What were your 2005 setbacks?


New Member
1. What were your 2005 setbacks?
For me, it was my uneven hair. My ends look very think compared to the hair that grew in this past year.

2. What do you plan on doing to correct it?
I'm keeping my hair bunned or cornrowed until early next year when I'll have enough hair (and courage) to cut off all my thin hair.
Doing 3 trims in the span of 6 months in order to help even out some of my layers.

To correct the problem I will be continue to do the baggie method and I will be "dusting" every 4 months. I will also try castor oil and amla oil as a pre-poo to help thicken up my hair strands. I might even try putting castor oil in my baggie. (Does anyone else do this)
Oh...I have started (well since August) only using heat once a month. This is when I wear my hair straight and down for 1 week of the month. The other 3 weeks are doing the baggie or braidout. (I am also thinking about trying the Caruso rollers on airdried hair).
finding a new hairdresser after my fave quit/ and allowing a new one to talk me into switching relaxers from mizani to affirm (bad move) and on top of that she overprocessed my hair.

now that i have found a great hairdresser and back to mizani, i am on the right track..2006 will be full of healthy growth year:D
1. What were your 2005 setbacks?

Dry, breaking over-proteined hair

2. What do you plan on doing to correct it?

- Using moisturising conditioners and moisturisers.
- Taking Silica, MSM, Flaxseed oil, I'll plan to add b vits again.
When I self relaxed in sections I lost a lot a hair, due to having open pores. I had to have three major trims.

I corrected it doing a section a day to may sure my scalp was dry. And sitting under a cool dryer to make sure my pores are closed before relaxing.
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NewYorkgyrl said:
Doing 3 trims in the span of 6 months in order to help even out some of my layers.

To correct the problem I will be continue to do the baggie method and I will be "dusting" every 4 months. I will also try castor oil and amla oil as a pre-poo to help thicken up my hair strands. I might even try putting castor oil in my baggie. (Does anyone else do this)
Oh...I have started (well since August) only using heat once a month. This is when I wear my hair straight and down for 1 week of the month. The other 3 weeks are doing the baggie or braidout. (I am also thinking about trying the Caruso rollers on airdried hair).

I use castor oil when I do my baggie. I usually put it on my wet hair after I wash. I'll let my air dry like 70% and then put on my baggie. I like the results better than the vaseline.
My major setback was not moisturizing my hair. I have naturally VERY coarse and VERY dry hair. and for some reason i thought i could get away with not moisturizing it enough. I have split ends now and I think I may need to take off an inch :mad:
Setbacks: breakage from extreme moisturizing and dryness.

Corrections: knowing what works for my hair now, deep conditioning weekly, using lighter hair oils, less manipulation and using S-curl on my ends and edges.

I got my hair cut in layers and even though i don't like the idea of cutting, it keeps my hair from being so heavy and flat. My hair appeared to be sooo thin until I got layers....
I had a majour set back in January 2005. My hair was already pretty weak and I went to a stylist who severely overprocessed my hair. My hair was shoulder blade length and although looking at it you couldn't see the breakage (there wasn't a noticeably shorter section or anything) everytime I combed it long strands would come out easily. I decided to cut my hair up to my ears... I HATED that haircut, I was so upset about it that a week later I got braids. Thankfully my hair has grown back :)
I got tree braids that ruined my scalp and took my hair out. It also dried my hair out pretty bad.

I am planning on doing the baggie more next year and concentrating on my hair. I kind of neglected my hair this year.
1. What were your 2005 setbacks?
In May I removed a weave and it was all tangled and matted. (weave was left in too long) I had to cut the matted part off and was left with a hot mess. My hair is so uneven right now.

2. What do you plan on doing to correct it?
The condition of it has gotten better after trimming and conditioning, but I want to get even hair and continuing growing to reach my goal to armpit length.

I will continue washing 2-3 times/week and deep conditioning each time.
After taking my weave out after having it for 3 months.. :ohwell: my hair broke off something badly. :mad: This breakage is mostly in the back and on the right side of my head. The long pieces of my hair are touching the middle of my shoulder blades, my first goal... go figure.

This happened in August, so since then, I've been wet bunning it, wearing kinky twists. When I go in between my twists, I will be washing it, deep conditioning it, and staying consistent with my vitamins.
Set back : Wearing too many tight afro puffs! :( I love that style but it can cause breakage. My edges suffered all the way around.

How'd I correct it? Well, I cut back on the puffs and don't do any tight styles that cause tension. :)
let's see: wearing my hair down too much, blowdrying/flat-ironing, not deep conditioning after every wash, getting highlights, switching perms, being stressed, about 3 mini -hair trims by me and 2 major hair trims by a stylists, --I have clearly fallen off of the healthy hair bandwagon and am close to saying, I Give Up- i have too much going on in my life to be focusing on my hair at this point. At this stage of my life if my hair looks decent and neat, I have basically given up on having extremely long hair. My hair is a little longer than it was in 2002 and all of my dead ends are gone. I have quit my goals for reaching backstrap. I hate to be a loser but I am 33 yrs old and I don't care anymore about how long my hair is. I want to move on. Like getting rid of my massive debt.