what was the first haircare board you joined??????


Active Member
What was the first haircare board you joined???
On which haircare boards are you currently participating?????

The first haircare board I joined was haircareboutique.com in 1997. I had not idea how much I could learn from others sharing a common goal....

I am currently up on this board (of course), relaxed haircare, beautiful black hair, Hair Talk African American and Naturallycurly....
My first board was Naturallycurly. I was thinking of going natural at the time and that's where I discovered other people were hair obsessed too.

Right now I just stick to here and NC.
This is the first one that I have actually joined and it's great!

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Isn't there a lot of love here!!!!!
Lots of support here! ! !
That's what every woman needs to reach her goals.
BTW, your hair is beautiful!!

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My first hair care board was BHSGO (Black Hair Super Grow Out). I joined BHSGO in October 2000 ('founded' October 13, 1999).

I participate on a few other hair care boards, but mainly this one.
The first board I joined was the ORIGINAL 365 day blackhairsupergrowout club. I think it was back in '97, '98? Something like that. Once it shut down due to drama, everyone from that board started creating their own to continue. At first I joined them all but it started being the same posts so I downsized it to Blackhaircareandbody and Relaxedhaircare and the old longhairlovers.com forum. This forum pulled away from the old longhairlovers.com and took on a life of its own so now I'm back to one board. This one!

I forgot I was also part of the black haircare discussion group in 1997. For some reason they stopped free participation and wanted people to pay....
I remember seeing your name, Jazzy........... When did you join?????

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June 21, 2001. Ever since this past week's events I'm turned off from posting there as much (too many crybabies).
I've been a lurker of various hair care boards since 2001. Longhaircare, Naturallycurly.com, Relaxedhaircare, etc. I joined BHCAB and LongHairCare Forum in 2002. I liked the atmosphere and knowledge of these two boards the most so I was forced
to come out of lurk mode and join. The ladies on these boards are wonderful.
Relaxed hair in march '03 and this board in may '03. So far so good, my hair has grown 2 inches since march so i am very proud of my work AND all of the help and support I've gotten from everyone on both boards.
The first one I joined when I was having problems and I was frantic was Black Haircare Discussion Forum(?)....then one day I couldn't post anymore...by then I had found longhairlovers(multicultural)....and I've been here since we branched off from that forum and Beverly started this one...
The first one I joined when I was having problems and I was frantic was Black Haircare Discussion Forum(?)....then one day I couldn't post anymore...by then I had found longhairlovers(multicultural)....and I've been here since we branched off from that forum and Beverly started this one...

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That's the one I was talking about. They had shut down the site for some reason.... And when it was reopened, they wanted to charge folks....
Relaxed hair in march '03 and this board in may '03. So far so good, my hair has grown 2 inches since march so i am very proud of my work AND all of the help and support I've gotten from everyone on both boards.

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Way to go, CarmelHonee!!!!!!!
I didn't realize that these 2 boards were kinda/sorta "linked" and i always wanted to be "caramel" somebody.
since i attune my complexion to caramel. yea, i know, everyone tells me i'm crazy .
Nappturality.com, then this one days later. The two provide a nice balance to what I'm tryin to accomplish, and I really like the mutual support among people with relaxed and natural hair, here.
I don't know and don't remember this site is the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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For real, SistaGirl...
This is the first board I have ever seen or joined...I think it is faboulous. All of the information sharing through different products and techniques is amazing....
I joined relaxedhaircare I think it was March of this year(aka ther1968). I just came to this one this month because of sherrylove.
I joined relaxedhaircare I think it was March of this year(aka ther1968). I just came to this one this month because of sherrylove.

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I am glad you came, TGirl...
It seems so long ago, but the journey has been so exciting. For me it was Black Hair Discussion Group and then BHSGO in 5/2000. And what really worked for me was that in each group the women had such caring and willingness to share their experiences(boo-boos and rah-rahs). The camaraderie and cohesiveness is what makes these groups so special. And this group has proven that it is true that things do get even better with time.