanked him for the Vday stuff but told him he did not have to do that. He asked me where was his Vday stuff and I explained we are not in a relationship.

Instead of working through spring break he came home. He took me to a casino. The next morning he sent me a text asking could he ask me a serious question. He asked would I marry him. :ohwell:

After that that's when he asked me was he my back up plan.

He told me he would love to go to Howard's Medical School, but is apprehensive because I would not be a driving distance away from him. Because of this, he is thinking of going to another school out of state but close to me :nono:

It's just left me reall uncomfortable because I don't like him like that...I used to wonder did I because I enjoy his company but I really don't. :nono: And I've let it be known....but he just keeps pushing forward.

I don't like this guy at all!! Stay away from him especially if there's any chance that he could be gay. I have such a fear of dl men because of the disease risk. I know all gay/bi mean do not have HIV but I do believe there is a greater risk and to think that these men bring their disease to unsuspecting women just does something to me that I can't explain.. I would totally steer clear.
Be his friend but not his girlfriend. Stay clear. I can imagine him coming out when he is nearly 40 after struggling with himself and breaking some poor woman's heart.
If he is a friend tell him you just want to be friends. This uncomfortable shift and the way your conversation is going, it just seems like he expects more. It sounds like you are torn between telling him, but you must be honest with him. You may not be friends after this. I just have this feeling that he expects you to feel like he does.:nono:
Instead of working through spring break he came home. He took me to a casino. The next morning he sent me a text asking could he ask me a serious question. He asked would I marry him. :ohwell:

It's just left me reall uncomfortable because I don't like him like that...I used to wonder did I because I enjoy his company but I really don't. :nono: And I've let it be known....but he just keeps pushing forward.

You have to CUT THIS FOOL OFF AT THE PASS!!! He's trying to wear you down, and based on your post, it may be working. You're wondering how to let him down gently; soon you'll be wondering whether to let him down at all. He's all up in your life, which means less time for you to find THE ONE. You have to be gentle but firm, and let him know that you guys have no long-term future together. He wants to be your ONLY plan, cause you're his only plan, make no mistake about that. His cons are overwhelming. You're probably one of the few people who can actually stand him. He sounds ridiculous; med school or no med school, (I won't even comment on the gay thing). Anyways, let him know and be prepared to lose a friend, because like you said, he likes to win everything and get the last word; so if he doesn't get his way in this; you can probably throw the deuces down on this friendship. Sorry.
Before you wrote people said he may be gay, you initial description of him I thought something was off like a DL guy or something. I think this may be the reason he is looking for a backup plan. Intuition is important here, go with your gut feeling. No

We got into it again lol. Well not into it but I guess since I'm so annoyed we just keep going back in forth. I haven't seen him since the beginning of spring break and he was upset cuz he said I put other people before him (I went on a mini trip with my fam, went out with my special guy :grin:, went out with my line sisters, went on a shopping trip with my BFF, and etc) Sooo basically that led to me telling him we are NOT in a relationship so I'm not obligated to spend my time with him and we will NOT BE in a relationship any time soon.


He got real quiet ( I think I hurt his feelings). And then he went on like I don't think we are in a relationship but I just really expect you to spend time with me more than the others. I mean we are friends who've been together longer than them yada yada yada..and we have a connection, and I just make it seem like I've been having this great spring break...better than him (who cares if I had a better spring break than him) while he just enjoyed lounging around the house not studying...but he really though we would have more time together since we're always apart during the semester because of school....

Not my problem. I told him I'm now back on the dating scene (He KNOWS I'm now regularly talking to this new guy for about a month now and I really think that's why lately he's been kinda up in my face about "spending time together". Since he acted to weird and rude towards my last friend guy he knows nothing about my current anything other than we're dating) He told me he thought it was good I was meeting new guys in a sarcastic kinda way and (Maybe he's someone on your level who will be able to look past your disability and flaws as I do even though I don't think that's realistic with men in Mississippi.) *<<--You see what I meant by my con as snooty, sarcastic, rude? If I like ANY dude friend/work/relationship he will break them down*

I became a smarta** back and told him he's from Atlanta not Mississippi he was just choosing to study down here so ole dude was like whatever do whatever I want. He's not gonna tie me down or expect highly from me like before (whaaa?) Haven't heard from him since so I'm guessing my issue is over...for now..well in my head it's over indefinitely. I'ma just start pulling away slowly. *takes a bow*