What to do with Extra Shampoos


New Member
I'm slowly weaning myself off of sulfate shampoos. I'm on a mission to find a good sulfate free moisturizing cleanser.

I know that i can use my extra conditioners as pre-poos or fillers in hair recipes but I'm not too sure what I can do with the 3 or 4 bottles of shampoo that I have lying around.

Any suggestions?
You can use them up:grin: You can add water to them making it alittle less harsher on your hair. You can give them away or sell them. you can also wash your scarves with them.
I'm slowly weaning myself off of sulfate shampoos. I'm on a mission to find a good sulfate free moisturizing cleanser.

I know that i can use my extra conditioners as pre-poos or fillers in hair recipes but I'm not too sure what I can do with the 3 or 4 bottles of shampoo that I have lying around.

Any suggestions?

You can use them as a cleaner for the Bathtub. Clean your combs & Brushes, and your scarves.....
I have done that - Works wonders!:drunk:
My mom would sometimes use shampoo to clean the collars on our shirts. It worked well.

I'm going sulfate free too. My hair has done soo much better without them.
I agree with all the above. I'd even wash my nylon stockings and sleep scarves with them just to use them up.
I have stockpiled so many products over the years that I have created many uses for extra or unwanted shampoo:

1. Bubble bath for kids
2. Clarifying Shampoos - Floor cleaner
3. Carpet spot and pet pee pee cleaner
4. Handsoap
5. Dishsoap
6. Bubble blowing liquid
7. Pet shampoo
8. Garage floor cleaner
9. Stain remover - sofa, purses, bedding, anything
10. Foot Soak - my favorite

HTH or at least gets the creative juices flowing for more ideas :rolleyes:
My favorite is to use the to clean the bathtub and sink. Also I love washing my make up brushes with them. Keeps the natural hairs in good condition.
Depending on the fragrance and the formulation, I use them for body wash. VO5 strawberry scented shampoo is great for body wash and it leaves my skin smooth and silky:yep:
these are great ideas that I never thought of.I have only used it as hand soap, but I add tea tree oil to it too
I donate mine to the local homeless shelter. They took opened and unopened. They also will take body washes, lotions, etc that you don't want.

...And I mean any. The above uses are fantastic too. :yep:

A note to pet owners: DO NOT USE SHAMPOO ON PETS. Human shampoo is actually HARSHER and penetrates the skin MUCH MORE than pet shampoo! :nono:

...And I mean any. The above uses are fantastic too. :yep:

A note to pet owners: DO NOT USE SHAMPOO ON PETS. Human shampoo is actually HARSHER and penetrates the skin MUCH MORE than pet shampoo! :nono:

agree with the bolded!! I didn't think there was a difference and then I learned that you aren't suppose to use human shampoos on pets.
Great ideas!

Perhaps you could also keep them stored away somewhere for clarifying.

I've also gone the no-poo route, but find that now and again, only shampoo can get rid of buildup and give me a fresh start. I don't think the shampoos will be harmful if used rarely.
I've gone no-poo and have decided to donate them to my SO. He goes through his poo like a bottle every 2 weeks... and that's the costco size.