What was I thinking... (Hair progress)


New Member
Ladies, I have been around for a long time.

When I first started out on these hairboards, way back when, I wanted WL hair, so bad I would have killed for it. Maybe not killed, but I would have whupped some behind.:spank:

In 2003 I went natural. I still obessed over length. OBSESSED over length.

After about a year, I decided that length would come if it was meant to be and just decided to wear my hair. I was/am the twist queen.

Love me some twist. Always wearing/wore twists.

Well, for Easter I decided to press my hair out. DDs wanted to wear curls so I decided to do the same.

Wow, leaving it alone has done wonders for me.

THEN (2003):
big chop fro - front
big chop fro - side
first set of twists

(Sorry for the links, couldn't get the pictures to stay)

NOW (2006):

Not the greatest pictures but you get the jist of it.

Now for my thread title...

What was I thinking that I wanted WL hair. After pressing my hair out, to not quite BSL (almost there, I can reach around anf grab it from my back which is not an easy feat with my fat arms
) I can barely do anything with it.

For me, this is a decent length. WL is way too much for me. Way too much. I'm thinking of cutting some of it off (yeah, I know the ends need trimming).

So for those who want longer hair, what will you do with it.

Maybe it's cause I'm not used to straight hair anymore.

Maybe I'm too used to the twisting and such, but this is enough hair for me.
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Congrats on such wonderful growth. :)

I couldnt see the Before pics (just see red x's), but the After pics are beautiful. Very THICK and healthy looking. Nice job girl.

What a great lesson you learned.... and so true. The grass always appears greener on the other side, until we learn to truly appreciate/value what we have.... and realize that we probably didnt really need the other thing to begin with.
rosie said:
After about a year, I decided that length would come if it was meant to be and just decided to wear my hair.
Wow, leaving it alone has done wonders for me.
I've learned that letting go of anything we want in life, including longer hair, and allowing it to happen as you did, is the best way to get exactly what we want. Obsessing keeps what we want at bay.

Congratulations on your long, thick hair Rosie! It looks so pretty too and healthy! :)
Congrats!!! on ya progress. To be honest I don't know what I'll do w/it if and when I ever make it, shoot I don't know what i'll do w/BSL, I guess what I've been doing. I know when you never had something you really don't know what you'll do anyway but atleast you have an idea of what styles you'll love to wear. If I ever make it to WL I'll probably be sporting some bangin' buns, :) , after that get old and tired I'll just do long layers, french braids, braidouts and nice ponytails. ;)
ETA: you look sooo nice w/your TWA.
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Thank you ladies.

I fixed the red Xs on the before pictures. I changed them to links to my album. COuldn't get it to work for nothing.

I gues yo uare right about leaving it alone. I was content to wear my twists and I knew it was growing, but it's usually in it's natural state. I have much shrinkage. Much shrinkage. People would tell me it was growing, but I wouldn't listen.

I got crazy questions about my twists, like is that your hair twisted up and what kind of hair do you use? I do my own twists, but people wouldn't believe me when I tell them that.

I'm keeping the press in for the week. I am pinning it up in the back. DRAMA has happened since I pressed it for Easter. I have had countless number of people ask if it was my hair, wanting to feel for tracks. Even people I see on a regular basis would not believe it was mine. They couldn't believe that I could have hair this long and it be nappy and drawn up the way it was.

My dh says that I am hiding it in the pin up. Maybe I am. I know how we as black women can be about hair. But dang, just 'cause I' the blackest of most black women, doesn't mean that I can't grow hair.

I have had about 4 people ask me what I use on it. I told them and they didin't believe it. So I then threw out the name of all the growth products that I've seen listed on this site, including Neosporin AF and Monistat. It's funny that until I mentioned the growth stuff, people tuned me out. LIke they were thinking, "that lying heffer know whe used growth stuff to get her hair to grow that long" It's not that long, but longer than I've ever had it before. Longer than most of those ladies have seen on mine or their heads.

Patience, time, and care just went over there heads.

Don't get me wrong, I like growth stuff. DUring the summer when my babies swim about 5 days out of the week, I grease the scalp with Glovers medicated ointment. (in a yellow jar with teal lid). It contains the sulfur without the tar smell. It's kind of reddish orange, but it works and since I wash the head alot, I don't worry about build up.

Okay, I'm rambling again.

Thanks for the congrats, ladies. It's good to see how hard work has paid off.
rosie said:
Thank you ladies.

I fixed the red Xs on the before pictures. I changed them to links to my album. COuldn't get it to work for nothing.

I gues yo uare right about leaving it alone. I was content to wear my twists and I knew it was growing, but it's usually in it's natural state. I have much shrinkage. Much shrinkage. People would tell me it was growing, but I wouldn't listen.

I got crazy questions about my twists, like is that your hair twisted up and what kind of hair do you use? I do my own twists, but people wouldn't believe me when I tell them that.

I'm keeping the press in for the week. I am pinning it up in the back. DRAMA has happened since I pressed it for Easter. I have had countless number of people ask if it was my hair, wanting to feel for tracks. Even people I see on a regular basis would not believe it was mine. They couldn't believe that I could have hair this long and it be nappy and drawn up the way it was.

My dh says that I am hiding it in the pin up. Maybe I am. I know how we as black women can be about hair. But dang, just 'cause I' the blackest of most black women, doesn't mean that I can't grow hair.

I have had about 4 people ask me what I use on it. I told them and they didin't believe it. So I then threw out the name of all the growth products that I've seen listed on this site, including Neosporin AF and Monistat. It's funny that until I mentioned the growth stuff, people tuned me out. LIke they were thinking, "that lying heffer know whe used growth stuff to get her hair to grow that long" It's not that long, but longer than I've ever had it before. Longer than most of those ladies have seen on mine or their heads.

Patience, time, and care just went over there heads.

Don't get me wrong, I like growth stuff. DUring the summer when my babies swim about 5 days out of the week, I grease the scalp with Glovers medicated ointment. (in a yellow jar with teal lid). It contains the sulfur without the tar smell. It's kind of reddish orange, but it works and since I wash the head alot, I don't worry about build up.

Okay, I'm rambling again.

Thanks for the congrats, ladies. It's good to see how hard work has paid off.

:lol:too funny, I hope it will be like that for me too when I will press my hair in august!
Your hair is gorgeous thick, healthy and long, Congratulation:clapping: !

I don't know what I will do when I will reach bra strap or mid back length , but, I would like to see it first :D !
Great Progress Rosie!

A little OT: but, how long did you transition for... I want to be able to do a puff like that when I BC in the summer :)
KiSseS03 said:
Great Progress Rosie!

A little OT: but, how long did you transition for... I want to be able to do a puff like that when I BC in the summer :)

I transitioned for about 8 months. I wore extension braids for that period of time.