What the H#ll? Please help me get to the root of this (rant)


What he H#ll? Please help me get to the root of this (rant)

I am at wits end with my hair. I am a no manipulation girl, but I want to be able to get a comb through my roots. I hear all of you talk about slip, and oil rinses. My hair, the texlaxed part is obedient when I try these methods. My roots lawd, they are in a league of their own.

MY hair is just dusting my shoulders but thick. I deep condition usually twice a week, I also cw once a week. I moisturize my scalp every other to every two days. I can not get a comb through my roots even when wet with conditioner. Its so bad, when i went to the Aveda salon and got my hair blown out, i still couldn't comb my new growth!!! (and i had just texlaxed 3 days prior)

I don't use heat on my hair ( i wear wigs 99% of the time) I know about s-curl, sta soft whatever....I want to know how do you ladies keep your roots under control? OH yeah i've tried flat ironing uh uh, can barely get a blowdryer comb through them (when i did use heat i used to break them) I just want to be able to part my scalp without it getting caught! :wallbash:
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may be you can try a little wild growth oil it helps with new growth at the roots wnen you comb:yep:makes it easy to deal get at the bss or lacio lacio it give great slip and do a great roller set when you air dry.afo detangler help too all of them keep the hair soft
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what about pre-pooing your hair first (with a good conditioner mixed with olive oil maybe), then detangling your hair in the shower with a LOT of cholesterol conditioner (if mixed with apple cider vinegar, it adds slip) with a wide tooth comb or detangling brush? then, letting it air dry in a ponytail or hair clip (to smooth down the newgrowth, possibly making it straighter... or helping it to lay down better)?

i'm not an expert, but i hope this helps!!:yep:
also, to help soften it up before you wash it...

what about, when you pre-poo with your conditioner and oil mixture... baggy your head and then wrap a warm/hot towel (since you dont use a lot of direct heat) around your hair and let it sit 20 mintes (or until the towel cools off) before you wash it out. Maybe that heat will help soften up your newgrowth so it will be easier to detangle in the shower...


Have you tried Amla oil? It loosens up the curl, so maybe you will be able to comb through it then. My hair is in conrows at the moment but weekly I just soak it in amla oil and go to bed, in the morning I wash out and condition as normal. Even with the braids I can tell my hair is not as kinky as it was. You might have heard about the amla smell but it is not as bad as people make out and it does make the hair soft and shiny too. Goodluck
No I've never tried amla oil...that's another option...Are there any ladies out there that actually section their hair, and put conditioner on their roots?
Have you tried Kenra conditioner? It helped me when I was transitioning and I still use it. Also, what kind of comb are you using? I think the K cutter is good for really coarse, kinky hair like mine.
Yes m'am
I use kenra mc to do cw's. Some of the other conditioners I use is Elasta- qp dpr-11, ors replenishing paks, silicon mix. I also use rinses (miss keys 10en1, and nacidit olive oil) all of these soften my hair and assists w the processed hair but nada for the new growth. k cutter hmmm? sounds like something to consider....
Have you tried the coconut milk + lime juice mixture? It's in the hair recipe thread. I just came off a 12 week stretch...I should have used it more often but I have had a busy summer. I have 4A/B & 3C hair and it works like a charm after an olive oil pre-poo.
Here are the steps I would take to detangle my natural hair easily and in less than 5 minutes:

1. Wet your hair and massage your scalp
2. Properly shampoo your scalp and hair
3. Rinse out the shampoo
4. Evenly distribute conditioner throughout your hair
5. Do NOT detangle yet! Just let the conditioner sit on your hair
6. Shower your body
7. Then allow the water from the showerhead to run over your hair as you gently detangle the ends of your hair first, and then gently detangle from roots to ends.

Hope that helps!
Have you tried the afro detangler? It's on the crown and glory site. I relax twice a year and I have 4a/b hair and this stuff is the truth! I put it on after I wash and condition my hair and let it sit for a couple of minutes, and my hair detangles with ease! I know what you mean, before trying this stuff I wanted to cry when I was detangling, because it hurt and it was so FRUSTRATING!! Give it a try, hope this helps!

Hey, you could buy 23942942 products but your best bet is to detangle your hair before you wet it (Thanks Peachtree). Also keep your hair in plaited sections when you're doing your hair in the shower (Thanks Robin). No sink washing!

Buena suerte!
Rollerset your hair when soaking wet. You'll pull the hair at the root tight enough to where it will straighten out and its easier to deal with.