What should being "That Girl" mean to a christian?


Well-Known Member
In the OT forum, there is a very popular thread about becoming "That Girl" in terms of having your hair, clothes, accessories, priorities on point. That caused me to think, what should Christian women be focusing on to be "That Girl". I'm not saying Christians can't dress nicely or be fashionable and attractive. But our priorities are different. To me being "That Girl" as a Christian would have to involve more of a spiritual togetherness rather than appearing together outside. For me being "That Girl" would be someone who always had a kind word for someone. Or maybe someone who was always willing to go the extra mile to help someone. Perhaps they still find time to volunteer even though they are busy. What do attributes do you think of when you think of a Christian "That Girl"?
Formulating a response but I at least want to say that this is a VERY GREAT QUESTION
and rich food for thought!
When I read this I immediately thought of the fruit of the spirit:

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

I think we as Christians need to live according to the fruit of the spirit. God has made plain what sets us apart. Those 9 things are what we should be striving to manifest.
When I read this I immediately thought of the fruit of the spirit:

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

I think we as Christians need to live according to the fruit of the spirit. God has made plain what sets us apart. Those 9 things are what we should be striving to manifest.

Alabama we are >>>>>>>here<<<<<<. I was just thinking that. Now I do like to look good on the outside but as a Christian its MORE important to "look" good on the inside. What fruits do you bear.

The fruits of the spirit are my "that girl" "that Christian" challenge. I have them posted on a bulletin board right above my computer screen at work.
Ok... got it....

Being "That Girl" to me has to do with two things: sacrifice and balance across the board, in one's relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and in relationships and interactions with living beings on Planet Earth, including humans, animals, etc.

Sacrifice means to put someone else's needs above your own and to have the balance to know when you have done what the Lord would have you to sacrifice without becoming a martyr. Being "That Girl" means that you are representing the love and wisdom of the Lord Jesus Christ through truth, sincerity, and defending the faith.

I was nowhere near close to being "That Girl" until the Lord brought forth some spiritual and emotional healing in my life, which JUST started in October of this year.
I understand the sentiment , but isn't this behavior something that all Christians are called to do? When you talk about being "that girl" I have to assume that it has something to do with outward appearance or something extra beyond our calling, because what you are describing here is part of being a Christian or a follower of Christ. I don't think that being a good Christian and following God's word needs a new name like "that girl" which on this board usually means something fairly superficial.
Thanks for the responses. I am still trying to get a clear picture in my head. Your responses have given me great food for thought!
Alabama we are >>>>>>>here<<<<<<. I was just thinking that. Now I do like to look good on the outside but as a Christian its MORE important to "look" good on the inside. What fruits do you bear.

The fruits of the spirit are my "that girl" "that Christian" challenge. I have them posted on a bulletin board right above my computer screen at work.

I've been doing a study on it for a while. It's harder than I thought it would be :o.
I understand the sentiment , but isn't this behavior something that all Christians are called to do? When you talk about being "that girl" I have to assume that it has something to do with outward appearance or something extra beyond our calling, because what you are describing here is part of being a Christian or a follower of Christ. I don't think that being a good Christian and following God's word needs a new name like "that girl" which on this board usually means something fairly superficial.

I understand the sentiment , but isn't this behavior something that all Christians are called to do? When you talk about being "that girl" I have to assume that it has something to do with outward appearance or something extra beyond our calling, because what you are describing here is part of being a Christian or a follower of Christ. I don't think that being a good Christian and following God's word needs a new name like "that girl" which on this board usually means something fairly superficial.

I see where your are going with this. However, we have all met individuals in our christian walk that go the extra mile. I was just thinking that going the extra mile in our Christian life shoud be our goal. I am trying to define the extra mile. Sure, we should be kind, loving, gentle, ect. However, there is a humble attitude and a true joy in being that way that seems harder to achieve. It is beyond doing something because it is the right thing to do. It is doing it out of love and calling it your reasonable service. I am looking for those attributes and how we can work toward that in our lives.
I see where your are going with this. However, we have all met individuals in our christian walk that go the extra mile. I was just thinking that going the extra mile in our Christian life shoud be our goal. I am trying to define the extra mile. Sure, we should be kind, loving, gentle, ect. However, there is a humble attitude and a true joy in being that way that seems harder to achieve. It is beyond doing something because it is the right thing to do. It is doing it out of love and calling it your reasonable service. I am looking for those attributes and how we can work toward that in our lives.

Yes, I see what you mean, but that all goes to being a follower of Christ. You can't really go an extra mile for it's all part of your reasonable service. It has nothing to do with being "that girl".
I think in spiritual terms, "That Girl" would be the Proverbs 31 woman, and the woman from 1 Peter whose adornment is not "merely" outward, but comes from a "gentle and quiet spirit."

