I use Giovanni Tea Tree Tripe treat. It can be drying, that's why I wash my hair like Kimmay does. :look: :lol: Yeah I talk crap about her sometimes but this method works for me. I wash my hair with the shampoo, then without washing the shampoo out I apply my conditioner on top of it. I use Aussie Moist. My hair feels so good afterwards.

Ooooh I have to try it this way. I bought a regular sized bottle, used it once and loved it. Then one day while in Marshall's, I saw that they had the huge 33.5 oz bottles with the pumps on sale, so I basically lost my mind and picked up 3 of them (last time I went, chi silk infusion was on a sale and silly me only bought one bottle b/c I never used it, fell in love, went back the next day and they were all gone!) - thinking this would be my staple poo. The last two times I used it, it was sooo drying and I feel like it makes my hair shed when I use it. Your method (or Kimmay's [yawns]) sounds really promising, especially since I love me some Aussie :lick:
I like the shea moisture shampoo. It doesn't make my hair feel strip when I wash it out. I don't prefer sulfate shampoos but I will use them, I just have to pile oil on top of my hair beforehand.

My hair seems to love sulfates and cones. I've tried so many sulfate free and cone free poos and conditioners because they seem to be the devil on this board, but my hair seems to LOVE sulfates and cones!
I always dilute my poo whether it is sulfate free or not in water and prepoo with oil...my hair is never super dry or squeaky clean stripped after I am done...never lather twice either. My hair is always soft afterwards... <3
This is a good moisturizing shampoo (and I have SUPER dry hair); I used it before I started doing no cones/sufates. It is similar to keracare hydrating detangling. using it alone will not get your very clean though if you are looking for super clean hair or trying to use it with heat.

I plan on using it in conjunction with a clarifying shampoo (Joico K Pak Chelating Shampoo) does it work well with clarifiers?
I plan on using it in conjunction with a clarifying shampoo (Joico K Pak Chelating Shampoo) does it work well with clarifiers?

Yes, this is always how they use it at the natural hair salon I go to, as a follow up to a deeper cleansing shampoo. :yep:
Unfortunately, I suffer from every scalp dermatitis there is (eczema, dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis) and sulfate shampoos definitely make my scalp a scaly, itchy, flaky mess.

Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Shampoo and Organix Coconut Shampoo clean without stripping and do not irritate my scalp.

The only things that will completely cure my scalp issues are sulfur and henna. Sulfate free shampoos only keep the problem under control.
I pretty much struck gold with Trader Joe's NourishSpa:grin: sulfate free, organic, lathers just as much as sulfate shampoos and leaves my hair clean as a whistle every time, the conditioner is to die for as well and to top it off, they're $3 for a 16oz bottle. It's the best:up:

Before I started my HHJ I was faithful to Pantene Pro-V relaxed and natural and it was doing me justice I must say.

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This shampoo strips my hair like no other! The only reason I haven't given it away is because the bottle is almost empty and the conditioner works well afterwards. I so wanted it to be good though. :ohwell:
I love Sulfate Free Shampoo, My hair is better than it has ever been before. I use my Hair One Olive Oil Cleanser/Healthy Sexy Hair Chocolate Soymilk Shampoo and CON Green.

I have used HO OO for over a year and my hair has thanked me for it.