What should I do to fix things?


New Member
I found out I was pregnant and I was really excited and wanted to tell DH about this on New Years Day. I had planned an awesome New Years, and I thought this would be the topping. But on the 27th, we got into a huge argument. I asked him to be ready to go (showered and dressed) when I returned from the doctor.

I called when I was almost home and he was just getting up. I must say, I was pissed, ending up cancelling everything and things spiraled downhill from there. He said I didn't wake him up in time, and didn't explain my schedule to him enough. It escalated and he started yelling, I yelled back, the he said some pretty mean things. He started throwing stuff(not at me though), yelling louder saying he is stressed at work, his boss treats him like crap and he can't handle stress at home too. To where I was like get out. I seriously wanted to divorce him right there. I ended up leaving and when I came back he packed up all his stuff and had went to a hotel. (I didn't know where he had went until a few days later.)

I let a day pass, cool down and decided I needed to say sorry. I felt bad about my part, and tried to call and apologize but he wouldn't pick up. Then his Mom called me saying she couldn't contact him too. (It was her bday and they had plans) I kept thinking, he had an accident or something worse. So I did something my friend recommended...I went to his job to see if I could find his car. No car. Then I really started worrying.

Now bear in mind, he works at Costco--but in the office. My friend recommended going inside and asking if staff if my DH (no one knows who I am or what I look like) could help, he's one of the few ppl there who speaks English. So I did, but the person I asked went to get his boss, who said he called in sick. His boss asked for my name and I panicked, couldn't lie and just said my first name. Long to short---the boss put one and one together and figured out that must be his wife.

Ok now Dh finds out, calls me, is even madder than before. He says why would you do that? I explain but apparently my explanation isn't enough. He says a bunch of ish and then hangs up. Then two days later, I'm sleeping and wake up to him on the sofa watching tv. No apology or anything, but he did clean up the stuff he messed up.

He explains his job is stressful, his salary is cut in half from his previous job and he feels like his life sucks, then he comes back home and I have on a "pu-pu" face, so now he's wondering why I'm in a bad mood, overall he is unhappy. I also apologize, tell him I was worried and that's why I went there, maybe not the best idea. Then the news I found out four wks ago that I'm pregnant, we both are happy. New Years Eve comes, we go to the shrine, pray, watch the sunrise, eat traditional food and that's that.

Three days pass, I start bleeding. I go to the doctor and he says I had a miscarriage. No bean on the ultrasound anymore. The doctor suspected something was wrong and it is confirmed. I tell Dh who says "maybe God believes we weren't ready", which throws me into a hysterical crying fit. First he's not even religious and then it just seemed so heartless. He didn't once say "can I do something" or "I'm sorry" or anything. He said he is stressed at work, "I have to focus on my performance, they are reviewing me" and he adds, his boss keeps asking "how is your home life, blah blah" (cause I came to there)...he sends these texts talking about what he ate at lunch, or what he did today...but not one word about the miscarriage. Like it didn't happen. I keep feeling sad, lonely, frustrated, alone. Is it because we had a big argument before, because I came to his job, because of my actions? I realize that might have not been my brightest moment, but it's like he doesn't even care about my feelings for what happened.

To be honest, I'm fine when I'm alone. But when he comes home, it feels like I'm living with the most insensitive person in the world. I want to fix things somehow, but I have no idea how, when, where, what to do to start and I'm just getting more and more content with the idea of leaving.
I don't usually post here. But the loss of your baby made me sad. I wanted to offer my condolences to you for your loss.

I'd advise you to pray on your marriage And realize you can't fix it by yourself. If you BOTH want to fix it, then work on doing that.

God bless you, young lady. I wish you all the best whether you stay or go.

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!
Wow, I'm so so sorry. This is a very sensitive and (from experience) frustrating time. You need (when you are calm and he is less stressed try to express your feelings and a way that he can help you feel better. Men need a to fix things and sometimes they need a little help.

Don't be too mad at him for his words, when it comes to this, men ALWAYS say the wrong thing. And you are full of emotions and to be nice will easily be mad upset.

God luck, and bless you. You to can work this out. But it will take work.
I want to send you a hug for your family loss. So sorry. Men like to avoid conflict especially of this nature. I would just pray for healing in your marriage.
So sorry for your loss. You may be a little depressed now. After a miscarriage years ago I had to take a mild antidepressant for a few months. Your hormones are probably all over the place right now. Most men have no idea how to handle things like miscarriages, they are just clueless. I think you guys need marital counseling to get help with communicating. There is no reason him being late would snowball into that big fight.
You have my condolences. The only thing I can add is that your spouse has to want to work on this also. I learned the hard way working myself until I was ill, working on my marriage but my former spouse didn't do a darn thing.

