KLB Came Out of Surgery Just Fine!

Thank you Jesus!

Also, I'll continue to pray for her comfort, and that God gives the doctors wisdom regarding the type of pain medication that should be prescribed in order to alleviate her discomfort.
Thanks for the update Wavy. I was wondering why she she sent me a text but never responded. Po' baby. Standing in agreement, with you and GloriousPraise.

I spoke with klb and she is feeling better today then yesterday. They changed her pain meds, and it helped alot.

She thanked everyone who are praying for her and for all the well wishes. She said to tell everyone that she loves them.

I did tell her what all of you have said and she was "blessed".

I didn't stay on long with her, because she was tired, but I will keep you all updated as time goes on!

Loving you with the love of the Lord!