What was your childhood 'hair regimen'?


All is well with me
My products were:
Ultra Sheen grease (The blue one)
Flex 2in1 shampoo/conditioner
Denman brush (go mum!)
Afro Comb
Let's jam! (for puffs)

My hair was always in cornrows. I was allowed my hair 'out' at the end of term:lachen: cos my mum didn't want to deal with tangles. My hair wasn't washed that often:blush: (1x month-ish) but i got new cornrows every second sunday (before the eastenders omnibus lmao).
When my hair was in a puff(weddings,last day of term:lachen:), she'd wash it, and conveniently leave out the conditioning process, grease my scalp up and massage grease into my hair then blow it out with a dryer with comb attachment. Let's jam would sort my hairline out and then it was an alice band and tights to tie me up.
That was it.
My in-cornrows regimen was a bit of grease every couple of days:look: and i never washed while my hair was plaited up. As much as i'm not feeling some of mum's techniques and products, I had very healthy MBL tresses so it can't have been all bad.

What was your childhood 'regimen'?
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My mom used 3 things faithfully.

1. Lustrasilk Pink Oil Moisturizer
2. TCB Grease
3. V05 Hot Oil Treatment

I haven't the foggiest idea what she washed our hair with. She didn't use conditioner....My hair was waste length in the 5th grade...then we started to get relaxers...DOWNHILL from there...
This is always fun :-)

Mummy pre pooed w/ eggs or mayo and olive oil then washed & conditioned it 1x weekly then blew it out and put it in pony tails or braided it (canerow). I was never allowed to wear it out/down. It was about MBL as a kid I think. My high pony was about shoulder length and it was always braided. My pigtails also braided could be tied under my chin. Pressing wasn't allowed so I'm not sure how long it was.
Oh products... All I remember is Cholesterol conditioner LOL

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My mom used 3 things faithfully.

1. Lustrasilk Pink Oil Moisturizer
2. TCB Grease
3. V05 Hot Oil Treatment

I haven't the foggiest idea what she washed our hair with. She didn't use conditioner....My hair was waste length in the 5th grade...then we started to get relaxers...DOWNHILL from there...

At least your mama tried to give you a little conditioning.....My mother saw no need:nono:
VO5 strawberries/cream shampoo
Tresemee conditioner

Usually left out if not in a side ponytail and hair-sprayed brick hard
pantine poo and condish
wash every sunday and hair put into 2 or 4 braids with dax pomade
Im sure mommy re-did the braids sometime during the week but I rlly dont remember that

once in a while mommy would steam our hair with real old time Jamaican castor oil
I had no regimen and no hair products, sadly. Mom just washed it with Breck or Prell (my hair was conditioned for the first time when I was 13 or 14 :sad:), she let it airdry, then teased and picked, picked and teased, and finally put into a GINORMOUS afro puff. This pic is blurry and looks like a full afro, but it's pushed back with a headband:


Maybe once a year she'd give me a warm press, but otherwise, it was in a puff or two puffs on either side of my head, like Mickey Mouse.
I don't remember. Hair grease probably and some shampoo, no conditioner. Wow, I'm surprised I still have hair on my head.
Well I got a relaxer at 4yrs old. Prior to that? I'm pretty sure would just braid it...never washing it :lol: After the relaxer, I would still get braids. This lady would do them and they would be SO tight...she would braid my baby hairs. The only time I got my hair washed was when I got a relaxer...which was like once a month :lol: Absolutely no conditioner. Oh, yea, my mom would grease my scalp--sometimes.
Wash every Sunday afternoon with whatever shampoo was available. Coconut oil would be used on my scalp and I would get two braids or a ponytail with a braid. Each morning I would get a fresh ponytail and a braid.

As I got older, I kept the Sunday was but I would sometimes get a hot comb and rollers every night. I had to roll my own hair.

Around 15 I stopped getting hot combs and just work a ballet bun or pony tail.
Let's see. I recall some green Dax and water. My hair was washed probably once or twice a month and put into pigtails. Then, when I was in the 3rd or 4th grade I got a Jheri curl. When I asked my mother why she put it in my head she said it was because I asked for it. (SMH). By 5th grade I was in braids (with extensions) that stayed in so long that they would be hanging by 1 inch or more of new growth and frizzy. Junior High it was relaxers and me doing my own hair with absolutly no knowledge of hair care whatsoever! Needless to say, my hair never ever got to shoulder length. My sister, on the other hand had full, long thick georgeous hair. (she was natural up until junior high).
Cream of nature
Queen Helene cholesterol
Infusium 23 (when it was da bomb back then)
Ultrasheen - blue stuff

Blow fry, curl with curling iron or rollerset.

I had no idea that there were so many conditioners after taking the care of it into my own hands
1. Wash with random shampoo and conditioner
2. Serious detangling session because my hair would be in knots. (hair was waist length)
3. My mom would press my hair
4. Style was 2 French braids that were pinned in the back. I never got to wear my hair down or have the braids hanging.

At age 7 or so all my hair was cut off and I had to rock a fro. I was teased a lot. lol
1. Mane n tail
2. Let's Jam
3. Blue magic hair grease
My mother was not very skilled at doing my hair, so I remember being 5 at the beauty salon every two weeks, lol. I definitely had a perm at age 5 tho. I do have some horrible memories of mane n tail... my mother making me bend over the kitchen sink while washing my hair (she would put it in 4 sections and wash them one at a time). I liked the salon because they would paint my toes red like hers. Hmm. I remember her sending me over one of her more ghetto friends house to get my hair braided too (I liked braids because I remember liking beads! And the freedom of getting my hair wet!) But I hated how much braids hurt me to get done. I remember being told that pretty girls have to endure pain to be pretty, cuz being beautiful has a price...sigh.