You can't fix anything alone.
I want to give you a big hug OP. I have no advice but I will be sending a prayer for you and your hubby.

My first thought is that there are some underlying cultural issues here. Your spouse is Japanese right?

Yes I think he should be sensitive to you right now but perhaps he wasn't raised to show those type of emotions. If he is worried about job performance he might be embarrassed about how you showed up at his job, mixing his personal life with the job performance.

I think you two need to sit, talk and address all the issues raised in your post. You need to hear his side too.

My first thought is that there are some underlying cultural issues here. Your spouse is Japanese right?

Yes I think he should be sensitive to you right now but perhaps he wasn't raised to show those type of emotions. If he is worried about job performance he might be embarrassed about how you showed up at his job, mixing his personal life with the job performance.

I think you two need to sit, talk and address all the issues raised in your post. You need to hear his side too.

I agree with this.

He's experienced a 50% cut in pay from his previous job, and poor treatment at work, then stress at home, boss questioning his home life and now the miscarriage and a wife that's hurting? That's a lot for a guy to handle all at once. Perhaps he wants to try to work on things he feels he can control, avoid the things he can't.

ETA: I know you are hurting. I'm sorry for your loss. :hug2:
Since you want to fix things, try the best you can to make home a place where he'll want to retreat when he comes home from work.
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OP I'd like to offer my sincere condolences for your loss, and current circumstances.

I think you need to lean more on a different support group right now. (even if it's us).


DH was already trying to cope with office stress and significant loss of income; and, looking at another mouth to feed probaly scared the bejeebees out of him, as he was already feeling pulled in multiple directions. Right now he doesn't know what to say (to make you feel better); nor does he have the capacity to calmly think about what's going on (between the two of you).
With the crappy boss, and stress at work home was probably his refuge; your (a black woman) going to the job, seems to have not helped the work environment, and seemed to have flamed the uncomfortable flames at work.

You.from the story I gather, had a really big suprise to share with DH and was anxiously awaiting and planning the "big reveal". Due to unforseen turn of events your Joy was taken from you, and replaced with deep sorrow/sadness. AND YOU have every right to feel that way. <all of that can be interpreted many many ways. Right now you have the loss of the baby, the recovery, the hormones and a "flighty" husband to deal with. Which is why I suggested the "different support system" cause HE AINT IT right now.

What you laid out in the OP was a malady of errors and bad turns.
When you speak to your husband, do so only out of a place of LOVE. It may be some time before he's able to stop "licking his wounds" and tend the marriage as you would like him too.

Unfortnately this is why women are considered the Nurtures..... But do not neglect your physical or emotional well being; just understand that "that basket" aint the one to put all of your eggs of happiness into right now.

I think Steve Harvey put it sucinctly when he stated (something like): Until a Man is where he want's to be, he'll be difficult.... Your man is trying to adjust to, two things that are usually of great importance to "the delicate male ego, loss of income and a crappy boss, etc. So no, don't put your happy eggs all in that basket (for the present time).

IMHO the only thing you can do is listen, be patient, and despite your pain do not be "emotionally" distant. He has the latter covered right now. ETA: I know from personal experience if both of you become emotionally distant, it is v-e-r-y difficult to recover.

I PM'd you a link that might help.

I'm assuming that you're in an interracial marriage, and his job did not know you weren't of that culture (and that for some time now you've been ok with that); I also assume that he's probably catching a little more crap at work because of who he married and becaue after he claimed he was home ill, his wife showed up looking for him.
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I'm sorry for your loss, OP. It sounds like you and the hubby need to have a serious talk and maybe some counseling. I can imagine how much you were hurting when he didn't even acknowledge how you were feeling after you miscarried. (((HUGS)))

As others have stated, he is obviously dealing with a lot of stress at work. You are both stressed, but things can work out. You both just need to come together and discuss everything and be there for each other through this rough patch. You may also want to see a doctor if your loneliness, sadness and frustration doesn't improve. You may be suffering depressive symptoms due to your loss. :sad:
I honestly appreciate all the advice and kind words posted. I wrote a long letter last night to him, which he read when he got home. He confirmed what I thought it was, he is also stressed mostly from work. So things are definitely workable, but I need to be more patient in how I go about things. I went to church on Sunday (which is a little hard to do here, since churches are so far and few between.) but it definitely brought some clarity to me and I'm feeling a little better.
Thanks again ladies.
So sorry for your loss. Men sometimes do not know how to handle miscarriage. They don't understand how it feels. I dont think it's intentional but they do have to be told how to help you cope.