What would be a reason why hair would be hard after DCing?


Well-Known Member
To be specific, I pre-washed with Aussie 3 min miracle, left that on for an hour because I have mad tangles. Detangled some to see if it was working and it was maybe 75% better. Rinsed. Oil washed with coconut, jojoba, teeny bit of castor, rinsed and my hair felt a little hard. decided the DC would fix that. Applied more Aussie and bam- hard tangle close to the scalp galore. My hair did not feel moisturized. I still have dred-like matting and tangling this morning. Did the oil block out the moisture?

Just wondering what any reasons would be to hard hair after DC (of a con that worked before) or any experiences....
The only time this has happened to me was when I had product build-up and was not clarifying enough. If you haven't clarified or co-wash a lot without shampooing occasionally, that may be the culprit.
What other products did you have in your hair before you pre-poo'd with the Aussie 3 minute miracle? Styling, leave-ins, etc?
Man :nono:I was hoping I could avoid clarifying after earlier this week. I clarified on wednesday and my hair came out tangled. I was doing the DCing to try and correct it, but I guess I had too much on my hair?
Hmm maybe it was the oil rinsing? because the aussie seemed to help your tangles then it got worse when you put the oil on