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Two pretty (pressed) braids on either side of my head, tied with those sphere shaped tie things.

I don't remember how often my hair was washed and pressed... probably every other week. The only product I remember was ultra sheen... which I was still using up until I found y'all (note join date above.)
I've done my own hair for as far back as I can remember. :perplexed

My daily "regimen":

- Rub on some Pink Lotion
- Proceed to flat iron on the hottest setting, then use a curling iron (on the hottest setting) to bump the ends
- Let's Jam on the edges
- Relax with Motions (super strength) at the first sight of a wave and smooth the relaxer aaaall the way to the tips.

And I wondered why my hair was never able to grow to SL. :rolleyes:
PCJ Relaxer 2 times a year
Shampoo w/e she could find
no conditioner unless she has ors mayo
PCJ spray detangler
PCJ Oil Moisturizing Lotion
Dax pomade (green kind she swore by and so do I now I use it on my hair she used it on hair and scalp)
Styled 3-4 times a month
Wow....What was my regimen? Nothing! Seriously.

I washed with whatever was on hand (Pert Shampoo, a bar of Irish Spring Soap). If my hair needed shine- Pink Oil. Once my hair started to break, which was like every springtime, I stuck extensions in my hair for months at a time.
Wow. I think I got my hair washed twice a month. My aunt gave me a perm without asking when she was babysitting me which was awful cuz my mom only knew how to care for natural hair. So I started going to the salons. I had longer hair but it was usually put up and out of the way. I tried my first hair style, which was a side pony, around the age of 6. And fell in love. But then...idk what happened. I had to cut it and since the age of 7 or 8 I've never been able to get my hair past the base of my neck. Until now :)

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I remember my mother washing my hair with Wella, then combing out and plaiting my hair in smalls plaits. This took place on Saturday night and on Sunday after church she would use a hot comb on the stove to press my hair. She use Dixie Peach as the grease and make a braid on each side of my temples, the rest of my hair would be in a ponytail.

In the winter, my skin gets extremely dry so she would put this stinky Glovers stuff in my hair to combat the dandruff on my scalp. That stuff smelt horrible.
Man, my Mom didn't really put much into my haircare...seriously.

I MIGHT have gotten a wash every three or four weeks. She'd use Johnson & Johnson No tear shampoo. I didn't know conditioners even existed. I think she airdried me because we didn't have blowdryers. Then there was grease slathered on my scalp. Then the pressing comb which popped and sizzled the grease into my hair. Then my typical hairstyle was to have two french braids on either side of my head with a part down the middle. If she was being fancy, I might have a bang in the front.

Ok, so, if I would sweat my hair out, she'd press it again. She would redo the french braids and slather a fresh layer of grease again. This grease was some kind of Granny concoction and I clearly remember sulfur 8 being in the mixture.


I got my first perm at 14 years old. It swang for a week and then I began damaging my own hair ever since.

That's what I recall.
My hair was washed and conditioned weekly (especially during the summer when I went swimming once a week).

My hair was detangled while it was still wet (my mom liked using the Just For Me detangling spray for some reason)

It was then blowdried, that horrendous Luster's Pink Oil was applied (or if that was not available--Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion), and my hair was put into twists or plaits w/ the hair barrettes and everything.

Following the disaster of my first relaxer at 12, I would wash and condition my hair bi weekly and my mom would blowdry and braid my hair (cornrows, french braids, etc.) We continued doing that until I reached high school.
Just for me "kiddie" perm (Once every like 3-4 months)
Shampoo and conditioner: Something from L'anza
detangling while wet then blowdry with comb attachment
Blue Magic grease/African Pride Max grow grease
Every blue moon: hot oil treatment/deep conditioner
barrettes & cornrolls

Mom kind of knew what she was doing (her words not mine) but my hair was midback until I started doing my own hair (then the damage came lol)
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I had no regimen and no hair products, sadly. Mom just washed it with Breck or Prell (my hair was conditioned for the first time when I was 13 or 14 :sad:), she let it airdry, then teased and picked, picked and teased, and finally put into a GINORMOUS afro puff. This pic is blurry and looks like a full afro, but it's pushed back with a headband:


Maybe once a year she'd give me a warm press, but otherwise, it was in a puff or two puffs on either side of my head, like Mickey Mouse.

Just a show of hands, how many of us had the Mickey mouse puffs? Because, I'm doing that to my daughter now, lol.

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Either I went to the hairdresser for a press n curl, or it was in some sort of ponytail/pigtail using Vaseline/Super do gro grease (or something to that effect) and water and brushed back with a bristle brush with colorful rubberbands or ponytail holders.

I think I got a kiddie perm when I was in maybe 2nd 3rd grade.

My hair was relatively long, and I used to secretly compare my hair length to all the other girls. It was the 2nd/3rd longest.

I wasn't allowed to wear my hair "out" except for special occaisions until I was in about 6th/7th grade whe I started doing my own hair.
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Wash with any shampoo, greased (with Dax or Blue magic ) or oiled with Paltas, corn rowed or extensions put in for school could never do hair everyday too thick and bushy :nono:.
Hair was washed every 2 weeks.
Shampoo with Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo
Conditioner (i don't remember what she used but i was aware of it being used)
Towel dried
Hair Grease/pomade applied whilst slightly damp
Put into individual braids (no extensions).

Never wore a scarf or cap to bed.

Hair was never pressed.

Mum said she only started using a hairdryer when my hair started to take too long to towel dry. The way she describes it i think she used the tension method :yep:.

In my teens, when we were both relaxed, i remember both my Mum and I only using Keracare products and some grease.
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