What to do ...what to do!


New Member
Soo im kind of in a dilema (sp?) here....

Right now I have fusions but I am so self conscious about it and want to go back and get a sew in. I want to wear a protective style that is versatile but SIMPLE. I want to be able to wash my own hair 3 times a week because I work out and sweat alot on my head during the summer so that is a must. Also something with minimal manipulation. So Im thinking about getting a weave again but don't want hair that will tangle and mat like I had the last time...

Suggestions? Thoughts?


The fusions are great but I know that I cant sit under the dryer or blow dry my hair like I really want to for fear of them coming out.
Annakei said:
Soo im kind of in a dilema (sp?) here....

Right now I have fusions but I am so self conscious about it and want to go back and get a sew in. I want to wear a protective style that is versatile but SIMPLE. I want to be able to wash my own hair 3 times a week because I work out and sweat alot on my head during the summer so that is a must. Also something with minimal manipulation. So Im thinking about getting a weave again but don't want hair that will tangle and mat like I had the last time...

Suggestions? Thoughts?


The fusions are great but I know that I cant sit under the dryer or blow dry my hair like I really want to for fear of them coming out.

Annakei, have you tried using the indian hair (www.indianhairs.com)? I've ordered from them twice and I always got good quality, tangle free hair. Perhaps someone on the board would place an order with you. I did something similar with CBJ and it worked out well for both of us.

Edited to add: This is the result of my 2nd to last weave I did with IndianHair.com hair. I haven't taken pics of my most recent one yet. I'll probably do that tonight.



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