what to do before darkening hair?


New Member
I am about to dye my hair jet black with Bigen oriental black and would like to know if there is anything I need to do differently. The insructions state that you should shampoo your hair 24 hours prior to colouring if the hair is greasy and apply cold cream to the skin around the ears and hairline. What is cold cream?

What happens if the dye gets onto your scalp? Will it stain?
How do you evenly apply the dye?

Many thanks.
Cold cream is like a noxema or Ponds face cream. Its basically saying that so that you dont get the dye onto your skin. The cold cream serves as a barrier. I have never actually used it when dying my hair but perhaps i should have :look:

Make sure you put towels down. Bigen is a wonderful dye but it will stain your sink counters for a good month of two (clothes too).
atlien, do you use Bigen for your hair? Your hair is beautiful and the colour is so rich. I hope I get good results. I'm realy worried about staining the sink, do you think it would be possible to rinse my hair in a bowl? Also, how do you evenly apply the colour?