But I find value in looking my best. To me, keeping my physical appearance on point is really about self-respect and discipline. It's about not being too lazy to take the extra care to make myself look nice, or being so neglectful of my health that I remain out of shape simply becuase I didn't have the self-control to eat right and work out regularly. I really think that the fruits of the Spirit (namely, self-control) are very applicable to the way we take care of ourselves physically.

For Christians, I don't think that beauty should be about looking good so that people are envious of you or compliment you (that's vainglory); but I do think it should be about self discipline and honoring the beauty and loveliness that the Lord did give you, to whatever degree He blessed you with it.
I think in spiritual terms, "That Girl" would be the Proverbs 31 woman, and the woman from 1 Peter whose adornment is not "merely" outward, but comes from a "gentle and quiet spirit."

But I find value in looking my best. To me, keeping my physical appearance on point is really about self-respect and discipline. It's about not being too lazy to take the extra care to make myself look nice, or being so neglectful of my health that I remain out of shape simply becuase I didn't have the self-control to eat right and work out regularly. I really think that the fruits of the Spirit (namely, self-control) are very applicable to the way we take care of ourselves physically.

For Christians, I don't think that beauty should be about looking good so that people are envious of you or compliment you (that's vainglory); but I do think it should be about self discipline and honoring the beauty and loveliness that the Lord did give you, to whatever degree He blessed you with it.

Amen. I agree with this post in its entirety. :yep:
Yes, I see what you mean, but that all goes to being a follower of Christ. You can't really go an extra mile for it's all part of your reasonable service. It has nothing to do with being "that girl".

I agree with this. What I took the OP to mean, for myself, since I try to be that girl in other ways, is that I can spend time on my hair and outfit and makeup and be "that girl" all day, but it doesn't mean a thing if my spirit isn't right. Sometimes I think to myself...it doesn't matter how pretty you look on the outside if you are ugly inside.

For me, being that girl means being right in my spirit first. Are my thoughts pleasing to God? Am I making my vanity an idol? Have I done what I need to do spiritually today, or am I just prettying up the outside to mask an ugly inside? These are all things I ask myself sometimes.
I guess it depends on your approach to being "that girl" what is the motivation for it? Is it to show the world who you are and be idolized or is it because you know that you are a representative of God and that you just want to do him justice. If one does it for the first reason, then that is empty in my opinion because you are apeasing the World. If one does it for the second reason, then it would be on the right track until you consider what God sees in us. God doesn't see our hair/outfit/material possessions as being anything all that. he looks and speaks to our spirit and if we don't first get our spirit right with God, it wont matter what our outside looks like because even if we fool the whole world with our 'that girl' projections, God knows what our motives and intentions are on a spiritual and heart to heart level.

I personally struggled with this for a long time. I wanted to dress a certain way, wear my hair a certain way, lose weight and all sorts of other things, but when I talked with God about why I wasn't succeeding at these things, it was because my motivation was all about having other people see me, rather than to see the light of God in me. It is still a struggle because that mentality gets within the fibers of who you are and you have to rely on God to get it out. I have no doubt that God is working on this in me and that as my motivation for wanting to better myself changes to please God rather than the world, so too with my own perception 'that girl'

As a Christian, what I see as 'that girl' is the women in the Body of Christ both married and not married, who spend their lives supporting causes, spouses, families, children, still find time to be active in ministry, carry themselves with the spirit of Christ-likeness that is easy to spot, have a prayer life that is a testimony to the glory of God.. . .and they still look fierce and energetic while doing it all. The ones who can give you a word of encouragement from God himself in your time of need and recommend a fly outfit for the church picnic too. lol That is who I strive to be as 'that girl'
I think in spiritual terms, "That Girl" would be the Proverbs 31 woman, and the woman from 1 Peter whose adornment is not "merely" outward, but comes from a "gentle and quiet spirit."

But I find value in looking my best. To me, keeping my physical appearance on point is really about self-respect and discipline. It's about not being too lazy to take the extra care to make myself look nice, or being so neglectful of my health that I remain out of shape simply becuase I didn't have the self-control to eat right and work out regularly. I really think that the fruits of the Spirit (namely, self-control) are very applicable to the way we take care of ourselves physically.

For Christians, I don't think that beauty should be about looking good so that people are envious of you or compliment you (that's vainglory); but I do think it should be about self discipline and honoring the beauty and loveliness that the Lord did give you, to whatever degree He blessed you with it.

ITA. Our body is also a temple and we should treat it as such. I also think about the things that the women of the bible did to prepare for marriage i.e. Esther. We are suppose to make sure the outside matches the inside. I think it naturally comes to us when the time is right. I've always liked to look nice, but lately I've taken it to another level unconciously. I find myselk taking better care of myself and I believe it is all in preparation for who God has for me.
I'm gon speak the truth nice or nasty but I'm not a girl so........
Hey God didn't make everyone with the same personality or spirit. Quiet, somber uh uh kid! I need a sedative for all that I'm way too hyper.