what should you look out for and ask.....



when searching for a beautician?

Unfortunately, this is all too new to me. Back in the day, pre-braids my cousin who is a beautician cared for my hair. Her haircare tips are way outdated so that is out of the question. At the rate my hair is growing /images/graemlins/grin.gifI should be midback early summer or sooner. I haven't decided yet whether I am going to relax, or remain natural with braids,but leave my hair out using the press and curl for a month at a time. In any event, there's no time sooner than the present to begin my quest for a worthy beautician. I cringe at the horror stories some of you ladies have encountered with these so-called licensed beauticians, but hopefully if I do my homework in advance that can diminish my chances of getting /images/graemlins/censored.gif. So here are my questions:

What questions should I ask when "interviewing" a potential beautician?

Should I get referrals from people who have had good experiences with a salon/beautician?

Are there key indicators I should look for at the salon?

Thanks in advance! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
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[*]Someone who listens to you
[*]A licensed Beautician
[*]Someone that's into hair health rather than styling to make your hair look pretty, but looking pretty is always a plus. It's about hair health!!!
[*]Find out what type of products they use and why [/list]
i'm trying to learn that too. in nyc you would think with all the salons out there you would be in hair heaven but not so. a lot of the really good salons cost an arm and a leg and while i know its your hair and you shouldnt spare any expense on it but financially spending all that money on hair is ridiculous. then you may find a decent spot and they overlap, cut instead of trim, too rough, too rude, not listening to your needs. sometimes i come in ready to fight because i feel like you have to battle everytime you go in to get your hair done. i guess sometimes you have to be your own activist because if not you then who. a lot of these salons are into making money over hair care and you have to put your foot down. i now thanks to brh found a place to get trims. i know where to get wash and sets and now i need to know where to get a touchup. i guess its hard to find a spot that does everything for you but you have to trust your instincts. and speak up. dont sit and let them do your hair wrong. /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/swearing.gif i wish we could just gather these bad stylist up and just /images/graemlins/spank.gif God bless you all.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
what should you look out for and ask.....

when searching for a beautician?

[/ QUOTE ]

1. Are they licensed
2. How long have they been doing hair
3. What will some of their clients say about them
4. How long doe it take them to do wash, set, etc.
5. What's the longest you will ever have to wait
6. Find out what other styles they can do...some beauticians can style, but can't cut worth nothing.
7. Ask if you could come and observe their work for a couple of hours
8. Ask if you can talk to a few of their customers
9. Ask what products they use
10. Ask if they test hair. you'll know if they use the same thing on everyone's hair with this question. If they only use one product for all their customers get up and run! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
11. Ask if they do curls, weaves, braids, press n curls or just relaxers. You want to know that you have a beautician that is well diversed in his or her skills. You may go through many different things with your hair and don't want to keep changing beauticians for a different process.
12. Ask what how to pay...credit , check, cash.
13. Ask have they ever had a customer with severe hair problems and if so what did they do.
14. Ask how much they believe the hair should be trimmed.
15. Ask do they believe black women can have long hair.

The key is to ask, ask, ask and observe their actions and compare them to what they actually say.
the ladies have given some wonderful tips so i wont add more. except for... WATCH THEIR REACTIONS, BODY LANGUAGE AND FACIAL EXPRESSIONS as you ask these questions!!! Do they understand YOUR main concerns???
All excellent suggestions. Also, look at the condition of their own hair and the hair of the women getting out of their chair. I never trust a stylist with a jacked-up head.

Most important IMO: referrals, referrals, referrals!