What to do with my breaking hair?

SvelteVelvet said:
MzLady78 not sure if this was mentioned already, and you've probably found some resolution by now but that phony pony is your culprit. I used to wear that kind where you wrap the weave around your hair and I knew because I had a layer of broken hairs, they seemed to all be broken at around the same place from sides front and back, I stretched the strands that were breaking off and they all seemed to meet at that point in my head where the pony was. My hair really took off when I let it be free more. Good luck to you!

I've had the breaking issue long before I started with the PP (it actually started when I was in AZ, so it very well could have been stress related) but I definitely think it's contributing to the problem now. I'm about to give them a break so that I can nurse my hair back to health.

I mad 'cause I love this style on me but not at the risk of losing all my friggin' hair, LOL.