What to Do with your remaining MTG: Add Olive Oil!


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies:

The short version: Pour out the stinky oil, and keep the sulphur at the bottom. Then add olive oil.

The Long version: I still had some MTG left. I had stopped using it, b/c no matter what, I couldn't mask the smell. Anyway, I had put it in a tube (some of it anyway). The oil from the MTG had evaporated, so all that was left was the sulphur. It was late at night, and the big bottle with the remaining MTG was downstairs and I didn't feel like going to get it. So I looked in my bathroom cabinet for alternative oil, and there it was...the Extra Virgin Olive Oil I've been using for my EVOO washes. So I figured, it wouldn't hurt to add it and use the remainder (I'm currently in braids). Well, low and behold, the smell is gone! Completely gone! You can't even smell the stinkiness of MTG anymore.

So I thought, this is too good to be true! I used it and went to bed. The next day I figured if I could remove the stinky oil and just get the sulphur out of the bottle, I would add it to my other bottle. Well, some of the stinky oil came out with the sulphur. I added the sulphur to the other bottle, and even with a little bit of the stinky oil, the olive oil still is masking the smell.

I just wanted to share this so that those of you that think you wasted your $$ on MTG may find an alternate use for it. Have a great day!