What r ur thoughts...


Well-Known Member
Ok I have been texting this guy I meet through a friend. Well we have not actually met but we text daily and shared a photo.

We were texting each other yesterday and I told him I was about to work out. This is how the conversation went:

Him: LOL who u getting fine for
Me: Myself!!
Him:LOL UR Alright U not all that :perplexed. Just kidding . That pic of u in the skirt is kinda sexy

Am I tripping or did this guy insult me. He said just kidding but based on some other not so cool comments he kinda sounds like a jerk.

He sent me a pic and I asked him to send another(I sent him 2 pics). His response was he does not have anymore pics on his phone. Ok so why not take a new picture and send it. Im not getting any good vibes from this guy.

Please share your thoughts. I do tend to over analyze things at times but right now Im not feeling his vibe. Im ready to tell him to KIM. :ohwell:
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Trust your gut feelings. If you are getting bad vibes and notice a pattern of off-hand comments that make you uncomfortable, then you're probably better off just telling him to KIM. It will only get worse.
If the person that I am dating said that to me i'd no he was joking/isn't being mean because of the history that we have. Without knowing about any other conversations you all have had or other things he has said I would say that he is trying to be familiar with you and joke around. He is also fishing to see who else you are talking to/dating.

What other kinds of things has he said that you felt were rude?
No offense, but he sounds like one of those thuggish boys who act like they're still in high school that I usually try to avoid. I would leave him alone.
Trust your gut feelings. If you are getting bad vibes and notice a pattern of off-hand comments that make you uncomfortable, then you're probably better off just telling him to KIM. It will only get worse.

I don't know why I sometimes ignore my gut feelings , you are right.
He has pictures on some photo site and he said I can view his pictures there. Its like he is showing signs of being very controlling. I don't know, I want to give him the benefit of doubt .
He can't be bothered to take a few seconds and send a few pics from his phone? Geeze. He sounds like he just might be an arrogant s.o.b.
No offense, but he sounds like one of those thuggish boys who act like they're still in high school that I usually try to avoid. I would leave him alone.

He is actually a high school coach and also works for the Houston Texans part time. To me he is controlling and maybe a little passive aggressive.
He can't be bothered to take a few seconds and send a few pics from his phone? Geeze. He sounds like he just might be an arrogant s.o.b.

LOL I agree. His response was I only sent him 2 pictures. He has 15 on the photo site compared to the two I sent him. WTF?? What is he getting at??
This brother is making my head hurt...
I'm on the fence about this one and since I don't know anything else about him i'd say follow your gut as well. The gut is usually right.
He disses you, then compliments you huh.

He's a player.

You need to STOP giving him so much of your time. When he texts, maybe reply after a few days.

When a guy makes you think too much, or analyze his every act. You gotta step back gurl. This is a smart guy. He knows what he's doing, and it seems to be working. In this situation, I do 2 things. If I'm too busy, I just KIM. But sometimes I like to play the game back.... it's up to you.

Whatever you decide to do, don't put your heart in it. Think logically, and always stay 2 steps ahead. :grin:
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He disses you, then compliments you huh.

He's a player.

You need to STOP giving him so much of your time. When he texts, maybe reply after a few days.

When a guy makes you think too much, or analyze his every act. You gotta step back gurl. This is a smart guy. He knows what he's doing, and it seems to be working. In this situation, I do 2 things. If I'm too busy, I just KIM. But sometimes I like to play the game back.... it's up to you.

Whatever you decide to do, don't put your heart in it. Think logically, and always stay 2 steps ahead. :grin:

Exactly!! I do not see this going anywhere. I was turned off from the first negative comment. He try's to play crazy like he did not mean any harm . Makes me think about the guy in the video you posted. An empty shell.
He is actually a high school coach and also works for the Houston Texans part time. To me he is controlling and maybe a little passive aggressive.

I see the high schoolers have rubbed off on him. And what's with all of the texting? Have you two talked on the phone yet?
I see the high schoolers have rubbed off on him. And what's with all of the texting? Have you two talked on the phone yet?

