What to do...fallen out

Loves Harmony

Well-Known Member
Here lately ive been going through the most with this young lady that ive been knowing since grade school. We had a huge falling out back in May because ei couldn’t make her college graduation. I’ve place in the day off about two weeks before but I couldn’t get it approved to save my soul. I talked to my manager about trying to get time off but I couldn’t and if I didn’t come to work I would haven’t been worked out. When I first call her about the problem I was having she was fine with it. Then a few days went by and I call her because we never went a day without talking to each other she wouldn’t answer the phone. Then I sent her an message she finally respond back after not hearing from her in 2 weeks. Come to find out she was upset and mad because I couldn’t come telling me that ive should of came and not went to walk. I explain to her that I couldn’t do that I would have lost my job. Well she told me that she didn’t want to be friends anymore because I wasn’t a true friend and my priority were messed up. All summer ive been trying to talk to her but she has been ignore me. I know ive shouldn’t had chased behind her but we been knowing each other since grade school. I love this girl as an sister and for her to feel that way towards me hurt. Well 5 months later she finally decides that she want to be friends again, she apologize about what went down but we haven’t really talked. Well last week me, her and another friend went out for dinner. I didn’t feel comfortable around her, I felt like everything was fake, I don’t feel like anything was resolved. Now am in a position and I don’t know what to do. Everything doesn’t feel right any more. I call her yesterday and stated that I need to talk to her but she didn’t call back. I text her about how I feel she didn’t respond back. What should I do? Should I just leave everything alone……
I don't think I'd concern or worry myself over someone that basically said lose your livelihood over me or your not a true friend. She needs to grow up and you should move on. Maya Angelo said it best "when someone shows you who they are believe them". Not all friendships are for a lifetime. Some are for a season and reason. Trust in God and move forward.
If you friend is making you feel uncomfortable, then you should bow-out gracefully and maybe find new friends. Your friend should have been grateful that you tried everything you could have inorder to make it to the graduation.
Thanks for in and yes i agree with everything you guys are saying. I just hurt my feelings that it but i will pray about it and move on
I don't think I'd concern or worry myself over someone that basically said lose your livelihood over me or your not a true friend. She needs to grow up and you should move on. Maya Angelo said it best "when someone shows you who they are believe them". Not all friendships are for a lifetime. Some are for a season and reason. Trust in God and move forward.

what she said. :yep:
Thanks for in and yes i agree with everything you guys are saying. I just hurt my feelings that it but i will pray about it and move on

You have to allow yourself some time to mourn the ending of this relationship and let Jesus heal your mind and your heart. It's going to hard, sad and confusing and you may know in your mind that you're better off without her but your heart will always want to give it one more try. Just forgive her and move on. If there is a chance that you can remain friends then it's on her not you. She has to earn your trust again. You BOTH are going to have to decide whether you feel it is worth it.

Were you two equally yoked?
You have to allow yourself some time to mourn the ending of this relationship and let Jesus heal your mind and your heart. It's going to hard, sad and confusing and you may know in your mind that you're better off without her but your heart will always want to give it one more try. Just forgive her and move on. If there is a chance that you can remain friends then it's on her not you. She has to earn your trust again. You BOTH are going to have to decide whether you feel it is worth it.

Were you two equally yoked?

Im going to just leave it alone I talked to my husband about our friendship and it just seem like to much. Not worth the fussing. Ive decided i dont want a friend like that..... Just crazy.
ITA...I had a friendship from high school that I just recently let go. I tried to talk it over with the person and expressed how I felt on many occassions. I prayed and even cried because I didn't want to end the friendship but I got tired of the drama behind it. I think we were on two levels and simply outgrew our season. I love my friend but she was not good for me and I moved on. It wasn't easy but I feel better.

I don't think I'd concern or worry myself over someone that basically said lose your livelihood over me or your not a true friend. She needs to grow up and you should move on. Maya Angelo said it best "when someone shows you who they are believe them". Not all friendships are for a lifetime. Some are for a season and reason. Trust in God and move forward.
Im going to just leave it alone I talked to my husband about our friendship and it just seem like to much. Not worth the fussing. Ive decided i dont want a friend like that..... Just crazy.

I have a very low tolerance for high maintenance girlfriends. MY life is peaceful. The only drama comes from outside sources and I decided a long time ago that my peace is too precious to me to deal with someone else's hysteria. I think you made the right decision.