No we have not talked over the phone. Honestly whenever he has called me I let it go to voice mail. It seems he always called when I am in the middle of something. I have only called him once and he did not answer , so I left a message. He responded with a text message.

I see the writing on the wall , this is not likely to amount to anything . Honestly after his smart comment , then compliment . I kinda lost interest.
This is way too much drama to go through with someone you haven't even met or talked on the telephone to. I couldn't be bothered with him.
This is way too much drama to go through with someone you haven't even met or talked on the telephone to. I couldn't be bothered with him.

It is a bite much. I just wanted to make sure I was not over reacting or reading to much into things. I just need to follow my instincts .
I saw an episode of Criminal Minds like this. NO NOT the fact that he is some crazy person!! But about a class that men took that told them that they should first insult the woman to get her attention or something.

I agree with others, trust your gut!
After the "you're not all that comment" I'd be out. The person you may potentially have a relationship with should think you're all that to them.....and if they don't well, they should just keep it to themselves. I just can't stand judgemental people....BYE! lol

But yea you should trust your gut.
I saw an episode of Criminal Minds like this. NO NOT the fact that he is some crazy person!! But about a class that men took that told them that they should first insult the woman to get her attention or something.

I agree with others, trust your gut!

Wow I must have missed that episode! Don't worry he is history. You really have me thinking over here. What kinda class teaches mess like that?
After the "you're not all that comment" I'd be out. The person you may potentially have a relationship with should think you're all that to them.....and if they don't well, they should just keep it to themselves. I just can't stand judgemental people....BYE! lol

But yea you should trust your gut.

You are so right. If he was playing he really shot his self in the foot, with that comment. Trust me I have no intentions on continuing contact with this clown!
Yes, girl you are right. He needs to be history. Sounds to me like one of those dudes who's trying to see if he can uncover or induce some insecurities so he can manipulate you.
Ok, texting without talking on the phone yet and you two haven't even met in person is a bit immature to me. Let's not even bring up the comments.
Ok I have been texting this guy I meet through a friend. Well we have not actually met but we text daily and shared a photo.

We were texting each other yesterday and I told him I was about to work out. This is how the conversation went:

Him: LOL who u getting fine for
Me: Myself!!
Him:LOL UR Alright U not all that :perplexed. Just kidding . That pic of u in the skirt is kinda sexy

Am I tripping or did this guy insult me. He said just kidding but based on some other not so cool comments he kinda sounds like a jerk.

He sent me a pic and I asked him to send another(I sent him 2 pics). His response was he does not have anymore pics on his phone. Ok so why not take a new picture and send it. Im not getting any good vibes from this guy.

Please share your thoughts. I do tend to over analyze things at times but right now Im not feeling his vibe. Im ready to tell him to KIM. :ohwell:

i know i'm a little late to the party but here are my thoughts...tone doesn't translate very well via text, especially if its someone you really don't know. you don't know his sense of humor and he doesn't know yours. i would not cut it off on the strength of this text. if there are other issues, then yeah, keep it moving.
You lost me at the texting part. You have never spoken to this guy on the phone? He sounds like an ***, stop communicating with him.
Its very hard to read someone's tone via text. Why don't you try talking to him personally to a real view of his personality. You can't really get to know someone via text messaging. That's like dating someone via email.
Stop texting period. Talk on the phone most of the time instead. He should be trying to see you in person and take you out. Neither of you can be so busy that you can't talk on the phone and go out. I don't like the "you are not all that" joke at all, but what bothers me the most is two adults getting to know each other via text messages. I don't get that.
I think you should stop texting and start calling. His comment seems more like a joke not like he was trying to play you. Beginning a relationship via texting is the worst way to go. You can't tell anything and you're already feeling some type of way over something that probably isn't that serious. Have you asked your friend about him? Like can they vouch for him and the type of person he is?

Btw I hate sending people my pics. I don't want them having it in their phones, lol.
Stop texting period. Talk on the phone most of the time instead. He should be trying to see you in person and take you out. Neither of you can be so busy that you can't talk on the phone and go out. I don't like the "you are not all that" joke at all, but what bothers me the most is two adults getting to know each other via text messages. I don't get that.